Monday, October 31, 2016

Dia de Muertos ~ Day of the Dead

~ Dia de los Muertos ~

Gatos ~ Day of the Dead, Claudia True
used with permission
A day Of Loving Remembrance 
Of Those Close In Our Hearts

Dia de los Muertos is an important holiday celebrated
in Mexico and by many who live here in Texas,
In honor of this day, I created a treat table in remembrance.

Home to a large hispanic population,
Day of the Dead altars and celebrations are popular here in Austin.

It is a celebration filled with happiness, the sharing of memories,
laughter, and honoring loved ones who are no longer with us.

Dia de Muertos Altar, Fonda San Miguel
This is the Day of the Dead altar at Fonda San Miguel  in Austin.
Known for its authentic and delicious cuisine of interior Mexico,
Fonda San Miguel also offers diners a unique ambiance.

Celebrated on November 1st and 2nd,
Dia de los Muertos is a time to honor
family and friends, our loved ones who are now deceased.

Families in Mexico go to the cemeteries to tend 
to the graves of loved ones and decorate 
them with Mexican marigolds and altars,
often continuing with joyful celebrations 
in memory of the deceased.

These special altars are also seen in individual homes,
as well as public spaces, schools, and government offices.
It is an important Mexican holiday.

Traditionally, special foods and small gifts are left at
these altars to welcome the spirits of the deceased.

Pan de Muerto, sugar skulls, and fresh fruit
 are traditional items that are left out at the altars.

Photos of the deceased are lovingly placed
among colorful decorations, marigolds,
the special foods, and candles.

Even deceased pets are
often honored at these special altars.

A meal at Fonda San Miguel is akin to dining 
in a fine home or stellar art museum.
The interior walls are hand painted and stenciled,
meals are served on hand crafted Mexican pottery,
and incredible original Mexican art hangs on the walls
throughout the rooms of the restaurant.
If you are ever in Austin, I would recommend you 
experience this fine restaurant.
You can explore more about Fonda San Miguel here.

Taking these sweet treats to my friends at Mah Jongg today.
If you are in the Austin area, I highly recommend Smouse Sweets.
You can find her on Facebook and Instagram.
More of Claudia True's Delightful Paintings

Gatos ~
Dia de Muertos

9" X 11"

Claudia True

Available here

Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style


  1. Lots of interesting information on this day. A few years ago our daughter used make up on her face for Halloween in the Day of the Dead style. She also handed out the candy that year. WE had lots of trick or treaters in awe and some just downright scared...oops. Have a good week.

  2. HI Sarah - funny I mentioned Day of the Dead on my post too. My daughter collected Dia de Muertos sugar scull artwork and also does her own very well.

    Hope you had a fun day and that today and tomorrow - All Souls and All Saints Days keep your heart in fond loving memories of those who have passed before us.

    Blessings to you. Hugs.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm sharing your recommendations with a dear friend who will be in Austin this week. Thanks! Cherry Kay

  5. A very special post. This is one of my favorite celebrations.

  6. What a great post. It's so interesting to learn about different traditions like this. If it weren't for blogging I don't know how much I would be aware of this holiday.

  7. Wow, Sarah, I didn't realize how big this holiday is! Thank you for enlightening me.

  8. I love your table you created in celebration of the holiday Sarah. Sugar skull art is fascinating to me. Fun to see remembrances of beloved pets included in the holiday too!

  9. Sarah, I enjoyed reading about Dia de Muertos customs i Mexico. I had no idea about the marigolds or the sugar skulls. Interesting!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful November! Can you believe it's November already???


  10. Thank you Sarah for the colourful pictorial..and information!

  11. That is a great post Sarah. They celebrate with style and so much color. They honor their deceased ones so beautifully. Thanks for sharing so much history for this holiday.

  12. Saw so many kids with fabulous makeup (and parents too) dressed for this traditional Hispanic holiday last night. Such fun color and style. I have always been attracted to the wonderful statues in Mexico, but they are so fragile, I would not be able to get them home. What a fun and informative post. Sounds like a fabulous restaurant too.

  13. Sarah, love the remembrance part of this...but those skeletons give me the creeps!

  14. Learned a lot here today Sarah. Interesting to learn about other cultures. Thanks for sharing...........

  15. A really fascinating post Sarah, I remember seeing celebrations like these whilst vacationing in Cancun several years ago. the 1st November is a holiday here in France and families place chrysanthemums on the graves of loved ones in the churchyard.

  16. Thanks for the education Sarah :-) The goodie bags are adorable.

  17. Nice post Sarah for Day of the Dead. I was just looking at Google and their Day of the Dead emblem, you can click on it and it was show you info on Day of the Dead. Nice features on your post and interesting to read and look at. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I love this, and I enjoyed your description of the holiday. What vibrant colors and fun art! I'm so glad I stopped by your blog to read this post :)

  19. I'm so glad more and more people are learning of this celebration and tradition Sarah, it is so important to remember and honor those who have left us. My grands went to a celebration yesterday and had fun getting their faces painted like sugar skulls. Thanks for sharing all this,

  20. I really enjoyed this post because you always broaden y horizons. The photo of the restaurant was added to my travel Pinterest board, because I hope I can add that to the list next time I pass through Austin.

  21. Sarah, I just learned of the Day of the Dead a couple years ago. Similar to our Memorial Day here in the U.S. Loved seeing how you decorated for this celebration! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. I wrote a little about Dia De Muertes on my post for this week (the newer post, not the one linked to Mosaic Monday). It is a fairly new celebration for this corner of the Pacific Northwest (and I am glad for the enrichment) -- we had learned about it when traveling in your corner of the world quite a few years ago now. Your explanation is so much better than I was able to do -- and your pictures are better too!!

  23. A very nice post. You set up a lovely display and thank you for sharing with us today. Enjoy your week. Hugs, Anne

  24. Interesting information about El Dia de los Muertos.

  25. Dearest Sarah; Wow, how exciting to see all your pictures of this event. I had trick or treaters this year. Surprising that we start celebrating this event. I tried to explain what i learned from pc that it's the new year's eve. And believed that borand Have a wonderful coming weekendder of this world and next world disappear. Haha too noisy to finish it :-)
    Thank you SO much for stooping by and Have a wonderful new week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  26. What a nice tradition of honoring the dead, Sarah. I certainly would like to visit the restaurant that you mentioned. I'm sure your friends were thrilled with your gifted cookies. Aren't they beautiful works of art?

  27. I know my sister sees a lot of Day of the Dead stuff in San Antonio. I don't really see it much in Arlington. Thanks for sharing at Monday Social. Those cookies are gorgeous.

  28. Hi Sarah, This is a very interesting post for the the "Day of the Dead." Your photos are all amazing and I am definitely enlightened. Honoring the dead is a lovely event. Beautiful cookies and I know they are delicious.
    Happy Blue Monday,

  29. Hi Sarah: A great holiday and I love your post. You captured to day perfectly. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  30. Thank you for visiting the Garden Spot. Loved this post. There is a lot of misunderstanding about Nov. 1. I enjoyed reading about it.

  31. Sarah, This is a fascinating holiday! I have seen the decor in Mexican shops and restaurants and even in Epcot but i loved reading all your information. Your MahJongg group must have enjoyed these delightful treats. That is a game I have never played but I am always intrigued when I hear of it. And that restaurant is incredible! I hope I can visit it someday. Linda

  32. So pretty and colorful!! Thanks so much for visiting!!

  33. Sarah, this is so very lovely. I love the beautiful photos and all the info, too.

  34. I haven't been to Austin in too long. That restaurant sounds tempting. Love the cookies you shared with your friends, too. Thank you for joining Monday Social. I hope you'll be back this week!

  35. Smouse Sweets! I will give them a try! Time for a lunch!


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