Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August ~ And It's HOT

~ Summer Fun ~

Let's Dish August Challenge
Cuisine Kathleen

I had good intentions to set a table of cool blues

filled with beachy details

Like this shell and coral teapot .   .   .

And the cute cream and sugar set that

I brought back from my Galveston 

beach trip early in the summer.

But .   .   .  it's just too hot 

in August here in Texas to set a table outside.

Texas Heat = Not fun!

So I decided to .   .   .

Hatch Chiles that is!

August = Hatch Chile Festivals 

If you can't beat the heat, 

eat Hatch chiles! 

Too hot to be in the kitchen, 

so I let Central Market do the cooking.

Hatch Beef Fajita Wrap

 Hatch Chile Tortilla Chips

And an ice cold Corona!

I traded the cool blues for 

hot stripes and spicy Hatch chile cuisine

served on a tray pool side.   .   .

With just the right mix of textures.

And to finish with a bang

~ Austin Slowburn Hatch Brownies ~ 

Basically you add 

4 T. Austin Slow Burn Green Chile Jam 

to a box of Ghirardelli Brownie Mix.

These are so good!

Tutorials, Tips, Tidbits @ Stone Gable

My tip for this week:

When the summer heat gets you down,

Don't heat up the kitchen.  

Let your local deli do the cooking. 


  1. Sarah, you are so right, to hot to cook here in the south! I love your idea of letting the Market do the cooking. The menu looks delish and I love how you've set the table. Easy Peasy……..great signs and I love the little tea pot with new addition of the sugar and creamer. Makes a pretty vignette.

    The French Hutch

  2. Just looking at your table makes me want to go to the beach!

  3. It has been too hot to cook! I love your dinner by the pool tray! I would so join you! I'll try to do a tablescape tomorrow! I hate to miss "summer fun"
    hugs, Linda

  4. I went to the same festival! It sure is good eating.

  5. That seahorse set is so sweet..I know someone who would love that:)

    Looks like fun Sarah!

    The cute starfish too:) I love those pointy thin ones..very delicate!

  6. That sure looks good. Never heard of hatch chiles.

  7. Sarah, I love how you beat the heat!

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Love your post and your tip, Sarah! Ya gotta love Central Market!! I like your idea of beating the heat.

  9. Oh my! It's only 5:30 in the morning but I'd still love that fajita! I've yet to see a real live fresh hatch chile here in Philly, would love to try them one day-enjoy:@)

  10. Sarah~ I've never had Hatch Chiles! I so agree it's too hot to heat up the kitchen in August! We've had a reprieve in the weather but I know we're in for lots more heat before fall arrives! I would love one of those decadent brownies~ Down the Hatch Indeed :) Love your new Sea Horse set!

  11. Sarah, you found a creative way to beat the heat! And I like how your market has "events". Very refreshing post. Stay cool!

  12. Such a cute beachy themed summer table, Sarah. I love your little bowls with seahorses, soooo cute! I also love your signs, so whimsical!..Christine

  13. O, Sarah, you are so much fun...and I love this cute post.
    I so agree...don't heat up the kitchen. Deeds is spending 4 nights and 5 days with me and we aren't gonna cook the whole out...had Taco Bell last night, and not sure about today but it will be something yummy as only a 10 yr old can choose. :)) Maybe a banana split for lunch and Rosa's for dinner. :))

  14. I'm a chile lover from WAY back! I used to suck my thumb as a little girl. My Mom would put hot sauce on it in an attempt to get me to stop. Ha! Joke was on her! I LOVED the stuff!!! I douse food with hot sauce and eat habanero peppers like they're pickles! Mexican food is my favorite of all foods, and I stuff every enchilada, burrito, tostada and fajita is an abundance of peppers!!! If it's too hot to cook it myself, I head straight to either Habanero's or Jalapeno's (aptly named!) restaurant for a fix. You set this up beautifully, and the colors you chose are perfect for the richness of the food and drink!!!

  15. What a neat post- starts with cool lovely nauticals and ends up red hot n spicy!

    And that piece of chocolate cake is almost cruel to share lol!

    Thanks for your visits and your consistnet and wonderfully sweet comments, Sarah, it is very much appreciated.

  16. Hi Sarah!
    I agree why heat up the kitchen when it's miserably hot outside1 Your Fajita and the beer look great! That chocolate cake looks mighty delicious too! I love the green chili/chile guy!

  17. Sarah!!!! You absolutely "hatch"-ed the best idea ever. I was busy putting up Hatch green chiles over the weekend. Freezer is stocked for another year. Oh gosh I just love them. must make sure to label the hot ones from the mild ones.. I love your set up.. omg.. that corona looks fabulous. I'm game! XO marlis

  18. Cute post, Sarah! It just simply says Summer Fun!:-)

  19. I'm with ya on that Sarah,sometimes I wished I didn't live so far out in the country,I'd really be doing a lot of "Letn' someone else" heat up there kitchen,some days I have to jack the air up just to get in the kitchen and make lunch/supper.This post is so much fun,I've enjoyed,now I need to find me some of those chili's.Looks delish..I jumped over here from FOODIE FRIDAY..thanks for sharing!

  20. I like that you choose hot summer colors for your vignette! The food looks wonderful and delish! We love hatch chilis, too!

    Thanks so much for the hospitality and sharing at Potpourri Friday at 2805!

  21. Sarah, I enjoyed this post so much. My dad brought home seahorses from a trip to Florida. They were magical to me and still are. Love your new set. Then to see the Hatch chilies! Before I knew we could find them locally in August, I sent for a box of them. Even before we opened it, the box smelled heavenly. Looks like you have just the right attitude about this heat! Loved your post!

  22. The deli is where we speak of wonderful combinations and easy menus in the heat of summer! You have given the cutest idea of a tablescape for this heat and made me smile. I left the cool summer of Oregon to come back to the heat of Texas. The fajita is delicious looking and the idea of Mexican food is even better. Central Market, Whole Foods, and Tom Thumb are my go to for great deli items.
    Thanks for sharing and we had Tex Mex for lunch but our favorite resturants are La Cucina and Gloria's at the moment! What's yours? I was raised on Tex-Mex and Mexican food!

    Thanks, Pam

  23. Fun post! I'm with you...I cooked for the first time in over a month just last night. Sweet Mister brought supper home again tonight. Until it cools off, the kitchen is closed! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  24. Fun in the Summer sun I see Sarah! So much pretty china and great food, good idea to stay out of the kitchen!

    I bought Ghirardelli Brownie Mix today - for a neighbor's Sat. evening get together - wish I had some of that special Austin Green Chile Jam - bet they would be awesome! Instead I'll do Cointreau chocolate frosting.

    Enjoy these waning Summer days - Autumn's not really too far off now.

    Hugs - Mary

  25. oh my goodness...those brownies...I would have never thought of this but it sounds amazing!


  26. Good Lord, Sarah. My mouth is turned inside out. Never believe a Texan when they say "Oh, this is the mild stuff".
    Love all the beautiful goodies, the teapot and cups and that hot mama table setting is great. I always love those bright colors.
    Thanks for sharing. I will tell Bob to go to the deli.
    Hugs, Ginger

  27. HI SARAH!!!
    I live in the desert SW in HOT HOT I understand HOT!!!!!Your table was awesome!!!I love hot spicy food!!!!So your dinner was awesome to me...I would love to join you!!!!

  28. I feel like a complete wimp as I wilt in our 80 degrees - but that is very, very hot for here! We're off to a seaside B&B for the weekend, to catch some cool breezes. We'll be eating out, somewhere on the shore, and I'm certain that chilis will not be on the menu - as good as that tray and corona look!

  29. Hi Sarah! You are really making me miss Texas right now! Yummy menu. It's so hot here right now that I may just try to reproduce your menu (including the ice cold Corona) this weekend. I love, love, love that adorable seahorse cream and sugar. What a find! Your teapot is perfect too. Stay cool and have fun this weekend!!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  30. Wow, you took us from cool beachy blues to hot and spicy! I love that square plate!

  31. Hi Sarah, you are right, it's too hot to cook outside. Your menu has it perfect. The seahorse cream and sugar is too cute. Love it.

  32. Hi Sarah! Oh, you're so right! I don't like to heat up the kitchen either when it's so hot! Great idea. I wish we had a Central Market here but we'd have to go to Houston. Poop! :)
    Oh, well, I can fix a salad or hubby can just take me out to eat! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  33. Sarah:
    Thanks for linking this to Open House. People will love it!

  34. Hatch that a Texas thing?
    Spicy food is a great way to cool off, especially if someone else cooks it and there's an ice cold Corona to
    "wash it down".
    The brownie looks delicious, too, and I'm feeling cooler already. Yum.

  35. WOWOWOWOOW I hear it is insanely hot not just in our country, but in other European sites where HEAT is just not normal!! We here in Minneapolis however, are experiencing an early fall-like feel! YEP! I have to wear long pants now in the morning for our daily walk!

    Oh Sarah, it is so nice to see your comments! THANK YOU and I wish you a fantastic end of summer as you celebrate each day with creativity!



  36. A fun setting.tea pot looks so cute.the seahorse is lovely.thank you Sarah for all your comments.warm regards.:):)

  37. Sarah, thankfully the temps have cooled somewhat here in my part of the south so cooking is not quite as much a chore. I like the lively hot colors you used in this post that are so appropriate for the food and weather. The brownies look gooooood!--------- Shannon

  38. I am definitely going to try the Austin Slow Burn Brownie recipe! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  39. Sarah,
    The beachy theme had me...then you switched gears!Love the bright stripes in your trayscape! This is one TIP...I'll be taking soon! Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  40. Hi Sarah,

    I adore that shell and coral teapot, and the creamer and sugar set is one of the cutest I've ever seen. Love those seahorse handles!

    I do understand your decision not to heat up your kitchen. Your bold striped placemats and napkins looks so pretty with the colorful plates and wicker baskets/trays. That looks like a fun meal. :)

    Visiting from Seasonal Sundays; have a wonderful weekend.


  41. Wonderful to have you with us at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  42. You have the right idea on how to beat the heat!

  43. What a COOL Hot weather party you've set! Of Course I LOVE ALL your dishes "BUT" one set stands out to me, "The little seahorse cream and sugar". It's SO DARN CUTE!!!
    I have never seen the Austin Slow Burn Green Chile Jam. Hmmm! It must be a Texas Special??? I bet those brownies are delicious...YUMMMMMY!
    Have a fun weekend,
    Big Hugs,

  44. OM!G- Hatch green chile is the best ever! I'm ordering some again this year so I can make some yummy enchiladas and add some to my burgers. I'm from NM and appreciate this delicious food item. I may be living in OH now, but my roots are still back in the Land of Enchantment.

  45. Hi Sarah! You're still making me hungry here! :)
    Yes, we're getting rain! Are you?
    Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in to see me.
    Shelia ;)

  46. Oh I'm in hot weather right now too, where my daughter lives is 80, too hot to cook so your food looks yummy and now I'm hungry!! I love that gorgeous tea set in the tray, so pretty too. Thanks for your lovely visit, you do make my day!! Have a blessed week sweetie.

  47. Hey, this works for me. Why spend time in the kitchen when a Central Market or whole Foods is close by? Are you getting some relief from the heat?

  48. I love that tray with all those beachy things! Now about those chilies! hot hot hot!
    Pass the ice cream!
    Thanks so much for linking this fun post to Let's Dish!

  49. This looks amazing! August is such a hot month! LOVE the teapot and I discovered it is never good to read posts as delicious looking as this when you're hungry!
    I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  50. Love the dishes Sarah! Thank you for joining me at HSH!

  51. I love your chili and corona idea and the brownies sound fnatastic! What a fun mix of ingredients!

    I am trying to use up as much of my pantry staples as possible so I can have a less crowded pantry when I begin to show my house. It is making me cook creatively! :)


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.