Sunday, June 12, 2016

She's A Grand Ole Flag ~ 2016

This post was first published here in June 2014.

This happens to be one of my favorite posts,

so like picking up a good book to read again, 

I'm reposting this one.  

Celebrating National Flag Week

Honoring the red, white, and blue.

Patriotic holidays and the colors of our country's flag

have always given me a sense of pride and happiness.

I'm proud to be American!

As an elementary teacher for 30 years,

patriotism was an important component

throughout the year's curriculum.

It wasn't an isolated unit, 

but rather a theme that was woven into

various activities and integrated across the curriculum.

I believe it is important to teach children respect 

for our country's flag and other patriotic symbols and .   .   .

That instilling patriotism at an early 

age enables young children to understand 

the responsibilities of good citizenship.

It makes my heart sing to drive 

through my neighborhood and .   .   .

See families proudly 

display the flag of our country.

It reminds me that the US is a country united, 

one of liberty and justice for all.





If you are an American,

pay tribute to our flag this week.

"She's A Grand Ole Flag"

Flag Day ~ June 14

All photos were taken by me and enhanced through the Waterlogue App.



  1. What a beautiful post, Sarah! Much needed! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sarah - Gorgeous photos and beautiful post.


  3. Loved seeing this post again with your beautiful pictures.

  4. Such great photos, I love being able to fly the flag so often in the summer.

  5. A wonderful post, Sarah, it well deserved a second look. Happy Flag Day.

  6. I love this post (I may have missed it first time around) and it's so original and delightful with the Watercolor photos. I didn't know you taught elementary school, although I knew you taught. For some reason I thought high school and English!!! I'm odd! Where did I get that? I do remember I had more interaction with my children's elementary teachers. I was a volunteer more than I cared to be and there weren't as many parent/teacher conference in the kid's high school years. For some reason Abby's high school where she teaches has them after each quarter. Good but very stressful for her.

    Here here for Flag Day!!!


  7. She is a grand ole flag. Love seeing your post, every pic is a great inspiration.

  8. So enjoyed all gorgeous watercolor renditions of photos. I made a wood flag last year which is hanging on front porch railings. It stays up all the time. Worked very hard to make flag as original as possible, so am proud of job I did on it. Am surprised how well it has held up all this time thru seasons and it gets really hot here in western CO.
    Am also proud to say our youngest daughters oldest is going to college to be special needs teacher. She has done some work while still in high school. This month she'll be going to Italy as an AuPair then back to college in August where she'll be in her second year. Delainey got straight a's all thru high school and rarely missed a day. She's on a scholarship which she worked so hard for and received special awards. Gee do you think I'm just little proud of my grandkids? One of our grandsons is going to college in Lexington, KY on full ride scholarship to be a chemical engineer. After 4 yrs. he has scholarship for masters at Louisville, KY. Not one of our 6 grandkids has ever been in trouble and are really good kids. Not easy raising kids, had 4 didn't have money to send them to college but they sure raised good hard working kids. To me if I never did another thing in life just raising those 4 kids and seeing how they've turned out and their kids makes me feel pretty proud for simple people, without money, who struggled. People are too quick to target kids with problems, there are many like ours who are good kids for which I am so grateful. Have wonderful week

  9. So fun to see this one again, Sarah! I love that watercolor app! Flag Day is my sweet Caroline's birthday so we're always celebrating that day...can't believe she is going to be 12!
    I'll put my flag out early need to wait for the holiday.

  10. The bike with the flag made me smile:@) Happy Flag Day Sarah-enjoy:@)

  11. I remember this post, and how I loved the watercolor effect of all the pertinent photos. We are a nation built on so much of what that flag stands for. Thank you for teaching it over the years to so many children, Sarah. I hope today's educators have the wherewithal to do the same.

  12. I would love to paint like Waterlogue..
    You were one of the reasons I got it:)
    I love the way Americans fly their flag proudly:)

  13. Love this post and your pics. I hope they still say the pledge in classrooms, and teach citizenship, etc like when I was in school. We have gotten away from so many of our country's long held traditions. We fly our flag every national holiday.

  14. I love this post Sarah, happy you are sharing again from the archives. I to believe this, so important to teach patriotism at an early age. If only teaching could be like it was when we were growing up and as my son's early years education. I love the Waterlogue App, thanks for explaining how to get it to me, I have so much fun with it. I love your pics on this important topic. Thanks for posting this.
    PS: My flag is proudly flying out front, so thankful I am an American! And, I'm so hurting for the terror we are all learning about that has occurred in Florida……..

  15. Beautiful post! I am so unhappy to see the NFL say they will do away with the singing of our National Anthem at games. Their reason" too many change the words and mess it up! Ah baloney! We constantly give in to others and America has gotten to point where our government has to bow down to everyone but the American people. Our country is spiraling out of control. We need to hang on to patriotism and our reason why we are a free nation. I pray about this and I pray for Orlando today also. So much sadness, so much despair. As a small child in Catholic school we prayed each day to God and we pledge our allegiance to the flag. Such simpler times. Thank you for this glimmer of hope for us and now I am going to hang out my American flag. It makes my garden look so happy! It makes me happy and it always makes me thankful for those that gave their lives so we can remain free. Thanks again, this was a perfect time to take it from your archives and share it with everyone.

  16. A beautiful post, Sarah! I'm glad you reposted for us to enjoy again. Happy Flag Day on the 14th! Cheers, L

  17. Sarah, what a beautiful and patriotic post honoring our flag! My flag is flying high at our home! It is so important to teach our children, but I am afraid that no longer happens in public school! You did a lovely job painting in the Waterlogue app! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

  18. What a beautiful post! And thanks for telling us how you did all those wonderful photos! Happy Flag Day. We grew up pledging allegiance to the flag every single day.

  19. Flag Day has been important to me since I was a little girl - it was my mother's birthday. Daddy hung flags all around town with his fellow Lion's Club members just to celebrate my mother!

    We have a California flag hanging at all times, but tomorrow it will be replace by the American flag.

  20. You are very talented and do marvelous work. Glad you shared again as I do recall seeing this before.

  21. What a lovely post and I am so glad you reposted since I had never seen it before.


  22. What a great post- I love the images. Yes teaching about the flag is important for our youth. Thanks for the reminder- we'll get ours out on the pole tomorrow!

  23. Hi,
    What a wonderfully patriotic post! I didn't know that there was a Flag Day. I also was an elementary school teacher in Canada and now retired. Have a Wonderful Week! Karen

  24. Wonderful Sarah! Hooray for the red white and blue!

  25. It's a wonderful post and so glad that you re-posted it; love it! :)

  26. You couldn't have shared this at a better time.

  27. Hi Sarah, Your flag post deserves to be shared again. Beautiful water color look as well. I love showing our American Flag. Yes, we need to teach our children from an early age to respect the Flag and their parents too.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  28. A great revisit. I love the look. Amazing job. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great week.

  29. Sarah I agree whole heartedly! Thanks for a lovely post!

  30. Dearest Sarah,
    Yes, we will fly our Flag with pride and we're still mighty proud for being an American!
    Wonderful post and thanks for your teaching in previous years and still passing on great value to others.

  31. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une très jolie publication... Une pensée particulière pour toutes ces personnes qui viennent de vivre ce drame...

    Gros bisous ��

  32. The Stars and Stripes has a proud history here in our patriotic Mohawk Valley. It was first flown at Fort Stanwix in 1777. Happy Flag Day with this beautiful post!

  33. Fabulous post, and it is a joy to see Old Glory."You're a grand old flag!" I love seeing pictures of her and always will.

  34. It's no wonder it is your favorite, Sarah. It is so artistic and so beautiful....Christine

  35. Great photos. I love painterly apps.

  36. Sarah.. I can see why it's one of your favorites. The images are stunning. Enjoy your week.

  37. Beautiful message and watercolors.

  38. Your love for your flag and your patriotism stand right out, Sarah. The images are beautiful, and it is no wonder that this post is one of your favourites.

  39. I'm happy that you reposted this, patriotism is so important to our country. Love your images.

  40. Dear Sarah:
    What a beautiful post and I love these as each one is delightful! Thanks so much for participating, linking and sharing.

  41. Sarah, My heart beats red, white and blue I love your Waterlogue photos of Old Glory. I know you had to be everyone's favorite teacher. ♥

  42. Sarah, a beautiful post. Well worth another viewing. Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week. Mimi xxxs

  43. Love the water color look. I agree, but seems like we are losing more supper every day. Keep on teaching.

  44. Sarah, everything you do is wonderful. Your Flag week post is spectacular! Pinning and smiling. :)

    Happy Thoughts of Home.

  45. What a fabulous collection of watercolor flag photos. (I like Waterlogue, too.) I totally agree with your sentiments, especially at a time like this when our country can really use some patriotism. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Charm! Kathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

  46. Pretty images Sarah! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  47. Sarah, this is such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing. You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link so you can check out your feature. Have a lovely week, my friend! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  48. Sarah, If you miss teaching you can keep sharing posts like this with us! I firmly believe in everything you say here. Children need to be taught the history of our country and somehow be able to develop pride in the flag and all she stands for! Your photos are beautiful. I'm so glad you reposted this for us. Linda

  49. Thank you for reposting this sa I had never seen it. I worked for the VA hospital in Maine for 25 years and it gave me an appreciation for patriotism and freedom that I did not have before. Thank you.


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