Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tea On Tuesdays ~ Peach Delights

Tea on Tuesdays ~ Peach Delights

I'm thrilled to join my friends, Pam and Mary, today
as we welcome you to May's edition of Tea on Tuesdays.

I've recently returned from a few days exploring Atlanta as a guest with the Antiques Club of Austin.  Time at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, the Atlanta History Center, Swan House, Scott's Antique Market, and visits to private homes inspired my theme for today: 

Peach Delights with a nod to Alice in Wonderland.

While at the Botanical Gardens, we were treated to the opening days of the Alice in Wonderland Returns exhibit of "38 larger-than-life sculptures in seven installations inspired by Lewis Carroll's timeless tales.  Let imagination be your guide as you enter the Garden through giant Storybooks.  Sneak past the grinning Cheshire Cat looking on as you discover Alice spinning in a whirl of teacups and playing cards.  Watch out for the Queen of Hearts and her Chess Set Army as you greet the new Singing Flowers on your approach to the 27 foot tall White Rabbit floating in the Skyline Garden." ~ Atlanta Botanical Garden

If you find yourself in Atlanta,

 don't miss a visit to this exceptional exhibit.

I chose my peach theme with Atlanta in mind, but look what is already here in the local grocery.  Peaches may be the state fruit of Georgia, but our own Texas farms provide us with these tasty treats as well.  

Looks like the First of the Season 
peaches are here!

I'm a fan of the excellent teas made by 
The Republic of Tea, a California company.

Though it's super easy to use a teabag, I like the ritual of
steeping loose tea using one of my silver tea strainer spoons.

Our recent days have been cool and rainy.
My garden is happy with the spring temps and rain, 
so I chose to celebrate with a garden tea.

I kept it simple with scones from the bakery 
and a delicious peach marmalade I purchased in Atlanta.

I also opened a jar of creamy 
La Fermiere peach yogurt.

To use a steeper spoon, simply fill it with loose tea, 
place it in your cup, pour boiling water over
the spoon and let it steep for 3-5 minutes.

Are you a sweet tea fan?

If you like sweet tea, pop in a sugar cube.

Or use one of these honey wands 
to stir in your sweetness.

Sweet or unsweetened, remember the important aspect of enjoying  
a cup of tea is the company and the ambiance of your space.

Don't forget to include fresh flowers   .   .   .

and invite a friend to join you.

Thank you for being my teatime guest today!

In case you can't relate to a cuppa 
when the temps are 98 degrees, don't fret,
I have ice cold peach tea available.

Either will offer you the amazing 
fragrance and taste of fresh peaches.

Many thanks to Pam and Mary 
for including me in today's
Tea on Tuesdays.
You will find Pam and Mary's links below.

Also Joining


  1. Sarah, I adore your white rabbit teapot, ideal for spring and ร  la the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland! Your ginger peach tea sounds wonderful, as does a scone with peach marmalade. I’ve always admired your beautiful silver steeper spoon. You have me anxious to visit the Botanical Gardens, to travel down the Rabbit Hole to see Alice, The Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts! We’re due a trip to Atlanta to visit my mom and sister, so I hope to work that in when we’re there. We’ve had a very wet May with over 5 inches of rain, the hydrangeas are loving it, but the roses not so much! The adage, ‘when it rains it pours’ has certainly been true of late. It’s always a treat to have you join us for tea! Happy Tuesday. ☕๐Ÿ’—

  2. Good morning, Sarah. I agree with Mary, the white rabbit teapot is a beauty! I can just imagine a visit to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, Swan House, Scott’s Antique Market, and visits to private homes. The Alice in Wonderland exhibit is amazing and hopefully I can make it to Atlanta for a visit. I love your peach-themed tea party celebrated in your garden! Scones and peach marmalade would certainly be delicious served with La Fermiere peach yogurt. The silver steeper spoon is lovely. I am also admiring the gorgeous needlepoint stool with your MC teacup. Ginger peach tea sounds delightful.

    It is always a treat to have you join us for Tea on Tuesdays. I sound like a broken record, but your attention to detail never ceases to amaze me. Happy Tuesday, Sarah ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ‘

  3. Dearest Sarah,
    Just was thinking about fresh peaches over the weekend... and here you got some.
    Loved seeing your crystal marmalade jar, got one from Baccarat and it is so elegant for using at breakfast or for any tea.

  4. Good morning Sarah, what a peach of a tea party you have thrown! I would love a glass of peach iced tea to sip on! The trip to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens sounds like so much fun, I bet you saw some amazing floral creations~ Your white rabbit tea pot is so pretty and I love the way you styled it with peach blooms. Fresh summer peaches are such a treat, and the peach marmalade you bought in Atlanta sounds wonderful. I love your swan with flowers and the beautiful needlepoint stool with the MKC teacup ๐Ÿ’•
    Thank you for the lovely tea party today!

  5. Good morning, Sarah! I have so enjoyed my visit for tea in your lovely outdoor setting! Everything is just beautiful, and those peach roses are so pretty. I am so happy peach season is upon us. I adore peaches! We are fortunate to have a local orchard nearby that in addition to selling peaches serves the best peach ice cream and peach hand pies. We will be visiting Atlanta in late July. Our daughter was chosen to be part of a group of college students to give a presentation at the CDC. Being over protective parents, we didn’t want to send her by herself. You have given me some great recommendations for places to visit. I wish you a most wonderful day, sweet friend! Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

  6. The Alice in Wonderland exhibit looks exceptional and it's right up your alley! It's always a treat to see what you are serving, and we love when the peaches arrive in New York. Thank you for the lovely tea party today. xo

  7. Oh Sarah, your teatime is always so gorgeous! Everything is so very beautiful and the goodies look beyond good! I love the touches with the honey sticks and sugar bits. And the peaches. Sigh. They are one of my favorites but we don't see ours in Michigan till late July, sometimes early August. (I suspect they'll be early this year!) I hope so!

  8. Oh my goodness, Sarah, what a delightful and peachy teatime on your patio. I have had the ginger peach tea and love it. Your tea steeping spoon is so pretty. I have one, but it’s not lovely like yours. Your choices of sweetener are a beautiful touch, and so are your treats. I would love to sit with you and hear more about your wonderful trip experience. Thank you for sharing and thank you for coming to visit my latest posts and leaving such sweet comments. ❤️

  9. Sweet Sarah, this was a Peach of a Post!
    Leave it to you to find decorated sugar cubes. The photo of your tea on a tray posed in your garden is gorgeous and worthy of a book! The flowers are breathtakingly “Peach” Perfect! Please make mine a cream tea with sugar. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  10. What a wonderful visit, taking us to Atlanta and Texas to your beautiful terrace for tea. You are such a gracious hostess, always elegant and inviting! No details escape your warm presentation!
    Thank you for sharing , Sarah
    Bonnie Chase

  11. Sarah, your peach tea time is lovely. Love the rabbit teapot, so unique. Such a special trip to Atlanta to see the Alice in Wonderland exhibit. I do enjoy both a cup of hot tea or chilled iced tea. Peach is a favorite. My grandmother had a lovely peach tree in her backyard and we always enjoyed fresh peaches in the summer months. The peach florals look fabulous and I adore your needlepoint stool with the MKC teacup.

  12. I like your peach-themed tea party. The honey wands are so neat: I always take local honey in tea for my allergies. It truly helps! BTW your bunny teapot is darling!

  13. I enjoyed your tea time with peaches and sweet delights. The bunny teapot is too darn cute! Each and every detail is exquisite. You make us feel so special when you invite us in. Thank you!
    Because of you, I am off to buy some Ginger Peach Tea. I have had it before but I need to repurchase!
    Enjoy your weekend.
    ~Nancy from Two Trails One Road

  14. I love ice cold peach tea! Looking forward to hearing about your travels!

  15. I would love to visit the ABG again and see the Alice exhibit. What a wonderfully connected theme you have here. I love peaches, and take my tea unsweetened, saving the sugar for the accompanying treats. I'd love to spend teatime with you, hot or cold. I'll even help pull weeds if we have tea in the garden! As always, your elements on the table are all lovely.

  16. Sarah,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for letting me know that you did by leaving such a kind comment about Joe's passing...It happened all within 5 weeks but he was not in pain and did not suffer and for that I am eternally grateful....I hope you are well....This was a truly delightful post....I really enjoyed it!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  17. Hi Sarah. I love peaches and can't wait for their arrival. Those roses are just gorgeous..Happy Tea Time..xxoJudy

  18. This post is so visually beautifully!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.