Thursday, March 1, 2012

I HEART Vignettes!


may be the month of hearts,

but @ HFTS

hearts are always in season.

Today is

Favorites on the First

@ The Polohouse

Alison invited us to share

vignettes around our home.

During February

heart shaped objects

often take center stage,

Even though some pieces

are typically out year round.

One can take pieces from

collections, gather them together

and mix in other elements..

It adds a bit of whimsey to toss a

heart into the mix of any vignette.

A mix of textures 

will add layers to a theme.

Creating little vignettes is much like

what an artist does when painting a still life.

Could be the unlikely 

pairing of two objects . . .

Simply tossing utilitarian

tools into a wooden bowl . . .

Or my personal favorite ~

a grouping of sentimental treasures.

What ever your heart desires,

gather up something fun to

create a heart pleasing vignette.


  1. What a fun collection! Love the vintage cookie cutters:@)

  2. I love vignettes too Sarah! You sure have some cute and lovely displays all around that must make you smile each day! Have a great day.

  3. Sarah~ Seeing your collections always warms my heart! You have so many wonderful treasures and I enjoy seeing you share them arranged in groups around your home! Your sweet framed pup & collar is my favorite! ♥

  4. That is such a cute idea with the cookie cutters. And as a dog lover, the worn collar kind of breaks my heart.

    Coming to you via The Polohouse Favorites on the First

  5. I love hearts year round and you have some fantastic hearts and such sweet vignettes! The cookie cutters are so cute and the quilt hearts stole mine! Hugs, Linda

  6. I always enjoy seeing how you display your many varied treasures around the rooms of your beautiful home.
    I heart them all!

  7. I have my Pepper's sweet color and scarf she always wore....that is precious! Tugged my heartstrings!!

  8. so many heart felt tresasures... the collar, cookie cutters and squirrel are calling me~

  9. Such beautiful vignettes! Just lovely!

  10. Your heart collection is lovely. I love the cookie cutters so much.
    I heart this post.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  11. Great feature vignettes my friend. Nothing better than heart shape anything, love it! Thanks Sarah for your lovely and kind visit, you are so sweet. Hugs,

  12. I love vignettes too! and those heart ones are all just so sweet! I love how you did a post about them all!! Thanks so much for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!! Blessings, Doni

  13. Thank you for your prayers, Sarah. I love your vignettes and love your numerous hearts collection....Christine

  14. Hi Sarah, I HEART this post! All of your sweet little vignettes are adorable. Of course the faience pieces are my favorites with the copper a close second. You always have a special way with words. Lovely post.

    The French Hutch

  15. Hi Sarah,
    thats really a hearty collection.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  16. It's a heart-shaped world at your house and I love it all! Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  17. You have the loveliest things. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Your heat vignettes are so sweet and pretty, Sarah. I loved the vintage cookie cutters--I have some of the same ones in my collection.

  19. I shouldn't be surprised that you collect hearts too, Sarah! When I looked at your first photo I thought I saw two that I also have - from Belgium....
    What a sweet post!

  20. Sarah, one can NEVER have enough hearts. I love your collection!

  21. Wow! That's a LOT of hearts!!! No shortage of love around your house! I really like those vintage cookie cutters!!!!!

  22. Hi Sarah,

    Oh, your collection is so adorable and you have so many pretty vignettes. I love the title of this post...cute and clever! That little tartan box caught my eye as well.


  23. Cute post - I also love hearts - and I spied something I love (that checked tray!!)

  24. Hi lovely lady.
    I love hearts year round and you have some fantastic hearts and such sweet vignettes! The cookie cutters are so cute. I also have some from my Mon I use them all the time for my cookies.
    I would like to thank you so much for your sweet comments on my new Tablescape. I hope you and your lovely family have a wonderful weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  25. You have the best collections, Sarah. And I love the way they are so beautifully woven into you decor. It appears one can never have to many hearts.


  26. Oh my goodness Sarah..your collections of hearts is wonderful! Love the different types and variety you have! So pretty and special!
    Miss Bloomers

  27. Sarah, Your collection of hearts is so fun! The quilted hearts and the dog tag are just precious. I think creating good vignettes really IS an art form. You've done a great job here with your hearts and other treasures. :-)
    And thanks for being so sweet, with your coming to visit my vintage scale post more than once! ♥ Sue

  28. I so love to create vignettes all over my home.
    I really like your vignette of old cookie cutters, I am partial to them myself. I specially love your vignette of sentimental treasures, so sweet.
    Thanks for sharing.

  29. You are so artistic! I am not good at vignettes at all.
    What a great collection!

  30. Hi Sarah, you have a wonderful collection of hearts! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my post. Blessings, Pamela

  31. Hi Sarah,

    What charming vignettes these are! You have such a varied collection of wonderful objects. I love your Quimper pottery. :)

    Thank you for your visit last week and your kind comments on my Reynolda Gardens post. I'm sorry I'm so late in replying; I got a bit behind on my blog visits last week.

    Have a great weekend!


  32. Sarah,
    All your heart vignettes are lovely! The "tin" cookie cutters in the wooden box stole my heart! Fondly,

  33. Such beautiful vignettes, Sarah. I love that heart with the pearls on it, and of course, that grouping of the Quimper with little cottages, etc. and the rooster boxes stole my heart! I would never have thought to just put a bunch of heart cookie cutters into a box for display (of course, I don't have that many of them ~ may have to start looking for more. Have a wonderful weekend. laurie

  34. what a great collection of hearts!! fun and pretty!

  35. Your heart vignettes are darling and so romantic.

  36. HI Sarah!

    Lovely shots and collections and please, oh please, tell me what that round plaid box is? I love it so!

    I also love the little upside down heart clock. Adorable. You have the greatest little things!

    Thanks so much for linking up and sharing with all of us.

  37. Even more hearts! I love the wonderful wooden spoon. Now that is a unique and wonderful piece. I also love all of your wonderful cookie cutters. Some of those look like ones I grew up with. You always have such lovely vignettes!

  38. OH THOSE COOKIE CUTTERS with the red mum had those!!!!

    Hello sweetheart! You are so kind to come visit me and 36 years for you???? YES, time does fly; I tend to think however, that is GOES SOMEWHERE, and oh, leave it to silly me to try to make a poem of it!!! But this time is accorded to us and what a thrill to have had this long of a time with our mates. I wish YOU happiness and joy as you both enter into the SPRING OF YOUR LIVES!!! Anita

  39. Love all of those pretty vignettes! You have a nice collection of hearts to work with.

  40. I just love all of your sweet, heartfelt collections!

  41. Sarah, what a wonderful collection of hearts you have! Some very unique ones. A lot of love going on over at your house. I enjoyed each and every vignette! I too love creating vignettes!

  42. Hi Sarah! Oh, what a beautiful collection and I'm all over that little Rooster! Thank you so much for your sweet comments about my circle journal work.
    Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  43. I'm hearting all the hearts!!! Those are beautiful!

  44. Nice collection of hearts, many different ones!

  45. Your collections are beautiful! I especially love the vintage cookie cutters and your pottery! Lovely!!

  46. Love your blog, and its name! (One of my favorite verses...) Nice to meet you ~ I'm a new follower!
    Anne ♥

  47. I love your collections of arts and especially the way you have them displayed.


  48. I love your collections of arts and especially the way you have them displayed.


  49. I heart all those heart shaped cookie cutters. I am inspired by that collection as it is in my reach. I have I tea cup/saucer of Quimper but love seeing all of yours. hugs, olive

  50. Sarah, Your vignettes are fabulous!! You really have an artist's eye for arranging your collections. I love all the vignettes, especially the one with the silver hearts and tartan box. :)

  51. Your vignettes are so pretty! You really have quite a collection!

  52. Thanks for your sweet visits Sarah...hope you enjoyed your weekend as we always enjoy your posts! Your heart collection is really beautiful!
    Miss Bloomers

  53. I love looking at little things like that. Detail. I enjoy detailed things in a home.

  54. I love your hearts. I've never collected them but have bought many for friends who do. These days I do look for heart rocks when I'm exploring Maine islands.

  55. I ❤ your heart vignettes!
    xo Cathy

  56. Oh, how pretty they all are. I'm a softy for pups, so the dog collar and picture made me smile. The cookie cutter idea-brilliant. I have so many and I've never used them as decoration!

  57. Love all your hearts, especially the cookie cutters. What a lovely collection. Thanks for sharing, liz

  58. Fantastic collection, Sarah! No wonder there is so much love at your house...each one is just beautiful & so special.

    My Mom had the red knob cookie cutters, too. Wonder whatever happened to those???


  59. Hi Sarah, I am also a heart lover :). Every time I stop by your blog I see things I absolutely love and think I could probably move into your house and feel completely at home! I also have the front heart in your second shot and it holds a key inside, right? Just lovely! I must show some of my hearts soon. Linda

  60. I heart your hearts! Especially love that silver trophy cup! Lovely vignettes!

  61. Hello Sarah! These are so amazing! You have a wonderful collection of hearts! I particularly like the wicker one! What a very creative post - thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  62. Oooohhh....I love vignettes, too, and yours are wonderful!!!!! I need to take some photos of mine, too!!!


  63. I love them Too! Thanks for sharing your lovely post! Come and follow me I lost all my bog this week starting over.Joann

  64. Lovely hearts and lovely vignettes, Sarah! Of course, I love the Quimper! My mom had a set of those cookie cutters in all of the shapes for playing cards that she used to make finger sandwiches for her bridge club. My sister and I loved getting into the leftovers the next day! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  65. Hi Sarah!

    I enjoyed reading your Valentines heart post last month, reading about the copper hearts your husband gave you over the years...

    These are also lovely hearts full of memories. I have kept my pets collars and tags too... I just like to hold them at times.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  66. Lovely collection of hearts!

    Thank you for stopping by my lil'blog and leaving a sweet comment :)

    Greetings from Australia♥

  67. Love your collections! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.