Saturday, January 22, 2011

On the Shores of Lake Ontario

Last year the shores of Lake Ontario

near Rochester, NY, were a mass of snow and ice.

A friend who lives near Lake Ontario 

shared these photos with me.

Thousands of ice balls were 

scattered across the shoreline.

I read that the balls formed from 

the slush on the lake's surface.

The lumps were tossed about in the swell of the lake 

and with a drop in temperature froze into hard balls.

Eventually they washed ashore.

The wind and water provided interesting 

architecture within the snow drifts.

Some appeared to be cave like structures.

Vegetation along the shore was 

draped in frozen coats of white icy snow.

Thank you to my friend, Jeff, for sharing these interesting photos of an unusual winter scape. I doubt that I would ever experience anything like this on a Texas lake.

Don't forget that Sunday, January 23rd is National Pie Day. Stop by JoJo's Joys for a list of those serving pie in Blogland today. You can find my pies on the previous post. Enjoy!



  1. Hi Sarah,
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog--I hope you have had a wonderful week. These pictures are completely amazing...they look like they should be in National Geographic!
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. Those are really awesome shots! I can surely feel the cold! Nature is incredible -- the cold and the hot, wherever you encounter it! Terrific captures!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  3. Those are amazing! The natural wonders we can find in our world never cease to amaze me. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures.

  4. OMG Sarah,
    Those pics are just amazing! That snowball effect is just about the coolest looking thing!
    Thanks to your friend for sharing these wonderful pics!

  5. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting me - I just came over to see what happens on your blog to be met by these spectactular pictures - absolutely beautiful. Nice to to meet you . Betty

  6. Fabulous photos of Lake Ontario and the shoreline.
    Did they make you want to leave the Texas heat? Nope, didn't think they would!
    Have a wonderful week. dear friend.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Fabulous photos! Some look like crumb topping on a pie or cobbler. How appropriate for National Pie Day! LOL

    They make me cold just looking at them. We saw a new record low on our deck thermometer yesterday... -10º!!!! That's MINUS 10º...Yuck!

  9. The pictures are almost eerily beautiful. No people and the ice formations seem to change in every picture. I'm so glad to be in a warmer climate!!

  10. That is just fascinating! I've never seen anything like it.


    Sheila :-)

  11. Dear Sarah,
    what an amazing beauty ice can have. The ice balls look so fluffy and light. I have never seen such an interesting formation of ice balls around a lake. And the frosted twigs looks like glazed with sugar. That all gives an imagination of cockaigne. Thank you for sharing thos spectacular photos.
    Greetings, Johanna

  12. Amazing pics Sarah! When I first saw the ice balls I thought, oh I'd hate to be outside when they are falling from the sky!!! Thanks for the explanation:@)

  13. What interesting pictures. I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Hi Sarah..I live in that was very cool to see..thanks for sharing these magical winterscape creations! very cool! Love the secret cave! Must be where all the snow fairies live!

  15. Beautiful photos. I hope that we never see this around a Texas lake! Can you imagine? The state would shut down for a month :) Kat

  16. These were not only stunning photos but quite interesting! I have never seen ice balls before! I have been to Atlantic City during a snow storm when the tide was up and when the tide went down , it was like someone drew a line on the beach separating sand and snow!!
    Thanks for sharing these great photos!!


  17. Thank you for sharing these pictures. For sure, those of us living in deep south Texas will never see something like this.
    Ladybug Creek

  18. Beautiful pictures. Too cold and icy for me. Aren't you glad you live in Texas? Thanks for sharing.

  19. Hi Sarah,
    Those are beautiful winterscape pictures- I have never seen ice balls before.
    thank you for visiting me and leaving kind words.

    Take care,


  20. Sarah,
    At times there's no better decorator than "Mother Nature". These photos are breathtaking! From one who loves SNOW. . .thank you for this beautiful post!

  21. Sarah, these pictures are amazing! I've never been to Lake Ontario. It looks so cold and bleak on that lake. Imagine how strong the water is to toss the frozen chunk into balls! And the icicles hanging from the trees are beautiful. Tanks for sharing these pictures. Linda

  22. Sarah, what wonderful shots that they took. I love how the water has froze on the branches. So pretty.

  23. These pictures are so very interesting. I shivered when I saw them though. I do appreciate the beauty but am so glad that I don't have to deal with snow as I live in N FL.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  24. There is a lot of beauty in these winter shots of the lake. But I got cold just imagining the temperature of the water and the shoreline. Brrrr.... I'm cold right now and this gave me even more shivers! It's warmed up to a whopping 7º right now. I am so looking forward to warmer weather! ~ Sue

  25. Sarah,

    These are such cool photos. I've never seen anything like those ice balls. You're so right, we both have icy, snowy shore photos today. Thanks for bringing yours to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  26. Incredible are nature's creations. Like you, I don't see much like that in Texas!

  27. Sarah~~~

    These pictures are absolutely breathtaking! Thanks so much for sharing them with us! Now I am off to see what you baked!


  28. It's amazing what forms ice can take. I like how it formed the balls from the spray!!

  29. Hi Sarah! Oh, beautiful! I've never seen ice balls before! Everything is so beautiful and looks very cold! :)
    I'll just stay here where we don't get any snow and just snow hop through blogland! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  30. hello my lovely

    gosh! this is the very first time i have seen ice balls and such wonders. this post is both beautiful and interesting and i am looking forward to getting to know more of your blog.

    thank you so much for your kind words on mine, how fortunate that you visited so that i may find yours.

    wishing you a wonderful week ahead



  31. Yikes! Never saw those before!
    I hope what we are supposed to get mid week is rain, and not snow. I have had enough!

  32. Amazing photos! Thanks for sharing Sarah!My Valentine box is still i the attic. I only used whatever I could find around to create the vignette on the mantel. I think that's all that I will do....Christine

  33. Oh Sarah these photos ARE AMAZING!!! Those ice balls are incredible. I've NEVER seen anything like those. I'll have to check our shoreline... It looks like possibly the same effect the water has on pebbles that rounds them out like balls, BUT the ice water doesn't take as long. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this with us...
    Hugs to you,

  34. Hi Sarah, I'm so glad that everyone enjoyed the photos that Jeff took. I think ice balls are more common to the Great Lakes. This was actually my first time of seeing this phenomenon. We like to explore this beautiful lake even in the winter because the "ice architecture" is different every time. It is also kind of fun to play with! Thanks for posting these. Love, Eileen

  35. love your pics, never seen ice balls before. so pretty, crunchy and serene at the same time~

  36. I am impressed how nature can make the utmost beauty. Thanks for sharing!

    Outdoor Wednesday

  37. What great photos Sarah. Amazing how the snow makes everything look so different and so interesting. And what do you know - a ready made snowball fight! How interest that is. Thank you for sharing your friend's photos. (although I'm glad I don't live where it's cold enough to look like this!) laurie

  38. Really amazing photos.
    I wonder if the ice balls wash up or get tossed up.
    Guess I should not complain about our brief cold spells here.

  39. Amazing ice and snow photos Sarah! It looks very cold up there near Lake Ontario...brrr.

  40. This series of winter photos is amazing...all the ice balls, the wet snow on the all makes for gorgeous scenery. We would never see anything like this here in VA. though we are supposed to get 4-6 inches tonight. We will have to wait and see.

  41. Beautiful shots! I love those vegetation shots.
    Watery Wednesday at my page.

  42. these make me shiver! brrrrr
    the ice-covered leaves are beautiful! and the ice balls are quite interesting.

  43. While I've seen a lot of snow recently in person and in pictures, those ice balls are cool!
    Your Newest Follower
    Tranquil Acres of Alexandria

  44. Wow...amazing is right! I wonder what is hiding in the little winter cave?!!

  45. The shores of the Great Lakes have their own form of winter. The ice balls and the frost are beautiful. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  46. What beautiful photos...I can't imagine ever being somewhere that cold!

  47. I had never seen anything like that before and then had to show hubby. Great photos.

  48. What GREAT photos - I love the ice balls...I can only imagine just how cold it is on that lake - thanks for sharing. Happy White Wednesday - Tanya

  49. Amazing photos ... Very cool!! ... no pun intended ; )

  50. There is nothing more beautiful than nature itself and this post proves that to the max. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~


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