Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March ~ 2016

M A R C H ~  2016

As the saying goes,

"March comes in like a lion."

 "Goes out like a lamb."

Typically March begins with cold wintery weather

and goes out with the mild and gentle feel of spring.

Today, here in Texas at least, 

March came in like a lamb with a perfect spring-like day. 

March 1 ~ National Pig Day

Did you miss this one, or did you celebrate the pig?

Do you know pigs are one of the 

most intellectual domesticated animals?

They are very social creatures, can learn tricks, 

and some varieties are raised as pets.

Click here to join these cuties for a Pink Pig Party.

All the famous pig personalities will be there.

March 2 ~ Texas Independence Day

Those of you not from Texas, 

likely don't have this date highlighted on your calendar, 

but it's an official holiday here in Texas.

March 2, 1836 is the date that Texas 

declared its independence from Mexico.

It is also the birthday of Sam Houston, 

the man who led Texas to victory over 

Mexican troops at the Battle of San Jacinto. 

March 2 is also the birthday of one of my BFF.

Happy Birthday, Ann!

"How much is that doggie in the window?"

March 10 ~ Sadie Mercedes' Adoption Day

This date is very special here at Hyacinths for the Soul.

It marks the anniversary of when our sweet

Sadie Mercedes came to live with us.

Thank you, Wee Rescue for allowing us

the privilege of adopting this precious girl 

who fills our lives with joy beyond measure.

Photo Tiny Pies, Used With Permission

March 14 ~ National Pi Day

National Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π.

The digits 3, 1, 4 are the first significant 

digits of π, thus the date, 3-1-4.  

My good friend and mathematics educator, 

Judith @ Botanic Bleu

suggested that I must include this important date.  

I plan to celebrate with a pie from my favorite source.

Tiny Pies ~ Austin, Texas

What will you do to celebrate?

March 16 ~ Cuisine Kathleen's 
Annual Blog Crawl

Get your green on and join 

Cuisine Kathleen's 

8th Annual St. Patrick's Blog Crawl.

There are sure to be lots of leprechauns causing mischief

on tabletops across Blogland, and no doubt you are all curious

to see who received the Traveling Shamrock Cloth this year.

You can read about the Traveling Shamrock Cloth here.

March 17 ~ St. Patrick's Day

Lhasa Apso's are from Tibet, not Ireland,

but Miss Sadie will be wearing her sparkly 

green bow to celebrate the day.

How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

March 20 ~ First Day of Spring

"Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil. " 

~ Bishop Reginald Herber

March 27 ~ Easter

Easter Sunday is on March 27 this year.

Only 26 days away!

Bunnies have already begun to hop about around here.

Are you getting ready for Easter?



  1. Who knew that so much was going on in March! Such a lot of history and so many reasons to celebrate. I will have to put a note in my calendar regarding Pie Day - that one will be easy to acknowledge!
    Little Miss Sadie is a sweetheart with her green bow - that face!
    I haven't put out a single thing for Easter yet apart from a basket of primroses on the front porch. Do pink tulips on the table count?

  2. Sounds like March will be a very full month Sarah! Thanks for the reminder about Pie Day, that's a holiday my kids really enjoy:@)

  3. March's calendar is blooming with holidays and fun Sarah! I was unaware of the March 1st pig holiday, but I did know pigs were smarter than most dogs (Miss Sadie, Chloe & Gracie excluded of course, although I sometimes wonder about C & G :) I love seeing Miss Sadie in her green glittery bow in your tote! She's ready for a St. Paddy's celebration for sure. ♥

  4. March came in like a lamb here, but that lion wants to show itself this weekend...snow in the forecast. Ugh. And pigs are my favorite!!! :)

  5. Easter is TOO early!

    We are combining Easter and jacques ' birthday at a dinner that no hunt:(
    Oh well..

    Lots of pretties here have such a cute doggie.

  6. Golly what a festive month you have ahead of you! Yes March arrived like a lamb. Spring has sprung. I think we have some windy days ahead. But I am so happy to see some green again! Enjoy all your happy celebrations!

  7. Wow Sarah, you just summed up all of March in one wonderful post! How nice!
    Your little pooch is totally adorable! The concrete lion is so cool, I like it when concrete statues are a part of architecture and the lamb sure is sweet.
    National Pig Day, now that's a good one! lol :)

  8. Sarah, I did know about Pi Day, with my math-brained son! They celebrate every year and last year (3.1415) was extra special. I did not know about Pig Day, however, so I will mark my calendar for next year! I enjoyed looking back at your pink pig party and fabulous collection of Important Pigs Personalities! Happy Adoption Day to beautiful little Miss Sadie. I'll be looking forward to all your posts for these holidays! Linda

  9. Lots going on in your world! I just read the previous post too, and that bag certainly does get around! I loved the Getty -- my son took me there. Hard to believe that Easter is almost upon us, isn't it?

  10. Hi Sarah. March is filled with almost everything imaginable even my hubby's birthday. Give everybody something to look forward to. My favorite is that little doggie in the window. What a sweet and lovable face. All your photos are so pretty..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  11. March is a busy month on your calendar Sarah. Easter is so close and St. Patrick's Day. No bunnies around here, where are they hiding? I usually make a stew celebrating my Irish heritage, i am part O'Quinn on my mom's side. Can't believe how long Miss Sadie has been with you, seem like just yesterday. Now I'm off to look for rabbits………….Happy March.

  12. Wow, lots going this month. Such a sweet face Sadie has. National Pig day is adorable. I guess there is a national day for everything. Lots to blog about.

  13. Sarah,
    I didn't realize how many "celebrations" there are in the Month of March!
    Yes, we're getting ready for St. Patrick's Day and Easter, too, dear friend!
    Miss Sadie is adorable in her green bow!

  14. Gosh you have reminded me that March is a busy month - looking I see my calendar is already filling up with dates!!!
    Happy 'Getting Sadie Day' come the 10th - she such a sweet pooch. Hope it was fun being in Texas today - and every day. You live in such a great place Sarah.

    Hugs - Mary

  15. I love March! My mother's birthday was yesterday (Mar 2), and my oldest was born on the first day of spring! My math/science geek sil celebrates Pi day. The only ones I wasn't aware of are the dates celebrating your Pig's Day, Sweet Sadie's and TX freedom. :) Happy, happy March!

  16. Good Morning Sarah,
    Goodness March is a busy, busy month and today it feels absolutely heavenly outside!
    I did not know about Pig's Day, and I even have a flying pig in one of my bookshelves.
    Sending well wishes to you and Sadie, she is absolutely precious.

  17. Thanks for all the reminders for March, Sarah! Sadie is such a cutie and I want to wish her a very happy day on the 10th. I'll have to make a pie on National Pi Day...mmmm!

  18. Hey I'm glad you pointed out all the dates of things that will be going on! I didn't know about National Pig's Day! I like pigs (love to collect flying pigs). My husband thinks I'm nuts but he was raised on a dairy farm. I've seen some of the cutest little pigs as pets- just adorable! I'll tell my son's wife to make him a "pie" since he's an engineer and will get a kick out of it! I might make a pot of corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's Day and have a beer! I like it when Easter is so close to my birthday and this year it is! Your little Sadie is a sweetie. I can imagine she loves being on one's lap!

  19. March is indeed a busy month Sarah, I didn't know about Pig Day and had forgotten Pi day! We have a little leprechaun born on the 17th so we always celebrate in a big way...and then Easter, phew, we will all be exhausted when April arrives! Love your sweet canine angel-

  20. Pi on the pie, hee hee. Love your sweet Sadie Mercedes. I always celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a festive tablescape and some delicious corned beef. I have to admit that I do not like when Easter falls early as then spring feels so rushed.
    Thank you ever so much for linking up at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Your presence adds such a ray of sunshine!

  21. Your little doggie baby is adorable! I never heard of 'pigs day' but ok, I learned something today.
    I am looking forward to St. Pat's to make a pretty tablescape and join Kathleen. I can't wait for Spring to fix my house cheery, not because of the weather, as ours is like that year round.
    Loved your visit sweet lady.

  22. First, Sarah, Miss Sadie is adorable. I didn't want to forget to say that before I went on to say that your posts are always filled with fun facts I didn't know. A state independence day? Fantastic! A history behind the city of Houston? Never knew. The intelligence of pigs? I simply thought they were very sweet and curious animals. There is a pig farm near our lakehouse. We always pull to the side of the road in the spring to see the baby piglets and they come to the fence and allow us to pet them. Intelligent and affectionate. More than some people I know! lol! I miss Kathleen's blog party. I participated many years in a row as I'm in a huge Irish neighborhood. I simply ran out of ideas. How many times can you share that the Chicago River is dyed green with vegetable dye?!!

    Thanks always for your wonderful posts. Happy March!!


  23. So much to celebrate! I love your little Sadie. What a cutie. You can tell that she brings you a lot of joy. xoxo Su

  24. Lots of fun facts here and the cutest of puppies! Great post!

  25. What interesting facts. Love that Texas' special day is included. I can't wait for March 20. And yes, March has definitely started like a lion. Thanks for sharing on Your Inspired Design Link Party #25.

  26. Dearest Sarah,
    Lovely post and it contained some very special celebrations.
    Sadie is lucky for having found her human parents and knowing true love.
    Love the Texas Independence Day and people should treasure the history of their state.
    We have finally some lovely fragrant daffodils, guess they got confused by the very warm Christmas weather and than frost again.
    Nature can be full of surprises.
    Sending you hugs and blessings for the weekend.

  27. I love this informative post...and lots of fun...
    your little dog is so precious.
    We don't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day but I will be joining Kathleen at her Crawl. See ya there....xoxo

  28. Sarah,
    Great March round-up. I love that you included Pi day, and think you are such a good friend to give my blog a shout-out! I will be celebrating Pi day with some special pie and a Pi-Day post of some kind. March 1 is my birthday, March 2 was my in-laws' wedding anniversary, and March 25 was my daddy's birthday. So March was always a special month in our family.


  29. What a wonderfully informative post, Sarah! I didn't know about National Pig Day...I wonder if Lynn, over at Happier than a pig in Mud knows about it??
    I'm excited to see where the Traveling Shamrock Cloth has gone to next. What a fun idea Marigene had years ago!
    Miss Sadie looks A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E in her green glittery bow, all ready to celebrate with us. Woo-Hoo!
    Loved seeing those beautiful RED tulips. Did you know that is the one color the deer eat around my house? They don't touch the white or yellow ones, only the red. Strange!

  30. So many things to celebrate this month. Miss Sadie is ready for them all. March came in like a lamb here as well Sarah. However next week the lion is going to roar! :) I did know that pigs are intelligent animals, but I did not know there was a National pig day. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  31. Boy, March is a busy month!

    I always celebrate Pi Day. I took advantage of it in March of 2014 because the entire month was 3-14. I've been craving banana cream pie so I think that's what I'll make for Pi Day this year.

    Thanks for sharing at SYC.

  32. Hi Sarah! Hi Sadie :) March indeed is a very exciting month. I can't wait for spring. And this week we are expecting temps in the 60 - 70s. The cheery blossoms are going to be early this year.
    Hope you are having a lovey weekend.
    Happy almost spring,

  33. I love March because of the weather it brings but I didn't realize it is that busy. But I am extra busy because in addition to all that, we came to Natchez to do a final move of our stuff next werkend. That means I have to pack, pack, pack!...Christine

  34. Since I am a life time Texan, I can relate to your post. Last week perfect and storms this one.

  35. I saw your link at Kathryn's Make it Pretty Monday party and I'm so glad I stopped by. Your lion and lamb photos reeled me in, and then I just had to smile at your March events. National Pig Day? How funny. Spring, lovely Spring, is here. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey

  36. I learned about some special days I didn't know about. Oh My! Those tulips are stunning. Are they in your yard? Sadie is such a cutie, and she looks good in green.

  37. March sure is a busy month at your end, Sarah. Over here it is in full spring mode.

  38. Hi Sarah! My goodness but your March is full, though I can't imagine how you all decided to celebrate National Pig Day!!? Such a fun post--thanks for sharing it with us all at Vintage Charm :)

  39. So many reasons to celebrate this month! What a fun post and best wishes on Sadie's anniversary!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.