Monday, November 1, 2010

All Out of Candy Corn

Hope each of you enjoyed a

Happy Halloween full of sweet treats.

All out of candy corn here!

Joining the Cherry Chick

This little Mary Engelbreit Halloween tin has belonged to me for many years.

Click here to see a list of other posts that feature Mary Engelbreit's artistic talents.


  1. I always forget about this ME meme...LOL...that was fun to type! ;-)
    I have lots of ME fabrics & have made quite a few items that I could showcase. Hopefully, I'll remember to join in next week.

    Your little witchey-pooh is adorable!

    We have PLENTY of candy corn here...want some? Its one of the few Halloween candies that I DON'T LIKE!

  2. Hi Sarah! What a cute tin! I saved just a few candy corn in case I needed a decoration for fall/Thanksgiving! Happy November:@)

  3. I totally forgot to buy candy corn this year...the kids are grown and at college...this was a very weird Halloween for us. Love the ME.

  4. We had a busy Halloween night with a lot of very cute trick or treaters. My husband and I always enjoy seeing all the kids in the neighborhood and giving out candy. Luckily the weather was very cooperative and it was perfect trick or treat weather.
    Have a great week.

  5. We didn't have one trick or treater! Don't you miss ME's Home Companion magazing?

  6. I do love that tin! Glad we have twins! :)

  7. Love the little tin! We've got about half a bowl of candy corn left here. I wish it would disappear so I'd quit eating it every time I pass by. Sugar overload!

  8. We had a good time at the bonfire last night, and the rain held off until the fireworks were over. I didn't have any candy corn at all this year!

  9. Still have lots of candy here at the Red Couch home. I don't have any M.E. stuff, but what is wrong with me that I don't? I love her artwork and her sayings and your little tin is so cute! Joni

  10. Per usual, we didn't get any trick-or-treaters around here. So I didn't buy any.

  11. Hi Sarah,
    I just left a comment for Sweet Bee about how funny I think it is that the three of us all have the same little ME witch tin. I don't think there is a whole lot of ME Halloween out there. Your candy corn tin is too cute!
    I've been leaving the link up open on ME Monday just in case someone forgets on Monday. Thanks so much for sharing with us all this week. Happy Monday!

  12. MaryE has the cutest designs and this one is just perfect for Halloween....I'm out of Candy Corn, too! Thanks for stopping by and seeing my Halloween Goodies and Gals. We did have a fun time!

  13. I love Mary E. Happy to see Michael's carries some of her note cards, etc.
    On to Tgiving, Sarah!

  14. We HAD candy corn. I loved it since I was a kid and we all ate them by levels of color. Still eat them that way, haha!

  15. Out of candy corn? Why, to the husband that might be akin to being out of water or electricity.

    The tin is really cute!

  16. Love that vintage ME tin, Sarah! I miss Home Companion magazine and all of Mary's wonderful ideas that were in it.

    We had a surprisingly less than normal "Trick or Treat" turn out this year! I actually have candy left over. I made my husband bring it to work. Too much temptation!

  17. Thanks so much for your visit.Hope you have a chance to go back to my blog where I did update and write a little bit about what we did the past several days at the class reunion.
    Love your ME picture. I love Mary too!!
    Ladybug Creek

  18. I have the same ME Halloween tin - for years and years!

  19. Hi Sarah,
    what a charming little witch. Cute.
    Greetings, Johanna

  20. Hello! Thanks for visiting - candy corn is my favorite - I could make myself sick with it :P
    While creating the post on forcing Narcissus bulbs, my inspiration a Christmas with Victoria book quotes "If you have two loaves of bread, sell the one and by a hyacinth for your soul" -it made me think of you :)

  21. Hi Sarah
    I am a ME fan too. What a fun meme. While I was in Texas I thought of you but know that you were far fron where we were.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  22. I have always loved Mary Engelbreit, and your tin is adorable. I think her artwork has really captured the hearts of most of us.

  23. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I LOVE that tin. Mary Englebreit has the best artwork!


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