Monday, October 7, 2019

Let the Memories Flourish

Today is a beautiful morning.  
The crisp feeling of autumn is in the air, 
 if only delighting us for a few days.

I'm enjoying a cup of coffee, reflecting on beautiful memories.
Five years ago today, all too soon, we lost a dear friend, 
and the world lost an incredible woman who touched the lives 
of not only her family and circle of friends, 
but a community of thousands.
A month later, we lost my mom, and her remaining sibling, 
both incredible women in their ownright 
who had lived long, fruitful lives.

I don't share this for sympathy,
but rather to honor these special women 
and to keep their memories alive.

"All the love, all the dead, all the people we've known. 
They are the rivers that feed our sea of souls. If we refuse to remember them, that sea will dry up too."  
~ Nina George, The Little Paris Bookshop

~ Jane ~ Henrietta ~ Ludine ~
Today and always, I wish for my memories of these three
incredible women, as well as others gone from
my life, to flourish within my heart.


  1. What a sweet post - I often wonder where the years have gone and miss my family and friends who have passed - but I always reflect on some of the great times and treasure those memories!

  2. Lovely post, Sarah. Happy memories of our lost loved ones are to be cherished.

  3. A sweet remembrance. I had a similar thought not too long ago. We mourn for those we love. I love that little squirrel. He's a cutie.

  4. Lovely post Sarah. Treasuring our loved ones and dear friends is so important. Your post tells a wonderful story of these three special women.

  5. Dearest Sarah,
    Lovely 'Flourish' cookie and such a wonderful homage to the women in your life!
    Yes, those loved ones live forever within us in our memory and our thoughts for what they meant for us and how they have shaped us.
    May we too one day be remembered!

  6. Bonjour,

    Un bel hommage que votre publication... Très jolie photo.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  7. Sarah, such a lovely post to honor the special people you've loved and lost. Memories keeps them with us always. Hugs sweet friend........

  8. A lovely way to in fact keep their loving lives..alive♥

  9. LOVELY. What a wonderful positive way to remember.

  10. What a beautiful tribute to wonderful women. Have a great weekend.

  11. What a thoughtful post. It’s good to remember our loved ones like this.

  12. Keep the memories alive, always. Beautiful sentiment, Sarah.

  13. I am so sorry I am late seeing this Sarah, what a beautiful post and tribute to the special women in your life... I love the way you phrased it, "let them flourish in my heart..."

  14. Sarah,
    Memories of dear ones are some of our most precious memories in life. Remembering the special women in your life with this special post is wonderful way to pay tribute to them and your memories.



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