Thursday, February 16, 2012

EMILY & EINSTEIN by Linda Francis Lee


A Novel of Second Chances

By Linda Francis Lee

Available here on Amazon

When I picked up a copy of this book at the library I was delighted at the prospect of reading this story. I mean really, just look at the cover ~ cute dog on a park bench beside a field of pink tulips. This had to be a wonderful read!

So I settled in on a Sunday morning for a day of pleasure reading, chocolate dogs near by to sweeten the moment. Knowing absolutely nothing about the author or the subject of this novel, I opened to the first page and read: "A week passed before I understood the enormity of my situation, a week before I realized I was dead."

Photo Courtesy of

I read the first chapter, then another, and another and began to think out loud, "This book is a bit too quirky. Do I really want to read about a dead man who continues to live within the body of a dog? Not to mention that the guy is a real JERK, full of himself and sarcastic about everything.

But I did read it, and recommend that you do too. I'm not going to give away the story, but let me just say that it touched my heart on many levels. It's poignant, engaging, and very clever. I often found myself laughing out loud, and with each turn of the page, Linda Frances Lee's skilled prose transported me back to many of my own favorite memories of living in the Big Apple. Yes, this book was a treat!

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti


Days in the City

New York City's

Beauty at Night

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

The Historical Dakota

Its Intrigue &

Incredible Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

Walks in Central Park

Photo Courtesy of Museum Chick

Balto, the Alaskan Sled Dog

Photo Courtesy of © Cornelis Verwaal

Jogs Around the Reservoir

Photo Courtesy of © Cornelis Verwaal

New York Dog Walkers

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

Annual New York City Marathon

Photo Courtesy of My French Country Home

If you've ever had a dog in your life,

this book will likely amuse you.

It's a book of "second chances".

I'm glad I didn't give up on it and

gave it a well deserved second chance.

"I think most of us have moments in our lives that we would like to do over. While we can't get an actual "do over", I love the idea that we can get another chance to make things right, or find another chance to achieve a dream. Second chances are all about having hope, and its hope that gets us out of bed in the morning." ~ Linda Francis Lee

Click the links below for more

Food For Thought Reviews of


Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

A very special thank you to the following photographers that allowed me use of their photos for this post.

Also linking to:


  1. Good Morning Sarah Sweetie...
    Looks like a possible good one, and sounds like it from your review. Glad you gave it a second chance, and I will be checking to see if it is available on my Kindle. Love to read.

    The photos were perfect. Love seeing them all. I love my critters.

    Have a gorgeous day sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Hi Sarah! What a great review complete with NY photos~ I especially love the dog walking ones from my very favorite NYC tour guide, Pat! Your collar is such a poignant touch and I love the detail of the feather that both you & Jain included. It was organized chaos taking my pics~ my brain was fried by the time I finished :)

    What a sweet pooch you found to include from MFCH~ much sweeter than Sandy~ I have to admit I thought Sandy gave dogs everywhere a bad name but the book had such a good ending and he certainly redeemed himself!

    So fun~ I'm thrilled you played along! Love your humorous dog portrait you found to include :)

  3. Oh Sarah I love this! You have so many perfect images... Such a sophisticated post, where mine looks like a grade school home project! I love your treats, the city laid out pretty, it'd just the perfect review! I am glad you read on, I loved the story even cried when he passes thinking how much I would miss any of mine.... I am at sea dream on my cell phone, I will link you when I get home, thanks so much for playing, I know you get how fun our homework it for food thought!

  4. It sounds like something I would enjoy reading. Thanks for the review!

  5. Great shots of NYC, and of the book and flowers. I can't imagine why I forgot to photograph the book for my review!
    Too traumatized from the NY cheesecake baking disaster probably.

  6. Happy Pink Saturday, Sarah.

    I'm intrigued with this book by your review. I'll see if I can get it on my Kindle.

  7. Ok, now you guys have me wondering the rest of the story is - and a feather?

  8. I love your take on this and the honesty of it all.

    There really are some books that we think..ugh..and then say:"ILOVEDIT!"~
    Wish there were more..wish I had a stocked library like yours!

  9. What a great review! Glad you stuck with it and how cute that you would pick it out just be looking at the cover! Sounds like a good read! Love, love the photographs, all of them are just incredible!

  10. I say, any book that can keep you laughing out loud, must be a good book. You've got me interested, may have to give it a try!!!

  11. The book sounds so interesting. Thanks for a great book review. I'll have to check it out.

  12. I wrote this one down. I am about finished with the books I am reading and this one sounds interesting. Thanks so much for the tip.
    My little dog is so precious to me. I have always had a dog..always. They sleep beside me, and are with me as often as I can take them. I only have one now but she is a treasure. (laying near my feet at the moment!)

  13. p.s. and your book review was great..thanks again!

  14. This was a wonderful book review, Sarah. I always love a book that makes me think and feel, and this one sounds like one I'd enjoy. I'm glad to be of help with some of the photos you needed and the others photos you found were equally wonderful!

  15. Sounds wonderful Thanks for sharing Joann

  16. What an interesting concept for a book - I might have to give it a read. Sally

  17. Beautiful photos of NY Sarah. The store sounds very interesting, different....Christine

  18. I'll have to look for that one, Sarah. It reminds me of a book I enjoyed so much that I bought it for several people for Christmas. It's called The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.

  19. Hi Sarah,
    thank you for this interesting recommendation. It sounds really like an interesting book. You have chosen so cute photos. Have a great weekend.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  20. Hmm... this is the second time in 24 hours that this book has been recommended to me. I think it bears looking into!

  21. This is the second review I have come across for this blog in the last hour and I had never heard of it before!

    I hope you are keeping well, still reading your posts in my reader but apologies for not calling by to comment very often, time just seems to get swallowed up by real life!

  22. Beautiful city tour!!

    My PINK, have a blessed Sunday!

  23. A day of reading with chocolate sounds heavenly. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book after all.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. The thought of sitting quietly and reading while enjoying a box of chocolates is heaven. Here on Sundays my husband is a whirl of constant activity and the girls are in and out with dogs, children and other things. I dream of being alone in a little cabin in the woods somewhere.

    That book sounds interesting. Have a beautiful Sunday.

  25. The chocolates wrapped in foil got my attention! One of the wrappers looks like my furry princess ;o) I would buy the book just for the cover.

  26. Your book review sounds interesting...we've had 2 dogs and we loved them! The pictures of New York - especially the skyline and Central Park - are wonderful. I've never been and have it on my list to visit. Linda

  27. Hi Sarah
    Great book review and the plot sounds intriguing. Little Gatsby is honoured to have been chosen to illustrate the post.Thank you

  28. I am going to our library, and hope I find this book.
    It sounds charming, sad and funny...the best ingredients for a great story.
    Love your pictures of New York, a city very dear to my heart!
    Have a wonderful week,

  29. Very interesting and I love all of the dog photos especially the ones of the westie, since I used to have one.

  30. I don't think this book is for me, never had a dog. Not a pet family, dh and ds are allergic, and now dgs is too.
    I just finished The Litagator and The Help. I wanted to read it before I see the movie. I know, I am behind! :)
    Now I am reading Jan Karon's Home to Holly Springs, the first of the Fr Tim stories.
    Hope you are well!

  31. Sounds like an interesting read, Sarah! Although you know I am a cat person, I do love my granddogs! And a do-over of sorts is good thing!

  32. Sarah, interesting how you felt and kept turning the pages with this book. I love to find a great read after getting off to a "I'm not sure about this" kind of book! Great review, you've got me interested now. Got to get the book, I love dogs and I've had so many great pets.
    Loved your review and great shots of NY.

    The French Hutch

  33. I'll have to add this one to my list. It's amazing how misleading a book cover can be~like so many other things in life. The old saying about judging a book by its cover is frequently proven to be accurate. Good post, Sarah. laurie


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