Monday, July 20, 2015

Pass Along Plants

Pass Alongs Shared By My Readers

Last week I shared a post

on a few of my iris plants that bloom

here in the gardens at Hyacinths for the Soul.

I mentioned that most of my iris

are "pass along" plants like these

beautiful Japanese rooftop iris transplanted

from a friend's garden last fall.

I was thrilled when several of my readers responded that

that they too enjoy "pass along" iris

in their own gardens.

was the lucky recipient of these stunning iris. 

They were passed along from her mother's garden,

but the original pass along had come 

from Gina's great grandmother's garden.

Wow, four generations have enjoyed these iris!

wrote to say she inherited these yellow iris 

when she and the senior partner moved into 

the 16th/18th century former Presbytery

that is their beautiful home in the Normandy countryside.

Maggie says she sees their relatives happily blooming

about the village in the gardens of her neighbors.

shared this vibrant yellow iris passed along

from her mother's garden. 

These deep purple beauties grow in the gardens of

She said they were pass alongs that she now

needs to divide and pass along to a new garden.

Some lucky gardener is going to be thrilled!

Patti @ Pandora's Box

shared her lavender iris that were

passed along from her friend, Rhonda.

Thank you to all my readers who

shared these gorgeous heirloom pass along plants.

If you missed the Mad Tea Parties 

hosted throughout Blogville last week,

you can find a list of parties here.

If you'd like, stop by my party here.

Leave a comment,  and you'll be entered in my

Celebrating 150 Years of Alice Giveaway.

Tell me which Alice character is your favorite.

Hurry.  Don't be late.

You have till July 25th 

to leave your comment.

Why, oh why think of Christmas in July?

Well, because our friends over at 

Patience Brewster, Inc. are sponsoring a 

Christmas in July Giveaway.

Click here to get all the details for a chance to

win this grand Nicholas Santa Candelabra.

Contest ends July 31, 2015.



  1. Thank you. I needed some hyacinths for my soul today!

  2. I have a friendship garden where pass along plants are planted and the ones most special to me were shared by friends no longer with us.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  3. Hello, I love all the beautiful irises. They are special blooms, just knowing that have been passed along. Lovely post. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  4. You have some of the most amazing posts and topics, Sarah. I also have pass along irises in my garden, originally from a friend's (who is 68) grandmother's garden. They are currently one of my top garden favorites, if not THE top.
    Thank you for these opportunities and information on these wonderful giveaways. I'm hopping right over now!

  5. Hello Sarah,

    I think everyone loves irises! Those deep purples caught my eye. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  6. I have a few irises, but none as pretty as yours.

  7. Your Japanese iris are beautiful Sarah! I just passed along some day lilies and lavender this weekend myself:@)

  8. I just adore the purple ones! Lovely!

  9. I have "pass along" purple iris that were gorgeous this spring! I love that they require no care :-)

  10. Very pretty Iris. I love that so many like to 'pass along' plants. Spreading the joy!

    Your tea party table is so darn cute!!! Your love of whimsy makes me smile.

    Happy New Week!

    Jane x

  11. Hi Sarah,
    What a nice post on pass along iris. I need to correct you with my pass alongs, they belonged to my great grandma, so I am the fourth generation to enjoy them. :)
    I enjoyed seeing all the others too!
    Have a great week,

  12. Your iris's are beautiful and so many wonderful colors. Mine did terrible this year due to the lack of rain. I am hoping that they will come back better next spring. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful pictures of the the iris's.

  13. Sarah, I loved that you 'passed along' these beautiful iris from blogging friends' gardens! My husband's aunt was always passing along plants to me before she moved about 10 years ago. I miss that now that I have space to use her flowers :)

  14. Sarah, I've always loved the deep dark blues and purple colors of the Iris. My MIL grows such beautiful Iris. Love your Japanese rooftop, just lovely. Pass along flowers are fun to give and receive! Thanks for sharing the Patience Brewster giveaway details.

  15. It's fun to see all these pass along Iris plants! I love the story about how Maggy @ Normandy Life says she can see the relatives of the same Iris she has around her community. How many of us can say that! This year my Iris didn't have a lot of flowers which is an indication they need dividing. It's time to pass some along once again!

  16. I don't have any irises at all, I'm sad to say, Sarah. However, I do have other pass along plants, which I enjoy giving and receiving. I hope all is well with you and your hubby.

  17. I'm no longer growing any iris sadly - I think they succumbed to the humidity some years back - perhaps I'll try again as I love the deep purple ones especially. I really think several of my plants have now 'passed out' so passing them along has become hard. Too much traveling, too much heat, and too little TLC in the garden is coming back to haunt me this summer!

    Thanks for sharing these pretty flowers Sara.
    Hugs - Mary

  18. We think alike. I too "pass along". Whenever I move I also take some cuttings for the garden in my new home. Your iris are gorgeous.

  19. Dearest Sarah,
    Iris are happy blooming bulbs and therefore also easily shared and very loyal!
    Lovely photos.

  20. Lovely irises...I adore them too!

  21. Hi Sarah!
    I enjoyed seeing your Irises as well as all the other blogger's. I planted 100 iris bulbs this spring and sadly not one grew! I'm not sure if my soil is not right or the spring weather was too cold. I'm still hoping that they will grow next year.

    Hope you are having a good summer!

  22. Flowers are a special thing to share. I haven't been around irises too much, but I found some bulbs and put them in the ground. We'll see what happens!!

  23. The irises around here are long gone (too hot!). These are beautiful! :)

  24. What a fun post! Those are all beautiful irises. The iris flower is so elegant with its falls and painterly colors. I, too, have pass along irises - mine are Siberian Irises from my neighbor Mary's garden. Cheers

  25. there was a lawyer on Dressen Street in my town and all he had was rows and rows of iris. He shared them all over town and I will ever be a fan of sharing's so old fashioned

  26. Hi Sweetie, I love your post. I have not been around for some time. I am not visiting blogs as often as I did at one time. Just not enough time to get everything done. It occurred to me that all of us ladies should somehow do an Iris share and mail an iris root to one another. Each of us sending only one but including everyone who wants to join in the chain. Would be fun to see what we get. I have taken pictures of all my iris this spring with intentions to catalog them on my blog. Never got the post done but when I do I'll let you know.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  27. These are gorgeous and makes me wish I had a Garden. But here where we live it is not possible.

  28. Sarah, Loved seeing all of the pass along flowers! Thanks for including mine. I have many plants in my garden that have been swaps between myself and dear friends. I am still making rounds of the Mad Tea. Hopping over to see your post. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  29. Sarah, yes I have all of the iris that grew in front of the home where I grew up. My grandmother dug them up and gave them to me. Thanks for sharing with Home Sweet Home!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.