Saturday, July 9, 2016

July 2016

Here it is July 9th, and I'm just now posting about July.

I'll blame it on the Lazy Days of Summer!

July 2016

Photo ~ Pondside 

July 1st  ~  Canada Day

In honor of all my blogging friends 

who live in Canada I wish you a belated 

Happy Canada Day!

Canada became a self-governing country July 1, 1867.

As with Independence Day here in the US, 

the Canadian celebration is one of pride to celebrate 

Canada's heritage and nationalism.

July 4th  ~  US Independence Day

Known simply as the Fourth of July

this US holiday is a highlight of summer here in

 the US when we commemorate the birth of our country.

Neighborhood parades, picnics, cookouts, and fireworks

are traditionally held to celebrate the day.

Teddy Bear's Picnic @ Normandy Life

July 10 ~  Teddy Bears' Picnic Day

"If you go down in the woods today,

 your're sure of a big surprise . . ."

Yes, this is the day the teddy bears gather for 

"marvellous things to eat and wonderful games to play."

Grab your favorite teddy bear and celebrate 

with a picnic of your own.

Quotes from the lyrics of Teddy Bear's Picnic, Jimmy Kennedy 1932

Bastille Day ~ July 14th ~ La Fête Nationale

(Celebrated Saturday July 9th in Austin this year .)

This French holiday commemorates the anniversary 

of the storming of the Bastille on this date in 1789.

Like the 4th of July here in the US,

Bastille Day is a time to celebrate independence; 

the storming of the Bastille represents the 

beginning of the French Revolution.

Click here to view a previous post of Austin's celebration.

"Make new friends and keep the old, 
one is silver the other gold."

International Friendship Day

July 30, 2016

To all my cherished friends that I've met

here in the Land of Blog, you are treasures.

I appreciate your visits, your comments, and your personal emails.

Each of you are an inspiration who enrich my life with your

 creativity, inspiration, and dear friendship.



  1. You're such a doll!
    look at me first here;)
    Came up to have a bite to eat and checked Blogger.
    A lovely lovely post..very you..friendships..celebrations..collections..teddy bears and picnics.
    Have a beautiful weekend.

  2. Oh Sarah, you are such a sweet lady- I am so sorry that I haven't been online much these days. Two posts ago I kinda shared why : - ) Some good news!

    Anyway, happy July, happy Teddy Bear Picnic tomorrow - and have a joyful summer! Huge hugs! ♥

  3. Sarah,
    Love your monthly round-ups of days to celebrate... I still have to post my July l'heure bleue collage. So, I understand how your timetable is a little off this month. Regardless, still love seeing all the celebration days...


  4. That was lovely! I didn't know about the Friendship Day, but I must remember to mark it. We celebrate St Jean Batiste Day here, but not Bastille. July is a wonderful month!

  5. You always have such a way with posting wonderful photos and teaching us too, Sarah. Thank you.

  6. Sarah, without you I would not know about the events! I would love to do a post for Friendship Day, and I am thankful for your friendship.

  7. Sarah every time I come here I learn something new. I never realized what Bastille Day was about, and I didn't know about Friendship Day either. That's such a nice chance to give thanks to our friends and BTW---you're one I'm so grateful to have in my blog life.
    isn't the summer flying by?
    I hope you and the hubby are doing well.

  8. Dear Sarah:
    You pretty much got it all here! So many fun celebrations!

  9. Thank you for the great post Sarah. Such great pictures and all the celebrations. Thanks so much for sharing with us.


  10. Dearest Sarah,
    What a lovely post, honoring all the July events and that's a lot, internationally.
    Wishing you a happy Sunday and it is a joy having met you as a blogger friend.

  11. You hit on all of the wonderful days of celebration in July! I thank your for the opportunity to learn so many new things! Yet you never fail to do that in your posts, Sarah!

    Here's to a great 'rest of the summer'!


  12. Another fun roundup, Sarah. Summer was made for laziness and slowing down.

  13. Sarah, a lovely roundup of celebrations! Wishing you a beautiful Sunday! Pam @ Everyday Living!

  14. Sarah, I think we are always so busy preparing for the Fourth that July has a good reason for getting away from us! Yes, a lot of blogging friends from Canada and France celebrating in July. Love your roundup of celebrations as Pam says………….Stay cool!

  15. July is flying by and I feel like I'm just getting well enough to enjoy a few weeks of it! Sarah you are one of my favorite friends I've met blogging!

  16. You just reminded me of the song, "The Teddy Bears' Picnic." I love that song!

  17. Oh, I haven't thought about a Teddy Bears' picnic in so long. What a sweet, sweet memory! ;-)

  18. It looks like you had a lot of fun... love the outfit!


  19. So many July celebrations and you did them well!

  20. I always enjoy how you creatively participate, celebrate and share the events of the month!
    So lovely, as always!

  21. WHat a great round up, you do it with such flair. I have to go back and scroll to take a second look! Thanks so much for joining us at the Dishing It & Digging It Link Party. We always enjoy seeing your wonderful posts.

  22. I always enjoy your monthly posts, Sarah! I had an email from World Market that they are having a sale for Bastille Day, if you need anything!! Hope you have a wonderful week. Stay cool!

  23. Your post captures all the reasons I love the summertime!! Have a great week!

  24. No matter the occasion, your part of the country is so pretty and interesting,

  25. Sarah, This heat saps all my energy and enthusiasm so July 9th isn't too late in my mind for this post. I appreciate your friendship! Hugs and Doggie Kisses to Sweet Sadie ♥

  26. Hi Sarah, This is a charming post as always and I agree with the wonderful friends one makes in Blogland. These friendships are the bonus we never thought would happen through blogging.
    Thank you for Joining Blue Monday in spite of the linky problems I have had recently. I am pretty sure I have figured out the problem. It was Me. Sigh.

    I love picnics and the Teddy bear picnic is adorable.

    Have a wonderful week.
    xo, Jeanne

  27. Dear Sarah,
    that looks, as if it was a great day for you and all Canadians. Love the Teddie picnic and all the photos. Have a blessed time.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  28. Hello Sarah, I enjoyed all the photos of the wonderful celebrations! The Teddy Bear Picnic is oh, so sweet! xx Karen

  29. Lovely post Sarah. July is true summer with lots of sun and picnics. You always display the prettiest vignettes. The teddy bear is adorable. Friendships are so important. It's great to know so many wonderful bloggers. Thank you for. Sharing your posts at DI&DI.

  30. Seems like you had a lot of fun! Beautiful photos ♥

  31. I honestly did not know about all of the other celebrations in July! How fun! It certainly has been a busy month here too! I guess summer always is! Impossible to get anything done except entertaining and trips! But I guess I wouldn't have it any other way!

  32. Thanks for reminding us of the special days in July. I've been celebrating National Pina Colada Day! Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Design Link Party.

  33. It seems that many national holidays are in July! And how in the world did I miss Teddy Bear Picnic Day?

  34. Oh I adore the Independence day costumes brought a big smile to my face. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  35. Came to know about many useful days by reading your post.Thanks for sharing them.

  36. Lots of activities for the month of July! I have been so sad for France and Nice in particular after the Bastille Day attack. I probably should right a post for Friendship Day. It might life my spirits!

  37. Great pics for all the July happenings. Love the Teddy Bears' picnic. It brings back memories of my granny and my childhood.

  38. Sarah- you just have a special way of creatively sharing things with us.
    Happy TOHOT!

  39. I never realized that July was full of happy holidays! I'm so saddened about the attack in Nice on Bastille Day. It seems that every couple of weeks, there's another tragedy.

  40. Bless their hearts in Nice...Bastille celebrations and such a sad, terrible attack.
    July is flying by, just like will be starting next month....Christmas will be here before we know it...I just bought some adorable towel sets for our grands I've got a start on the shopping...with such a large family, I have to shop early for sales...

  41. July has many wonderful holidays and reasons to celebrate! I will have to remember the Teddy bear Picnic day next year. Happy Friends Day!

  42. The Teddy Bear picnic is just the cutest! Thank you for all the July inspiration.

  43. I had no idea Bastille Day was celebrated in Austin. I don't think there's anything here in Houston. I was not familiar with Teddy Bear Picnic Day. That's a new holiday to me.

  44. Sarah, Even though it is half way through July I'm still enjoying this post. I love your monthly round ups of the events we should look for. International Friendship Day is a wonderful idea and especially appropriate as we have all made such good friends through this blogging world. I will be looking forward to seeing your August post! Linda

  45. I hope you are having a wonderful summer. What a blessing to live in this glorious country. Sweet hugs, Diane

  46. OMGoodness...what a lot of RWB you have and the costumes are so much fun. You really get into the spirit, for both sides of the line. Love your Uncle Sam's they are very unique. Thanks for visiting oldnewgreenredo and commenting, I just had to come and see. I'm so far behind, we are in the middle of a house remodel, and blogging has been set aside. Sandi

  47. I so enjoy your posts about important days of the month and July was no exception! Thanks so much for linking up with Vintage Charm :)

  48. Oh, I am so loving that Teddy Bear's picnic! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  49. July is just flying by!! We spent part of it in charming Castine, Maine. Hope you are having a wonderful summer, my friend.
    xo L


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