Wednesday, October 7, 2015

U is for Unique Tablescapes

Unique ~ 

being only one of its kind;

 unlike anything else

The Annual Fall Round Top Antiques Week

offers a unique opportunity to see

an interesting assortment of vintage and antique items.

Uncommon objects, if you will! 

I found myself snapping photos of the unique tablescapes

seen in many of the dealer booths this year at 

Marburger Farm Antique Show.

Obviously these tablescapes are not

ones created for actual meals, but rather ones styled

to show case items for sale and to draw

perspective buyers into the booths to shop,

though the inspiration gleaned is notable.

The large chicken feeder filled with natural

elements and used as a centerpiece could easily translate 

to one's own farm table as would the idea of

vintage bottles used as candlesticks.

Another dealer was selling these 

vintage metal gauge plates. 

As well as these interesting 

vintage blue glass bottles.

This table immediately caught my eye with

its pops of blue, the feathers, the brown transfer ware 

paired with white ironstone, wonderful old silver flatware, 

and the clever use of the gauge plates.

Then later, the table above must have sold,

so the dealer recreated the tablescape onto this chippy blue table.

Love the addition of the paper placemats.

Did you notice the clever use of the individual pages

from the 1800s hymnal?  

Simplicity here with the various wooden mallets

to accent the vintage white ironstone plates.

This glass top table setting incorporated rustic touches 

of vintage almanacs from the 1800s and

an assortment of vintage flatware 

presented in little burlap bags.

A touch of glamor with shabby chic 

for this table that featured

 a mix of seashells and shed antlers.

Notice the feather decor atop the white pumpkin.

Vintage hymnals with baby pumpkins

added a touch of seasonal color to this old farm table,

while the vintage wooden horse was the obvious focus.

How clever this display is!

The simplicity of the bare table and minimal

use of objects drew my attention to the old whisk brooms

with their garlands of dried seed pods.  

Love this idea for a centerpiece vignette for fall.

Yes, the creative talent of the dealers that show at

 Marburger Farm Antique Show never disappoints.  

The above table is one from years ago,

 but continues to remain one of my all time favorites.

Texas Antique Shows are

Uniquely Texas!

Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Vintage Charm @ Charm Bracelet Diva


  1. What an amazing show! You are so lucky to live in the area. I love that bottle centerpiece too. I'm sure I would just exhaust myself if I could ever get there! In a good way of course! Haha!

  2. Oh I have got to get to Round Top! Old almanacs, chicken feeders, bottles and burlap galore...I love the whimsy and fun mix of found objects and using them in a unique way. Thanks for the virtual tabletop fun Sarah! :)

  3. This must be so much fun to travel to Round Top to see all the antiques and amazing displays. I really enjoyed seeing all the creative use of simple items to create these tablescapes. It is all simply eye candy! I see several ideas I would love to try, the bottles and candles and the different layers used in the first photo, I would love to create this look for my outside dining table for autumn. Thanks for all the great ideas Sarah.
    Hope you are enjoying the season.

  4. It's so interesting to see all the "unique" table decor, Sarah! There's so much creativity and inspiration in Round Top. Maybe one day I'll get the pleasure of going.

  5. I don't think I would ever tire of those tablescapes with vintage use of materials - truly unique. Thanks for sharing, Sarah. They're all so beautiful, and such creative ways to display the vendors' items.

  6. I like them..The matla gauge etc..lovely!
    I am shying away from colors etc..too much ..Simple..way better:)
    What a neat place.

  7. OOh aaah. I'm in love with ideas from each and every picture. So glad that you posted this and shared the tables.. What a fun place to go. One day I will do that!! Thank you sooo much. Hugs and blessing to you my dear friend. xo marlis

  8. Oh my goodness what fun! Each setting is so unique. There's definitely some very talented vendors there. I liked that pumpkin with the feathers and a touch of moss!

  9. Lovely and unique table top shots for U

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  10. Oh wow!! Seriously in love with those fabulous tablescapes and all the goodies. I be broke if (and when) I ever get to go to Round Top!

  11. Oh my, they are all fabulous! I like the chippy blue table that was the substitute better than the original... I think the placemats just make it all pop out more! Such interesting additions to a table -- the whisk brooms, the gauge plates as napkin rings (very clever), that pretty feather adorned pumpkin, and of course the blue bottles! Bet you had fun!

  12. It kills me that I will not be making it to Austin as originally planned after seeing all this beauty.

  13. I might steal the idea of the old bottles in the wooden tray for fall.

  14. love the tablescapes. Once again wishful I could head South for the show, but we're headed in a different direction.

  15. I am amazed to see all these beautiful vignettes and tables at this show Sarah! Obviously a lot of talent and thought into these displays, and how refreshing to see things not piled on tables and in boxes, but displayed as treasures~ yes, I do love the one with the vintage glass bottles in that awesome wooden tray/box, wonderful!

  16. I love all of these tablescapes! Who knew you'd find so many at an antique show?? I really like that first one with the pinecones!

  17. These are unique tablescapes. I loved seeing them so thanks for sharing.
    I hope to attend Round Top maybe in the spring. I wanted to come for years but distance has prevented that. Now that my son lives in Dallas and my husband is retiring maybe we can arrange to come. I've been to Brimfield way back in 2002 and that was exciting. I think I would like Round Top and the surrounding little towns even better.

  18. Very creative tablescapes and you photographed them well. You must have thoroughly enjoyed yourself Sarah.

  19. Those tablescapes are unique indeed, Sarah. It must be so much fun to have seen them in person. Thanks for sharing....Christine

  20. One thing I miss about not being in Houston in October is Roundtop. So I'm really glad you showed all these pictures so that I don't feel like I missed it completely

  21. These are beautiful tablescapes, Sarah. The last one - the wooden box with all the old bottles - is my favourite. These are indeed unique!

  22. Those are really interesting table the retro look.

  23. Very beautiful table decorations !

  24. Oh my gosh! Thanks so much for sharing these tables!! I love them - and I never would have seen so many unique ideas if you had not shared them with us. Each one is unique indeed!!
    Maybe some day I will get to take a trip to Round Top - meanwhile I will live it vicariously through your beautiful photos.

  25. These are so different and unique. love seeing this fabulous tables. I bet it was fun to visit and look at all of the goodies. A fun outing for sure. Have a terrific weekend.

  26. I like shows like this that spark one's imagination!

  27. Beautiful - love the blue bottles and burlap bags. xo Karen - visiting from Simple and Sweet Fridays.

  28. There's so much inspiration in this post it's ridiculous! Wonderful photos, Sarah. Don't you just love the color of the first table? Love the patina! I really want to visit Round Top one day.

  29. Oh Sarah I am just green with envy! It looked like a wonderful show. We had Mr. Decor's family visiting here so I missed out but I am planning on attending this spring.

  30. Making displays like that would be something I want to do in my next life. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  31. I just love all t h e rustic decor. Lucky you to see it in p person.

  32. These are completely unique and super charming tables. I would love to be seated at any one! Thanks for sharing the pretty!

  33. All those tablescapes were so unique! I love the chippy blue table, that would have been my purchase!

  34. Lots of wonderful ideas here! Thank you for sharing. Your photos are always beautifully done. Enjoy a great weekend.

  35. Wonderful inspiration on your post. Beautiful photo's
    Lots of blessings from South Africa

  36. What a lot of beautiful inspiration. I love the blue bottles with the brown feathers. such a lovely combination.

  37. Hi, Sarah! Thank you so much for sharing these "tables"! What an unique way to showcase wares. I love the last centerpiece as well and I think I will use this idea sometime for a tablescape (my brother once gave me numerous colored bottles in a wooden rack!) Lots of inspiration here! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  38. Dearest Sarah,
    Those are indeed very unique pieces at Marburger Farm Antique Show!
    Just fun for strolling and enjoying it and smiling often at the sight of certain things being used to create something unique!

  39. Sarah!!
    What a wonderful post showcasing amazingly unique displays!! Loved all of them!! Thanks so much for sharing with us and thanks for visiting!!


  40. There is so much charm in these photos. And so many fun idea for a seasonal table.

  41. The creative minds of talented people are much in evidence! It looks like a great place to meander in!

  42. Indeed they are unique. I'd not considered many of those!! Have a grand week!

  43. unique take there, smiles.

  44. Hi Sarah,

    Unique is the best word to describe these tablescapes. Isn’t it fun finding blues to share?

    Happy Blue Monday!

  45. They're all gorgeous - but that last one - oh my gosh - that last one is just perfection !

  46. I have missed you, beautiful soul! Long Summer here. Didn't accomplish much. I was very sick. I am grateful to be on the mend. Hoping you are well.



  47. Thanks for sharing these Sarah! Fun to get to see what they do at Roundtop! The Ravens on the table by their sheer size is just great! A perfect intimidating Halloween table. Luv it! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

  48. I love unique! I bet you and my sweet friend crossed paths!

  49. Sarah,
    These table settings are fantastic. I loved looking at all of them and can see why the one from years ago remains one of your favorites. The l-o-n-g weathered box with all the bottles sitting atop the white tablecloth with the ruffled sides is stunning in its rustic simplicity. Of course, I love the old chippy blue table with the old blue bottles. Round Top is such a fun place to visit regardless of whether or not anything comes home with you.


  50. Sarah I will feature this today at Home Sweet Home!

  51. What fabulous ideas. It amazes me how some very creative people can take something you'd never seen on a tablescape and turn it into a feature of the table - whisk brooms, for heavens sake - who would have thought? Some day, I will make it to Round Top.

  52. Sarah,
    Oh, my. . .I'm glad I didn't miss this post entirely, dear friend!!!
    I am quite smitten with these Unique Tablescapes!!!
    Thank you for sharing the creativity and talent of these merchants!!!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.