Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January ~ 2016


It's a cold 

and dreary day here.

Caps and wooly scarves

help keep the chill off.

A perfect excuse to 

 wrap up in my favorite tartan.

To gather with friends

and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate.

My posting of late has been as sparse as

the stick arms on a snowman.

I apologize to you, my readers!

Partly, I just haven't had that spark of inspiration

to come up with something of interest.

Mostly,  it's that the new year has me busy with some

projects and the desire to get back into stitching

and reading more rather than yielding my

leisure time to the dark hole of the internet. 

I do have more to share,

and I fully expect to be back to

posting weekly once February arrives.

I felt I needed some time to reflect

on the priorities of how I wish to spend my time

and simply take a break from posting on the blog.

Thank you to all my blogging friends who have

written to check in to see that all is OK.

The blogging community is an amazing network

of caring friends for which I'm truly grateful.

Sadie and I appreciate your friendship and 

that you take the time to stop by Hyacinths to visit.  

2016 is off to a good start.

We hope you will continue to visit   

and follow along as we share 

this and that in the months ahead.

Blogger and Google have been changing things again.

Many of my "Followers" have disappeared from the sidebar.

I hope you will continue to visit and hopefully 

attach a comment when you visit.  

I read every comment and try to respond

to all who let me know that they visit here.

If you wish to follow by email,

you will find a link at the top of my sidebar.


  1. Sarah, I lost 24 followers today and did not know why until I read this on another blog. lol! I just thought people quit liking me. lol! You were missed my friend. Always love what you have to share. Your snowmen are all so fun! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  2. I lost followers too and really didn't have that many anyway. I adore what you share whenever you decide to share it. Love, love, love your blog, you are inspirational.


  3. Hi Sarah from a very dreary & rain soaked Florida!

  4. Hi Sarah from a very dreary & rain soaked Florida!

  5. Sarah,
    Your snowmen are adorable. There is something so cute about snowmen. Yes, Google is removing anyone from Google Friend Connect who does not have a Google account. It's like the school business. There is always something changing. Glad to know you are doing well and that you plan to continue posting.


  6. I love this post and all your sweet snowmen.

    I feel badly that I wasn't one of your friends who dropped by, but I have been ill and haven't had as much time for blogging/reading/commenting.

    I'm glad you'll be sharing again soon and thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  7. Good evening Sarah,
    Is that what happened! I thought maybe it was just me... I lost four bloggers today...
    Your snowmen are just adorable. Good to know you and Sadie are doing well.

  8. Sarah, so glad that you are not ill. It is hard to think of things and I only post once a week for that reason. For those who post everyday it must be nerve wracking. After reading about you losing followers, I checked mine and I lost 10! What does that mean and is there a way to get them back on or do you have to sign up for something else. I try to leave everyone that comments a thank you note but so many are on Google + now and it is hard to know what you are supposed to do. I don't do well with change!! Anyway, love all the snowmen and I think they were a very worthy subject and Sadie has a little Jayne Mansfield going on! Oh, no, I think that was Veronica Lake who had the blonde hair over her eye!! Whoever, she sure is a cutie..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  9. Isn't there just something special about a snowman? Our little granddaughter wants to watch 'Frosty' whenever she has a sleepover with us. We sing 'Frosty the Snowman' together and snuggle on the couch. Your snowmen are all so sweet.
    Really, Sarah, stitching and reading sound like perfectly wonderful things to do during these colder months. I have been knitting furiously and planning new cross stitch projects.
    Regarding Google and Blogger - twenty followers disappeared this morning. Poof!

  10. Hi Sarah, enjoy your well deserved blog break! I've enjoyed a break myself and vowed to write in a journal this year which has been successful (thus far). xo

  11. Ha ! Exactly what has kept me from blogging more often. Plus, I think why should I blog? I know no one counts on my posts ( but many graciously read and comment on them ) and truly I blog because I love to write and interact with other blogger-writers. And blogging has been a blessing and encouragement to me, yet still I am humbled by the kindness of bloggers. Your snowmen and the captions are perfect for our community of bloggers, thank-you.

  12. Sarah, I hope you're stitching up a storm and reading something wonderful, I could use a recommendation of a good book or two! It's warming up here this week with temperatures in the mid 60s by the weekend, very different weather from the snow storm last weekend! Love the photo of Miss Sadie with her snowman. Keep Calm and Stitch On ♥

  13. Hi Sarah, What a darling collection of snowmen, and January is the perfect time to enjoy them. It's always heartwarming to have blogging friends let us know we are missed. January is such a great time of year to enjoy the cozies of home, relaxing and reading. It has been so cold I've avoided getting out so much. Sarah, I have lost a lot of followers due to Google changing things again. The way I understand it, if you are not signed in with Google you can't sign-up to follow! Love the adorable Sadie. Oh, the tote is in the mail, I should be receiving it soon……...

  14. Hello, Sarah! I was just thinking about you when I saw you pop to the top of my blog roll! We all need to take blog breaks from time t time. I enjoyed looking at your adorable snowman collection. :)

    I think Google Friend Connect is a thing of the past now.....Google wants to "streamline" supposedly. I hope people will follow me on Bloglovin'. I really enjoy looking at my Bloglovin' feed!

    Happy you're back!


  15. Hi Sarah, so good to hear from you. Well you sure had a spark of inspiration for this post, very cute! I enjoyed seeing your snowman collection. I had been trying to find the perfect snowman at the flea markets I go to and finally found ONE! I have him on my Colors of Winter post if you want to see him. You have several snowmen that I would definitely buy if I saw them for sale.
    Have a great rest of your week and I look forward to what you have in store for us this year.

  16. January is a good time to take time for one's self. It's also good to hear from you, Sarah.

  17. It was nice to receive an email of your post in my inbox this morning, dear Sarah. Sometimes breaks are just necessary. I have found that posting just once a week is good for me.
    Your collection of snowmen is perfect for January, and wrapping in a tartan blanket and stitching is the perfect way to relax. Enjoy the rest of your week. Love and hugs are sent to you!

  18. Your snowman collection is endearing..all the child at heart of you.

  19. Hello Sarah! Lovely to see you pop up in my feed...and with so many sweet snowmen friends in tow! Stay warm!! :)

  20. Happy to see a post from you this morning. I, too, have spent most of January sewing rather than on the computer. Maybe February will bring some inspiration for me. Happy snowman days to you!!! Sally

  21. Good Morning Sarah,
    Wonderful to visit you and see this precious snowman collection-just like you- I have a joyful heart for collecting these whimsical characters.
    Stay warm!

  22. Hi Sarah. I hate to hear that it's cold and dreary where you are. It has been so beautiful here in Dallas...cold but sunny and pretty. We have daisies blooming in the flower bed, of all things. :)

    Your snowmen are so cute. I understand stepping away for awhile but don't stay gone too long.

  23. Sarah,
    Glad you're taking some time to reflect, dear friend!!!
    life can be overwhelming, at times, and one needs to re~charge our batteries!!!
    Hopefully, Spring will arrive and boost all our spirits!!!

  24. Hello Sarah- good to see you post! Your snowmen and conversation is cute :-)
    I'm purging and donating lately. Seems to be an uplifting event for me! Look forward as always to seeing your posts.

  25. Dearest Sarah,
    You are wise for doing it the way you handle your blog!
    Often there is not enough time in life to do it all.
    Enjoy your winter in the quiet of your warm and cozy home and reading and stitching is a wonderful way to spend your time.

  26. Hi Swrah. I hope you have a restful break. Love the snowmen!

  27. Cute snowmen. Google is trying to rule the world! Blogs that go to Google Plus lose even more access to comments outside the google plus group. Kudos for taking time off for yourself, better to rest and come back rejuvenated. I adore hyacinths.

  28. I love your snowmen! Each is unique and just adorable. So glad you posted! I'm looking forward to seeing more from you.

  29. I know what you mean. Sometimes we are just uninspired. Your snowman collection is darling, but not as darling as Sadie! Dianne

  30. Hi Sarah! Your post reminds me of how much I appreciate all our blogging ladies (and a few gents) more and more as time goes by. There is a genuine warmth and goodwill that prevails, and you are one who leads the way in this. Your visits always make me feel appreciated. I'm so glad that many of us are finding that we can change the pace a little and that folks will still look for us. We all need to recharge!

  31. Hi Sarah, so happy to see a post from you. Hope you are enjoying your month, I haven't posted as much either as I have made a resolution to REALLY purge and organize the house this month and I am really doing it! It feels SO good! Do what YOU enjoy! Life is too short, right? Take care and be well. XO, Pinky

  32. Thank you for mentioning the Google Connect Friends. I thought I had more followers! That went right over my head! LOL! I haven't blogged as much recently either but had missed you, Sarah! Checked in with your blog but got distracted and didn't comment.
    I'm ready for warmer temps!

  33. So glad to see a post from you, and all of these snowmen are so cute. Sadie looks like she's even enjoying your snowmen. I thought maybe you'd sold your house and you were in the process of moving. I've missed your posts. I want to know what you've been reading. I'm always looking for book recommendations.

  34. hi Sarah! I love your snowman collection, definitely brought a lot of smiles to my face! I think it's great to take a break when you need to, and hope the inspiration comes back soon. I loved your alphabet posts last year, and when I saw this January one, I thought, Oh good, she's going to do monthly themes now! Your mention of stitching reminded me, that I want to spend more time stitching and reading books this year, so thank you for that-

  35. I have also been a slacker of a blogger! Some days I don't know where the time goes! I have a book that I am dying to read, and just can't seem to find a quiet time!!! You have a wonderful collection of snowmen.

  36. Im still reading! dont stay gone too long!!

  37. Sarah,
    Love your collection of snow men!! So cute!! Yes, I do know about the changes to google connect. They have to have a google account to be a follower on google connect now.

  38. Hi Sarah! January is a good month to take a break and snuggle up with a good book or two and needlepoint project.
    My eyes have finally healed to the point where reading on the computer does not bother me any longer, and I am seeing details in the outdoors that I've missed for years. Hopefully all will continue to go well. Thankful for my good doctor!

  39. Looks like you're having a nice party with your little friends, Sarah. Here it is very sunny and very cold, a false sun.

  40. I am with you. Taking time off is a good thing. It's cold and dreary. Your collection of snowmen are adorable. Thanks for joining the Table It link Party. I hooked up with Christine and 3 other bloggers. We are going to change the name, since it sounds like tablescapes only. Also thank you for your sweet comment about my Quaint Valentine lunch.

  41. Darling snowmen! It's actually quite warm in AZ already. Yes, I've also been losing lots of followers lately, but I definitely will keep on visiting you!

  42. Sarah, I'm a snowman nut! Lovve your snowman collection.
    Thanks for sharing that information...sniff, I've lost some followers too!
    Take care, sweet lady!

  43. Hello Sarah,

    I enjoyed your snowmen post, I suppose because I like snowmen so much. I really liked that blue tapestry pillow. Thanks for playing today.

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  44. Sadie is so cute and I love your collection of snowmen! Try to stay warm :)

  45. Your snowmen are precious! It is so cold here I don't think I would last outdoors building one though. It is always nice to see you here. Have a great week.

  46. Heaven knows that I must graciously honor your need for a break. And I'm thrilled that you are returning to blogging! Inspiration is your middle name! Cherry Kay

  47. Such a lovely post! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link so you can check out your feature. Hope to see you tonight at Make it Pretty. Have a great day. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.