Sunday, June 7, 2015

D is for Daylily

~ D is for Daylily ~

Daylilies are considered a 

"sure bet perennial."

They are hardy plants that can adapt to most 

any soil and both drought and frost.

As their name implies,

the blooms last for one day,

opening early morning

and withering  by nightfall.

Multiple blooms grow on each stalk

so that new blooms open

day after day.

Daylilies grow in clumps with long,

linear arching leaves.

Alabama Jubilee

Johnny One Note

~ D is for Daylily ~ 

Plant some in your garden!



  1. Your day lilies are so gorgeous, Sarah! Love your garden....Christine

  2. Sarah, your daylilies are lovely.This is one of my favorite summer flowers and I have several beds. I love the way you lined the walkway, such a pretty way to welcome your guests.

  3. Hi Sarah,
    Your bed of daylilies must cheer you up whenever you or anyone walks past it! The birdbath in the background is so pretty, too. I'm looking forward to letter "E". Hope your packing and sorting are going well.

  4. Sarah your daylilies are just so pretty! What a great color splash in the landscape. I love them too but don't have very many...I need to divide a few clumps this year and add some more yellows. Just beautiful! Hope you get back to's been 12 years since we have been.

  5. Your daylilies are just spectacular! I need to get the husband to plant some for me. Do you plant in the fall?

  6. Very pretty in this grouping, I usually see them as borders and I love this. Love the yellow, too.

    Hope you're having a great week, Sarah.

    Jane x

  7. One of my favorite plants! In the garden of our former home, I had a row of yellow Stella D'Oro Daylilies. With deadheading, they bloomed all summer. Very reliable and cheerful. Yours are beautiful, Sarah. Cheers

  8. I love Day Lilies. We have some in our yard. They are blooming now. Enjoy your week Sarah.

  9. I see daylilies all the time. They really are lovely!

  10. Beautiful flowers and beautiful capture. Enjoy your moments in Spring. Love Sujatha:)

  11. Beautiful Sarah! My MIL had so many wonderful varieties in her garden. I regret not getting a start of them before she moved.

  12. Such pretty flowers, what a shame they only last a day. Love the gecko (?) shot!

  13. Those are all pretty! I especially like the last one's color!

  14. Sarah, your Day Lilies are absolutely stunning! I've not ever grown them and I'd like to now! Your photographs of them are just spectacular!

  15. Dearest Sarah,
    Your Dailily photos are precious and you got quite a lovely collection. Are they going to move with you?
    Sending you hugs,

  16. LOVE your daylily garden! Great photo of the chameleon. :)

  17. Yours are beautiful! I've always thought the daylily was hard to keep- I may try to plant a few. Gorgeous!

  18. Oh how beautiful! ~ Great post for D!

    Happy Weekend coming to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  19. Very beautiful flower pictures !

  20. Oh, these are gorgeous! I am so in love with lilies these days. This must be the season for them because they are all over the markets.

  21. Very pretty! I did not know that was why they were called day lilies! Visiting from Home & Garden Thursday.

  22. How pretty. Perfect for letter "D". Thanks for sharing. My post is up too. Have a great Friday.

  23. They are gorgeous! This fall I need to thin out a bed that's not doing quite as good as it has in the past...they must be too crowded.
    Thanks so much for shairng at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  24. I have exactly one bloom thus far...just starting, so I am enjoying yours! :)

  25. I too love Day lillies. Guaranteed to have colour in the garden for a time. I love the varieties they have now. Loved your pictures. I also love the quote in your header

  26. These are so beautiful and make a fabulous ground cover! Enjoy your gorgeous blooms!

  27. Ours are getting ready to bloom - and luckily for me they do not need any "care" because I do not have a green thumb!!

  28. I love daylilies and those you photographed are gorgeous. I have some from my great grand mothers garden, those are so special. I enjoyed your post.


  29. Those are beautiful colors. I usually see blues, whites, and yellows.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  30. Those are exquisite! I miss my Ohio garden, I had so many varieties. Yours are simply wonderful. Happy Pink Saturday!!

  31. I love love love daylilies, like a new surprise every day!

  32. I would love to have a border of those along the front lawn...water is an issue right now..but one day. One day soon I hope. They are lovely..

  33. Sarah, Your lilies are Delightful. Our are just shooting out of the ground now, and soon our deer will be devastating the beds as they devour the delicious delicacies. They will stand in the garden and watch me try to shoo them away while they munch on the unopened buds! I have a new spray which we will try this year. I love seeing the bright orange and yellow flowers, and they line many of our streets here where the deer cannot reach them. Your garden bed is beautiful with the lilies, echinacea and all the shades of green. Linda

  34. They are such a delight to grow,,love these in their beautiful colors.

  35. Oh I have seen some lilies in my neighborhood and they truly are lovely.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  36. Dear Sarah your lilies look gorgeous and the pop of color just makes your garden look so bright and summery.
    Have a lovely week ahead.

  37. They are very pretty. I have to say, they are one of the few flowers the goats and dog haven't killed around my place.

  38. I've always found daylilies to be extremely delightful!

    Thanks for a delicious link for the letter D.


  39. Beautiful Sarah! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  40. Sarah, your daylilies are exquisite. I am always drawn to the wonderful displays of daylilies, but for some reason they are one thing we can't seem to get to thrive. I believe we just don't have a sunny enough place for them to love.

    Thank you for sharing with us for Pink Saturday.♥


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