Sunday, December 13, 2020

Zooming into Cookie Decorating

I recently received an invitation for a 
Zoom Cookie Decorating 
class and thought, "Why Not?"

Everything was perfectly organized!
A box of cookies and a decorating kit were delivered right to my door.
~ Tubs of Icing ~ Sprinkles ~ Pastry Bags with Decorating Tips ~ 
~ Even a Spatula!~

 Christy Mendoza of Make It Sweet
was our expert cookie decorator 
teacher for the evening.

It was a fun filled event with this group 
of Chi O sisters here in Austin.
Thank you, Nicole, for organizing such a fun evening.

Christy was an amazing teacher, as she cheerfully
walked us through step by step of how
to decorate each of these cookies.
Christy made it appear easy, but let's just say,
I have a renewed respect for the art of cookie decorating!

We are not entertaining, 
but in honor of this fun virtual evening, 
I'm hosting a virtual Cookie Party for you.

Pick your favorite cookie and let
me know in the comments.
They are delicious!

I want to take this opportunity to thank all 
who left a comment on my previous post here.
Congratulations to Jane @ Blondie's Journal.
Jane won our Traveling Tote gift for the December
Be sure to join us March 1, 2021 for the next edition.

Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine's Corner Charming Homes and Gardens @ Shiplap and Shells  Embracing Home and Family @ The Everyday Farmhouse   Farmhouse Friday @ The Painted Hinge 


  1. How cute! I love the star and how it's swirled. I have a niece who bakes dozens of cookies and hand decorates each one. In the past, she had prepared many for her kids' soccer and band as giveaways. Everyone tells her she should start up a business, they look so professional. But she is a pharmacist by vocation, a baker by avocation. :)
    Congrats to Jane on winning our quarterly giveaway!

  2. What fun Sarah! I have never even attempted cookie decorating, and yours turned out so professional looking! I have great admiration for cookie decorators, such an art! Congrats to Jane, I hope she enjoys the gift!

  3. Such a fun idea and the cookies look so pretty. I love the sweet little owl. Such talent for those awesome cookie designers. It's an art to make them look so pretty. Congrats to Jane for winning the TS giveaway.

  4. Bravo!! Cute cookies! Good for you!!Always such pretty vignettes♥

  5. Sarah, I have to say this is a great idea and looks like so much fun!! They're all so pretty, too hard to pick a favorite! Merry Christmas!!

  6. This looks like it was a lot of fun Sarah. Your cookies turned out really pretty too. Congratulations to Jane. So glad your enjoying this sweet Christmas season.........

  7. THose cookies are stunning, Sarah -- so cheery and happy, and it looks like such a fun time! Well done. (I would have gone for the owl, although that ornament was really something!). I've never mastered the art of truly beautifully decorated cookies. I think you have!

    Three cheers for Jane! Well deserved win!

  8. Wow how fun! I love that owl and the ornament! Very crafty and cute! I can almost taste them!

  9. Hi, Sarah, what a fun gathering. Thank you for sharing at Tuesday Turn About and listing it in your Link Parties. Just an FYI, you still have Bluesky Kitchen as the name of my blog, but it's been Bluesky at Home for 3 years. HaHa. Merry Christmas.

  10. Estou seguindo o seu blog.
    Só falta você seguir o meu
    pra gente ser amigo.
    Um beijo e bom ano novo.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.