Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Farewell January 2021

I mentioned in my previous post that January is a favorite month.
As we say farewell to the last week of January 2021, I decided
to document our snow event of this month.

The weather forecasters predicted we would get snow,
and we definitely did!  Snow in Austin January 2021.

I took the prediction seriously and 
covered all the containers and tender plants.
Other wise, cleaning up is a real mess and time consuming, 
not to mention expense to replace things.

January 10, 2021 will be remembered for record snowfall
in Central Texas with accumulation of up to nine inches.  

Fresh fallen snow offered 
Austin an unusual winter day.

It began early morning and continued throughout
the day, but temps never dropped to freezing.

By mid afternoon, snow across the city had knocked 
out power to thousands of homes, including ours.

The bird bath, usually full of visitors
 was all quiet and icy.

Our beautiful Capitol grounds January 10, 2021
Photo Credit, Richard F. Lyons
Yes, snow in Central Texas creates an event so rare,
that when we do get snow, its something to celebrate.

Image by Becky Kittleman, Austin Photographer 
I've often shared photos of our beloved 
Lady Bird Lake with its extensive hike and bide trail.  
Image above was captured the morning of January 10, 2021.

Snow Day Over Town Lake ~ artist Nancy Hoover, 2021
Local art teacher, Nancy Hoover, took inspiration 
from Becky's moody snowy image and created a gorgeous pastel
on gray paper, inspiring her students to create their own version.
I admire how life inspires art!  Thank you Becky and Nancy!

Farewell January 2021!

Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine's Corner Charming Homes and Gardens @ Shiplap and Shells  Embracing Home and Family @ The Everyday Farmhouse   Farmhouse Friday @ The Painted Hinge 


  1. Dearest Sarah,
    WOW, that looks indeed very exceptional and this also explains why our parcel sent to Phobio/Apple Trade In to Austin, TX got delayed several days. It arrived on Monday, instead of Friday.
    One admires all those delivery people in extreme weather for certain areas, for doing their job in providing us with everything we need.
    Sadie does not care about it as she's warm and sheltered indoors!
    What a lovely Capitol you have.

  2. I love a rare snowfall Sarah, although power outages I can do without. There's something so cozy about being indoors with a fire, a good book, mug of something warm and dog in your lap. Sadie looks perfectly content. ♥

  3. I am happy to see January end but sadly this will be the very first February that we haven’t traveled to Florida or the Caribbean. So I hope Feb isn’t too snowy! Happy to see you got some of our weather. The first few snowfalls are always so pretty

  4. Snow sure looks out of place, but that pup makes your indoor time beautiful. What a sweet face. We got a LOT of snow overnight. The Corgi needed to have a special path cleared for doing his business. Too deep for those short legs.
    Stay warm!

  5. Sarah, your city looks so pretty cover with snow. I know it is a pain to have to cover container plants and so messy but I would love a snow like you received. It's good you took precautions since the forecast was spot on. It's rare for us to get snow, occasionally a light dusting. It has been years since we had this much snow. Your capital looks picture perfect and I know snow scenes were lovely. I wouldn't be happy about the powder outage either. Pretty Sadie, bet she didn't like the snow :)

  6. Oh I love that pastel!Take care dear Sarah....No power is hard..happens here...

  7. Pretty and oh so rare. Fun to see the fresh snowflakes. Sadie looks darling. A nice cup of coffee, tea or cocoa is the best. We rarely get snow, however it is beautiful when it happens. Paul was getting our house ready yesterday, due to high winds and rains. Our power went off and in all night. Not a good night to sleep. Stay cozy and warm. Hopefully Feb. will be a better month.

  8. We rarely get snow in Birmingham either Sarah, and it is a mess when we do! I love it if everyone is safe and at home with power but that rarely happens too~ everyone in my family has been stranded and had to walk home at least once, including me with 2 babies! So yay, January is almost over!! Don't you love those cute fingerless gloves Linda sent us? I wear mine all the time as my hands are always freezing. Lovely snow photos...

  9. It's amazing to see snow in Texas and I can imagine how excited children must be when they can go out and play in it! We have snow on the ground right now and possibly more this weekend, but the accumulation so far this winter is not much at all...it feels sort of odd. With so many working from home, I worry less about car accidents on snowy roads and expressways, particularly my kids.

    Does Sadie like the snow and cold? I hope she has a nice warm sweater. With our temps hovering between 10-20 degrees early in the morning, my dogs are out and back in in a flash!!

    Stay warm, my friend!❤️


  10. Little Sadie definitely needed her sweater for the winter snow storm! I enjoyed seeing your photos of the snow. We haven't had any snow this year, but it has been cold. Our one warm day we had severe storms and at least one deadly tornado (Monday night). I'm hoping for an early spring, and I think Sadie is, too!

  11. I enjoyed seeing the snow scenes around Austin. So pretty.
    I love the first pic of you holding a MKC mug out in the snow. So clever for Mugshot Monday.
    I covered a few of my hydrangeas that have budded out and have tiny green leaves already because it will be 28 tonight and several below freezing nights in the next few days. I wish I could cover all of them but they are huge.
    Have a great week, Sarah!

  12. We awoke to light snow today - very pretty and just enough to get good bird photos - my post will be up showing them later tonight.
    Glad you covered your tender plants - we have a very cold night coming but have given up at this point, what survives in the garden does, what doesn't will be remembered and missed!
    Hope all is well dear Sarah, stay well and safe.
    Mary x

  13. Hello Sarah,

    Long time with no connection.

    It is curious to see how much snow you have had in January compared with a complete absence of snow here in Budapest. It is all most strange since, in normal times, several inches of the white stuff will be on the ground throughout January and February. However, this year, there is nothing, not even a few wisps.

    It is good to see that you are keeping good company in the Blogosphere. We shall stay in touch.

  14. Beautiful pics, Sarah. My favorite one is always of your sweet Sadie!

  15. Good riddance, January!!! I wish you would take February with you on the way out!! I will admit that our Capital looks gorgeous in the snow. Hope you and your handsome hubby have a fabulous week, sweet Sarah.


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