Friday, October 29, 2010

Hauntingly Creative

What's out and about this Halloween?

Come along and see some "hauntingly creative" yards and porches.

Pumpkins and gourds are the first sign of Autumn.

Doors of Welcome usher in the Fall Season around neighborhoods.

But Halloween brings the scary scene.

Here we have a bit of "skeletal" creativity with a touch of humor!

A couple of yards full of "boo-tiful" whimsey.

And others with a more frightful touch!

One of my favorites ~ a nod to "south of the border".

Same creative folks gave a nod to the Texas Longhorns last year.

"Hook em Horns"

I don't think I'd like to get caught up in this web!

What fun Halloween vignettes have you seen this season in your neighborhoods?

Linking to


  1. What a lot of fun people in your neighbourhood seem to have with this holiday! There isn't much to be seen here, as it's a rural community and the houses are very far back from the road. We know we won't get a single trick or treater. In town I'm seeing more and more Halloween decorations, and on my way home this evening I saw several people in costume - probably on their way to a Halloween party.
    My favorite house in your neighbourhood?....the one with the happy ghosts!

  2. What great Halloween decorations. I love the one with the skeltons and big sombreo hats and the football players.. You live in a very creative neighborhood. Thanks for sharing and have a safe Halloween

  3. Those are to cute. I don't know which is my favorite.. the texas longhorn or south of the border.

    You live in a great neighborhood... we'll be stopping in for the block party on Saturday night!

  4. Oh my those are some very creative folks in your area. I have never seen yards decorated that well for Halloween.

  5. What fun and create decorations! My neighborhood has 9 homes and no one decorates for Halloween!

  6. Your neighbors are very creative, Sarah. I love the wooden ghosts....Christine

  7. Are all of these in your neighborhood? If so, you live in a very creative neighborhood. They are great. Thanks for sharing. I've yet to decorate my yard & highly doubt I will since Halloween is on Sunday. But if the bug hits me tomorrow. I may just have to do something.

  8. Hello Sarah! You and your neighborhood are ready for Halloween! The best decorations I have ever seen and what cleverness! Your home looks so sweet to! Have a fun weekend!


  9. Hin Sarah, Wow how fun that everyone is so creative!! The ring a round the rosy ghosts are my favorite, sooo cute!!
    Have a Great Weekend!

  10. I'm amazed at the creativity of some people! That south of the border one is one of my favorite's too.

  11. I love the cascade of pumpkins on the steps, just beautiful! Have to laugh at "South of the Border", that's just great! Happy Halloween Weekend Sarah:@)

  12. Hi Sarah! What a creative bunch of neighbors you have! I had to laugh at the South of the Border & love the UT jersey/refs & cheerleaders...Texans do take their football seriously! Happy Halloween, hope the goblins & ghosts don't throw any tricks your way :-)

  13. I had soooo much fun touring your neighborhood Halloween Mosaics. What a lot of creative folks! Loved the South of the Border, the Longhorns and the Skeleton Gal on the Slab! Thanks for showing all these Ghoul Ideas! I think I'll layout on a Slab on my porch Halloween Night! That'll scare the BaJeezies Outta of Em'

  14. Sarah,
    That is some awesome decorating for Halloween! I love it. Have a great weekend!

  15. What a fantastic porch tour!! People go all out :)


  16. Great montages:) I love the whimsy of Halloween..You picked great houses..the neighborhood looks lovely..what fun for the kids!

    And you:)

    Great pics by the way!

  17. So creative and fantastic halloween decor! A scary neighborhood

    Happy Halloween! Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Sarah, how fun that we both posted about outdoor H'ween decor. Wow! You found some great yards! I love that spooky Mex. band! The fence with all of the ghosts is amazing! I don't think they'll get many trick-or-treaters - I know I'd be too scared to go to that house! The Tex. Longhorns display is another great one. This one fun to see so much H'ween creativity. Thank you for sharing it on Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  19. These are all wonderful Halloween decorations. I am always in awe how creative people can be with decorations.

  20. Enjoyed the neighborhood tour. You have a lot of creative neighbors. :D

  21. Thanks for the tours. Looks like a lot of great decorating!

    Happy Halloween and PS,

  22. thanks for the great tour of the neighborhood. Your neighbors certainly do get into the Halloween Spirit.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  23. Nothing in my neighborhood! They all leave after Labor Day. My son's area has many houses decorated beautifully for Fall. Mums, Kale, scarecrows and pumpkins!
    I do like that ring of ghosts. I have seen that around, cute.
    I do not like the webby stuff all over...can't imagine having to clean that all up Nov 1st!
    Happy Haunting, Sarah!

  24. Loved your Pink Halloween Saturday post. Everything was so cute.

  25. Wow! Your neighborhood went all out. So cute! As a Texas fan, the TX ones are my fav. Thanks for sharing! What a fun post.

  26. Hi Sarah,

    Your photographs are so fun the skeleton Longhorn!! Of course of love all the pumpkin and gourd vignettes in the pretty. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Dear Sarah,
    this looks like great fun during the day but what a scary walk it must be in the night. I love especially the "boo-tiful" yard.
    Warmest regards, Johanna

  28. I think my favorite one is the first one-but love seeing what people come up with-so creative!

  29. Some wonderful "traffic stoppers" included here...I sure enjoyed your neighborhoods!!!

  30. Sarah, these are so much fun. I just showed them to my husband. He loves Halloween decorations.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  31. Awwwk...that skeleton on the stretcher is sooooo cool! I just love all the fun scenes you've captured, Sarah. Very creative ideas...thanks for sharing them with us.

  32. Very creative and fun Halloween scenes!

    Happy Halloween!

  33. Very creative and fun Halloween scenes!

    Happy Halloween!

  34. What fun! There is sure a lot of variety. I love the ghosts on the gate. That would be fun at my house next year. (So would a million other ideas I have seen on blogs this year!!!)

    Our bicycling witch Drewcilla that I posted this year is about all in our neighborhood, but she draws cars from all over town. When people want to know where I live, other people say, oh she is the one with the witch on a bicycle!

  35. How cute! Very creative! I enjoyed the tour, especially since I didn't have to walk!


  36. You live in such a festive area. Everyone truly gets into the spirit of things. What a wonderful place to live.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  37. Poor Longhorns.. great yard scapes though. What wonderful ideas. I loved that big gate!!

  38. Lots of Halloween in your neighbourhood - very little in ours beyond a few jack-o-lanterns.

  39. It's really fascinating to see all the Halloween decorations in your neighbourhood. How fun you all must have had!

  40. Such cute yards and porches. I love them. Thanks for sharing.

  41. Now that is holiday spirit! Well done!

  42. WOW! Your neighborhood really goes all out for Halloween! Wonderful decorations. I liked the yard full of "ghosts'


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.