Wednesday, August 12, 2015

M is for Monkeying With a Name

My Traveling Tote and I 

have been monkeying with her name.

Miss Mary Mack Illustrations Used With Permission ~ Songs For
An excellent resource for both parents and teachers!

Anyone remember this jump rope rhyme?

It is one of my favorites and the one

my first grade students loved to chant

as they jumped rope during recess.

It's what came to mind when I

purchased the mini bag in the spring of 2010,

so I named my little bag with the big

sassy button, Miss Merri Mac.

She is the perfect bag for an evening out.

You might recall that

when Patti @ Pandora's Box first 

suggested the Traveling Totes Series,

she asked us each to give our totes a name.

Forever a fan of the Courtly Check pattern,

I hastily named my Traveling tote, Miss CC.

I've decided she deserves better!

So let it be known,

my Traveling Tote is officially now

Miss Merri Mac,

and the sassy cocktail bag, Miss Mini Merri Mac.

Hope you will join us for our next series

Tales of the Traveling Totes #3,

September 15th.

Our girls plan to venture out for a day in the park.

You can read all about her previous

adventures by clicking the following links:



  1. Love those bags, tote's etc. Great name for yours. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  2. Great name for your bag Sarah. My son's fiancé is a first grade teacher :-) I loved jump roping but don't recall the rhyme. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. PERFECT name for her, Sarah. I approve!

  4. Oh, goodness---now I'm going to be chanting this all night!!! Great choice for a name. My daughters and their friends practiced and performed and totally wore out this little diddy with a clapping of their hands together in some sort of rhythm. For years!!!! Still, great memories---thanks for the reminder, Sarah!

    BTW, I had a dream last night and you were in it. I really don't know very well what you look like--it had to have been a person I somewhat held in my sub consciousness. Perhaps a stranger that I fabricated to look like you? How odd. In any event---you were very sweet! :)

    Jane xx

  5. I think you'll be happy with your new name for Miss Merri Mac, Sarah! I truly love her sidekick, mini Merri Mac, also. I do remember the rhyme and actually knew a girl called Mary Mac!!

  6. What a great bag made very sassy with its lime green accent.

  7. Cute name for the bag Sarah. Know you are looking forward to your park series.What a fun way to enjoy your bag..............

  8. I never heard that rhyme, but it is a perfect name for your bag! Have fun!

  9. Love the name and the traveling tote. It's so pretty and that monkey is adorable. Hugs

  10. Miss Merri Mac is great name for your awesome tote! I love the Mary Mack Mack Mack rhyme -- my daughter and her friends used to play a hand game with it -- I only learned the first couple of verses but they would go all the way through! When I was a kid we had a jump rope rhyme that started with "not last night but the night before, 24 robbers came knocking at my door" -- remember that one?!!

  11. Not only do I remember it; I jumped rope to it many times!


  12. Miss Merry Mac is a very cute name Sarah, but I will always be partial to Miss CC since that's what we call our adorable granddaughter :)

  13. Fun idea and apt name....enjoy♪

  14. I see a lot of adventures in your future, Miss Merri.

  15. Oh the tales those totes could tell ;) Great name as the fun continues!

  16. I think we played the "clapping game" to this song - Love her new name!

  17. Miss Mini Merrie Mac and Miss Merrie Mac. Perfect names for your tote and glamorous bag. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  18. What a cute name Sarah and such a chic looking bag. I just love how creative you and your friends are.. what a fun idea.I look forward to hearing more about your Sept 15th adventure. :)

  19. Sarah,
    I l o v e Miss Mary Mack!!!
    I remember well using this song at Preschool and Elementary Level teaching days!!!
    How a d o r a b l e that you've given your traveling tote the same name!!!
    I'm enjoying your travels, dear friend!!!

  20. Love it!! I absolutely remember, Sarah! Excellent Monkey-Business. ;)

  21. Dearest Sarah,
    Glad you found the true name for your traveling tote and Merri Mac sounds very nice.
    Sending you hugs,

  22. Sarah, I haven't thought of that little song in years, and I'm not sure I ever knew the entire song. I love the name for your tote. It's perfect. You and Miss Mary Mack are going to have fun together.

  23. Hi Sarah,
    Yes, I have heard of that song and how I wish that I had taught it to my kindergarten classes. Miss Mini Mary Mac is such a perfect name for your tote. I look forward to more of your travels! Karen

  24. Sarah, I jumped a lot of rope as a child and I have never heard that song. It's so very cute! Love the name and look forward to seeing more traveling adventures! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. Oh I do indeed remember Miss Mary Mack, Mack,Mack!!! :)

    I hope you are enjoying every inch of summer. I truly treasure your friendship. It means so much to me.

  26. I love Courtly Check too! I adored Miss CC, but as a woman ages, she often wants to reinvent herself and I will love her as Miss Merrie Mac too!

  27. Happy Pink Saturday, Sarah. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Miss Merri Mac seems like the perfect name, and it has history with you. By the way, I am in love with Miss Mini Merri Mac.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.