Saturday, January 31, 2015

Inspire Your Heart With Art

~ Inspire Your Heart With Art ~ 

January 31, 2015

Celebrating the positive impact art has on us and

exploring ways to further incorporate art into our daily lives.

Art by Patience Brewster ~

Those who follow along here at Hyacinths know

 my heart has needed some inspiration of late.

Image -

Do you know this pretty lady?

Meet Patience Brewster

a creative, talented soul who is the artist

behind the whimsical, delightful designs 

for Patience Brewster, Inc.

Dash Away Donna ~ Austin Four Seasons Hotel ~ 2010

As an elementary teacher, 

I first knew Patience Brewster as an author 

and illustrator of children's books.  

She is also the artist behind the charming  

ornaments and figures many of us know as Krinkles.

My own Dash Away Donna hangs on our

Christmas tree along with other Krinkles each season.

I was delighted to read the story behind the

 Dash Away Reindeer on Patience's Blog here.

Queen of Hearts by Patience Brewster

Patience Brewster, on a personal mission 

to inspire others with her work, 

has indeed inspired my heart today.

Patience's enchanting figure was the "arrow" that inspired 

my Queen of Hearts tray for Valentine's Day.

Now my heart is telling me I just may

need to add another Queen of Hearts.

Queen of Hearts  by artists
~ Mary Engelbreit ~ Debra Schoch ~ 
~ Allen W. Cunningham ~ Lib Cummings Meade ~ 

A bit of royalty to reign over  

the festivities for the month of February.

My heart is inspired!

Thank you, Patience Brewster.

You were my valentine muse this year!

Pillows ~ Hand-Stitched by Me!

Patience Brewster Queen of Hearts ~ available here

All 270 Patience Brewster ornaments here.

Patience Brewster Valentines here.

Come back next week 

to see more.

I'll be joining

Laurie's Annual Valentine Party.

You can read more about Patience Brewster here.

I'm truly inspired by Patience's story 

and think you will be too.

Tell me ~

What inspires your heart?


  1. Hello Sarah,

    We absolutely agree with you that Art can reach the innermost soul and give an uplift in the darkest of times. We applaud the many Art programmes which exist in hospitals, care homes and hospices since they do give a positive channel for the emotions.

    It is so good that you have found inspiration in the work of Patience Brewster and it has spurred you on to create so many pretty things. What better endorsement can she have?

  2. Good morning Sarah! Oh, indeed, perhaps we are kindred collecting spirits! In the early 2000s, I picked up my first Patience Brewster ornaments (3) in a tiny, local gift shop - they were the Dept 56 licensed ornaments and oh, so tiny (about 2"). Frontgate started carrying her lineup of Dash Away reindeer several years ago and, though I would still love to have Dancer, I have never sprung for Frontgate's pricing (nearly double hers!). Why I never thought of going straight to the source is beyond me, but I'm so glad you provided those sources. Love her story, her creativity! It's similarly in the vein as MacKenzie Childs, Mary Engelbreit and Earth Angels (as you already know), and the whimsy just speaks to me.

    I am so happy to see January ushered out - I penned a post that will publish my sentiments - and am trying to get inspired. Yesterday I was playing with my Quimper for a vignette or two, and today your post struck a chord. Cherubs, putti, angels - these inspire my heart as well, so I'm pulling out a few for what I hope will be a tasteful grouping.
    Happy Hearts to February!

  3. All your ornaments and art pieces are inspiring. So whimsical and makes me smile.

  4. What a beautiful display of hearts! I think I have some of Patience's ornaments!

  5. I am familiar with her work..Sooo talented..Love everything but the French heart has captured mine as it is a saying I have read so often.
    Your out of this world♥

  6. HI Sarah! Oh, What darling artwork from this artist. I guess I live in a bubble as I haven't heard of her but recognize some of her pieces you've shown on your blog before! You always set up such sweet vignettes and I love all your Valentine pretties!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Beautiful pieces Sarah...such pretty faces! Love your Valentine's vignette!!

  8. What wonderful heart collections, and I love the pieces by Patience Brewster, and your wooden, copper and Quimper hearts. Thanks for the inspiration...I need it. :)

  9. Sarah, I just love those copper hearts! They are charming as is every inspired vignette you created. Thank you for introducing me to Patience. Dianne

  10. How fun and wonderfully whimsical! Too funny, my "Queen of Hearts" Tablescape is in the works right now! I love all of your pretty pieces!

  11. I am often gobsmacked by the power of art, how it can lift our hearts. I didn't know the background of Krinkles--so adorable! Your collection is beautiful.

  12. Well, this morning, your post is what inspired me.

    I love all of your hearts and I thank you for the introduction to Patience Brewster. I was aware of her, but now I am off to check out her blog.

    Enjoy this last day of January.

  13. Sarah,
    I adore Patience Brewster and her clever, colorful whimsical characters. Your pillows are pretty and I see you are celebrating Valentine's day surrounded by hearts. Nice post.

  14. Sarah - I think she either works out of Skaneateles or lives there??? Anyway, Skaneateles is only a few towns away from Aurora…SO my point here is this: WHEN you come to NY for the Barn Sale, you must also go to Skaneateles. All of the gift shops in this town stock her products!!

  15. Lots of prettiness. You are ready for Valentine's day!

  16. Oh, what a fun post, Sarah! I loved learning about Patience Brewster and her art. Seeing all your pretty ❤️ decor has inspired me. You did fabulous work on your cross stitched pillows. I love them! I am working on a cross stitch piece right now. I starts doing cross stitch years and years ago, and then haven't done any for awhile,but missed it. I'm going to go check out your links now.....

  17. I enjoyed reading this, she is a gifted person

  18. Sarah, this post is so charming and I did not know the story of Patience Brewster. I have seen her whimsical pieces for years, but did not know that she had written books. Your Queen of Hearts vignette is adorable and beautiful done, as is everything that you touch. Happy February, my friend!!

  19. Sarah, I love your heart-felt collection! I'm familiar with Krinkles but I didn't know Patience Brewster or her story. I love the whimsy of her creations. Thanks so much for sharing her story and your art inspiration ♥

  20. Dear Sarah, what a delightful post, very heart - warming indeed. Patience Brewster is a very talented lady and her Queen of Hearts has stolen mine. I'll have to investigate further, thank you once more for educating me in the finer things of life.
    Maggie x

  21. Patience Brewster is quite the artist! I will enjoy learning more about her. I love your collection and also all the adorable hearts...perfect for February. I'm going to join the party on the 6th also!

  22. Hi Sarah,

    Well, your beautifully styled post, with such a pretty collection of hearts, styled so sweetly, has indeed, made me smile. Thank you for introducing me to Patience Brewster; I will visit her blog. Happy February!


  23. Sarah, so happy to see you posting again. Missed you. I really enjoyed this post featuring art from Patience Brewster. You probably remember my Nutcracker Suite I've featured on my blog at Christmas. My favorite thing to unwrap and set-up! I love your Queen of Hearts Valentine’s tray, just adorable. The Dash Away Reindeer collection has always been a favorite and I may just have to start a new collection! I didn’t know much about the lovely Patience so I decided to read her bio. She is as lovely inside as she is in the photo of her above. Her story is amazing, such a strong and beautiful lady. Thank you for sharing her sweet, whimsical art!

  24. Dearest Sarah,
    What a lovely post, you always show us things with so much flair and so graceful. Love the tall queen of hearts and that reindeer is so cute and funny looking.
    Your porcelain heart boxes is lovely as well.
    I'm rolling into normal routine again after many weeks of emotional turmoil. Mom is at peace in heaven and we watched yesterday the 1-½ hours of her solemn requiem mass on video. Taped professionally by the husband of our Goddaughter (no kin). It means so much to us.

  25. Another beautiful post, Sarah. I followed the link and read Patience Brewster's story and, as you can imagine, it touched my heart deeply.
    The ornaments are lovely, and I do believe that your Queen of Hearts collection needs another Queen!

  26. Wow, you certainly have cornered the market for Valentines!!! Love everything PB creates. Believe she lives here in NYS and is very popular along with MacC. Beautiful collection you have.........PB was featured in Where Women Create years ago, I still have the issue with her story. Very to all........xoxoxo

  27. Your collection of valentine's is fabulous and I loved seeing some of PB's beautiful art. I guess if I want to acquire any of these beautiful pieces that I am going to have to buy them retail. In all the years I have been thrifting I have never seen any of these beautiful pieces for sale. It must be that when people buy them, they keep them....

  28. I'm so out of the loop. I had never heard of Patience Brewster, but I love everything of her's that you showed. I'm going to be on the lookout for some of her work. That reindeer ornament is beautiful. I love your Queen of Hearts tray. You always have treasures that make me want to start a new collection! I even spotted some Quimper hearts in those pictures. When you got your muse back, you got her back in a big way. Everything looks wonderful. Thank you so much for advertising my party. You're such a wonderful friend.

  29. What wonderful Valentines decor you have! Thanks for the spot on Patience as well...we've always admired her work :) too cute!!

  30. Your Queen of hearts tray is whimsical and sweet, love it, I' ve always admired the art of Mary Engelbreit and Patience Brewster, thanks for the links and have a wonderful Valentines Day.

  31. PS, those pillows are stunning, such beautiful work!

  32. PS, those pillows are stunning, such beautiful work!

  33. Wow Sarah, such an interesting post and your treasures are just too pretty. I do admire her work! Thanks for sharing these pretties....xo

  34. You have such a great and varied collection of valentines! I'm very impressed with your beautiful pillows.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  35. What a talented lady! I have seen her art, but did not know anything about her. I love your Queen of Hearts collection. Yes, I think you need to add one of hers to your collection. lol! Your stitched pillows are gorgeous also! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  36. Patience is truly talented, and her happy creations are wonderful and whimsical. Thank you for the introduction, Sarah. And, thanks for sharing more of your lovely collection. Happy weekend!!

  37. Hoped over from Monique's to see your post ;) I love the Patience Brewster whimsy! I have an adorable, small Blitzen figure whose head opens up to reveal a tiny treasure box. He helps pull a small Annalee Santa in a tiny sleigh. You have a beautiful collection of Valentine Hearts. They would make anyone smile.

  38. I just love valentines day! Your hearts are simply yummy and uplifting. Thank you for your visit. I am enjoying the sunshine but must admit I do miss the snow occasionally. Hopefully one year we will stay in Michigan for Christmas.
    Happy Valentines Day, Miss Sarah!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.