Thursday, February 25, 2016

Rendezvous With Quimper Friends

~ QCI ~

Quimper Club International

was founded in 1999 by 

Lucy Williams and Katie Wiggins Sledge.

The club was formed to offer a

forum to educate members about the history

and production of Quimper faience along with other French faience 

and to provide a way to connect with others who share a love 

of the beautiful pottery, both old and new.

The very first meeting was held in Santa Monica, CA.

It drew interested members from across the US 

and Europe, and brought together strangers 

who shared a common bond.

Seventeen years of annual meetings

have spawned cherished friendships far and wide.

Last week a group of QCI friends

 gathered  for the simple pleasure of visiting with one another.

Dallas, TX was the destination as various friends made there way

from the east coast, the west coast, and Canada.

Two of us traveled up from Austin.

We dined, we shopped, we oohed and awed.

Our days were filled with visits to nine beautiful homes,

each offering exquisite collections of French faience.

The lovely tablescape shown in this post is

but a glimpse of the charm and beauty that filled our days

as the Dallas members graciously and generously hosted us

in their homes where we laughed together and shared 

the joy of reconnecting with special friends.


I've been short on time, and have dozens of photos

to edit and organize, but I promise to share more

of the exquisite faience that we saw over five days.

For those interested in Quimper and other French pottery, 

visit the QCI website here to learn more about

membership and the Annual Meeting to be held in 

Kansas City, Missouri September 21-24, 2016. 

We welcome new members!

I'd like to thank my friend Betty for allowing me to share

her beautiful sun kissed table set with pieces

of contemporary Quimper in the pattern Mistral Blue.



  1. Sarah,
    Thanks so much for visiting!!
    What a beautiful table that your friend had set for the get together!! Beautiful dishes!!


  2. What a lovely table! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  3. When I first got the collecting bug back in early 1970's I had run across some quimper pottery and dishes and wanted it so bad however it was way over my spending budget back in the day
    The plates I seen was old as Tea leaf China I loved them both

  4. And what a pretty garden view from her table..exquisitely set.
    What fun to have this group of friends!
    I look forward to more photos..The Quimper goes so well w/ the provencal colors.

  5. Sarah,
    How very interesting this is, I love to acquire knowledge about the History of many things but dishes is one of my favorites.
    I have so many china pieces dating back to the late 1800's.
    I am going to further investigate this organization, so I thank you for including the link.
    Also, thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday.

  6. In 2012 I visited the Quimper Museum. In my blog post of November 2012 I provided a link to the Quimper Museum. The Museum allowed photographs and I have many. If any of your followers are interested I will be happy to send them to you.

    You might enjoy reading my post about Quimper Style. xo, Gina

  7. What a fun gathering of friends with common interests. The table setting you've shown is charming. I don't know much about Quimper ware, but Maggie of Normandy Life (who doesn't blog much anymore, sadly), is also fond of the dishes.

  8. Such a beautiful table! I remember, forty years ago, sitting at a breakfast table set with beautiful Quimper ware, at the home of my landlady. We lived on a house on her large mainland property. I was so taken with the dishes, and over the years have only ever picked up a piece of two (and been gifted with one or two very pretty pieces!). You photo took me back. I can imagine that the small gathering of friends and afficionadas was very, very pleasant!

  9. You introduced me to Quimper and now I love seeing it. My two little pieces one bought in Paris are very special to me.

  10. Such a pretty table and interesting bit of info on Quimper! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Hi dear Sara - what lovely pix of your Dallas visit, just know you Quimper lovers had a great time together.
    In Sept. I did see a shop in Normandy which specialized in this beautiful faience pottery ware - sadly not enough time to spend doing much looking about or buying though.
    Wondering if Maggie is coming to this year's meeting - she's been MIA on her blog for a long time. Hope you are in touch and all is well with her and R.

    Hugs - Mary

  12. That is one beautiful table! The light is perfect, and the color are so pleasing. What a wonderful time you must have had!

  13. Sarah, you know I just love seeing this post and hearing all about your getting together with your Quimper collecting friends. I think it's wonderful that you were able to go so close to home and see 9 homes while there! The table you showed is lovely - I do love that flower urn (or is it originally a tureen?). My purse collecting society hosts a similar gathering annually. It's nice to be totally saturated amongst like minds to ooh and awe as you put it. Thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to your future post of photos you'll be sharing.

  14. Bonsoir,

    Je suis heureuse de lire et d'admirer les photos de ce merveilleux billet. Un bel hommage à la céramique de Quimper... J'aime beaucoup cette ville, cette région.
    Mes enfants ont beaucoup vécu en Bretagne dans le Finistère nord à Plouescat. Lorsque j'allais leur rendre visite, j'aimais me promener à Quimper.
    Je possède de très jolis bols de Quimper et j'ai acheté le premier bol à oreille pour mon petit-fils Nathan.
    Gros bisous ♡

  15. The first time I saw Quimper was on your blog. It is beautiful pottery...I have a few pieces, one is a cider cup and three plates that are plain pottery, no design.
    Your hostess' table is the octagonal plates.

  16. Well of course I LOVE this. Your table is so pretty!!

  17. Beautiful photographs. To me,there is nothing more fun than to get together with like-minded friends. Dianne

  18. You always share the most lovely tables!!

  19. Such a beautiful pottery, Sarah. That must have been such a fun trip. Thanks for sharing all these pics. I really enjoyed them...Christine

  20. Looking forward to seeing more beautiful photos from your Dallas adventure.

  21. interesting! I love that you can connect with others from all over who share in collecting these lovely pieces - I can't wait to see more pics - much of this is new to me!

  22. How very interesting to learn about Quimper pottery. I really never gave it much thought other than its very pretty.
    Looking forward to future post about this beautiful pottery.
    Have a great weekend.

  23. What a nice thing to do! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Looking forward to more pictures!

  24. Gorgeous table Sarah! I look forward to seeing more of your photos and fun times with friends *dishing* together :)

  25. Sarah, I know it was a wonderful time for everyone to get together, I would have loved being there with all of you but as it turned out I was in Florida doing my "Bama" duties. Betty's lovely Quimper table with the Mistral Blue is one of my favorite patterns. Thanks for sharing the information about the QCI. Looking forward to more of the tours.

  26. How pretty that sun dappled scene looks! It it weren't for you & your posts regarding Quimper, I would have never known about it, Sarah!
    I was on a house tour that had a huge display of it & I was SO PROUD that I was able to recognize & identify/explain it to my DD & DGD. Always the teacher, you are!

  27. I love that you have this Quimper connection through the years with your friends, Sarah. The sun shining through the windows on that pretty table is just beautiful! I look forward to seeing and hearing more of your tour.

  28. What a wonderful idea to have friends meeting far and wide to learn the history of pottery, or anything really. It certainly is beautiful :)


  29. Wow, I love what I'm seeing already! You have friends who love beautiful things. That's a neat way to bond. Can't wait to see more. :)

  30. Wow! I've gone to Quimper heaven. This is so pretty. That planter (I can't figure out how to spell that other word) is absolutely stunning! Of course, I love all of the Quimper, but I'm also loving her stemware. It's gorgeous. I enjoyed seeing this, and I look forward to seeing more posts from your trip.

  31. I have never collected Quimper.
    It is amazing.

    Thank you for joining TOHOT! We are so glad you are here.

    You are a dear friend and you have always been to so many of us.

  32. I love beautiful pottery. It's a joy to see such beautiful pieces! What a lovely organization and how nicely it grew over the years. I can see you treasure it!

  33. Dearest Sarah,
    That for sure were happy days for you and all as you share a mutual interest in these beautiful French pieces.
    Looking forward to see more of your photos.

  34. That all sounds like so much fun!! I know virtually nothing about that type of pottery, but WOW, what a great way to learn and grow through this organization!!

    HPS! Dana

  35. Sarah,
    What a wonderful friendship that spans time and distance... including across the world. Your friend's table setting is lovely with its Provençal blue and white linens that pair perfectly with the Quimper. Looking forward to seeing even more beautiful blue and yellow Quimper...


  36. ... meant to say blue and YELLOW linens...


  37. I don't have a single piece of quimper but I am sure enjoying your post. The pottery looks so interesting. What a fun time you must have had on your trip.

  38. Absolutely lovely. How many pieces do I need to have to join? Will one do?

  39. Fun times, Sarah. That is some seriously pretty china.

  40. Hi Sarah, visiting from Lone Star Sisters! What fun--I love a pretty tablescape and this is gorgeous! The blues and yellows are so cheerful and perfect with spring coming soon!

  41. That meeting with your good friends sounds like fun. Years ago, a friend introduced me to this pottery, but I have never owned any. She had a ton! Now, I suppose it is harder to find a good deal -- so you and your friends are smart that you started way back when. These photos are beautiful.

  42. Such beautiful china! So glad you had a nice visit:) xoKathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

  43. So beautiful and such a charming table. I love the linens! The footed pot is wonderful too. What a fun club to be in!

  44. How fun! This is such a pretty table. I have followed a few Quimper fans and I have also heard of this group that comes from all corners of the earth. It doesn't get any better than that!

    I can't wait to hear more about your time in Dallas and to see more fab pics!!


  45. I can't believe that I don't own any Quimper. Each piece is perfect and the linens to match are so sweet.

    I really don't NEED anything more and I am trying to purge, but I think I need to find just a few pieces of Quimper.

    Thanks so much for sharing at SYC.

  46. The Quimper able is amazing, so glad you were able to use your friends table. Such a great way to make friends and talk about something that everyone loves, great pottery! Thank you so much for sharing this with us over at the DIshing It & Digging It Link Party. I am honored you shared it with us.


  47. Sarah, this table screams spring. Love the colors and I have never heard of this Quimper. Where have I been? Such a great way to connect with friends. I so admire the group sharing, The sun drenched table really shines with this unique pottery. Love the footed piece. Thank you for sharing at Dishing It & Digging It.

  48. Sarah I absolutely adored this post. It brought back memories of traveling to the Alsace region of France where quimper is produced. I am a bit late in visiting due to it being college finals week for me but I am so very happy you joined Thought of Home on Thursday and shared this delightful gem.

    On a side note I think of you every time I step outside as my hyacinths are blooming!

  49. I've always admired Quimper but have not one single piece. This table is just stunning in the shadows and light.

  50. Sarah, just stunning. The colours are glorious! Love, Mimi xxx

  51. Sarah you have always had such lovely dishes. I also love the glasses with the light in the window. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  52. Pretty share Sarah! I am going to be so sad without Smiling Sally. I was stunned to hear she passed away yesterday. But I knew she suffered so terribly and never was without her cheerful Blue Monday cheer. I will always put some blue on my Monday posts. You take care. :-(

  53. It is so great that friends from near and far gather to honour beautiful Quimper Pottery.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.