Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day Tribute and A Winner!

Happy May Day! 

Congratulations to

the winner of the Anthropologie Gift Card.

Thank you to all who entered. 

Your thoughtfulness and friendship is much appreciated. 

April Showers
Bring May Flowers

~ A tribute to my mom, the gardener. ~

My mother was an avid gardener until

 she moved out of her home at age 90.

She passed away in November at the age of 99.

She was a frugal individual, dedicated to God and her family.

She appreciated and nurtured the flowers of her garden

as she did life long friendships in her community.

Mother's home was filled 

with the fragrance and beauty of 

fresh flowers from her garden and the 

sweet treats baked in her kitchen.

Today is May Day, and it is an

absolutely perfect spring day here.

Want to join me for an afternoon treat in the garden?

I cut some of my spring blooms to fill the

glass basket vases I fondly remember from my childhood.

My mother passed these on to me several years ago.

These elegant etched glass baskets 

were made in the 1920s and 1930s.

They are perfect for a May Day

 basket of May flowers!

I've set the tray with 

my mom's wedding china,

Homer Laughlin's 

Virginia Rose - Jeanette Gold.

This china was made in 1939.  

Virginia Rose was a very popular 

shape with many different designs.  

My mom chose Jeanette's Gold 

with delicate pink flowers and gold details.

Each piece has double 

gold bands on the outside rim.

These pretty linen napkins 

were one of our wedding gifts in 1975.

Mother of Pearl vintage flatware seemed 

the perfect choice for this dessert tray.

Pretty and elegant ~ just like my mom.

Won't you join me

 for a scoop of ice cream?

Happy May Day!

Tomorrow, May 2,

I will be guest blogger over at

  Decor to Adore's Favorite Five

where I share five ways

 my mother has inspired my life.

Click here to join me at

Decor to Adore ~ Favorite Five

Perhaps you'll find some inspiration for the month of May.

~ Rum Cake ~ A Family Recipe ~

1 cup shortening or butter
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
3 cups flour
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/3 tsp. salt
1 and 1/2 tsp. vanilla

Cream shortening or butter with sugar until fluffy.  Add eggs one at a time and beat well after each one.  Add dry ingredients and buttermilk alternately, mixing well after each addition.  Add vanilla.  Bake in large tube pan @ 325º  for 1 hour or longer.  Once out of the oven, invert tube pan.  Gently remove cake from pan, and using a wooden skewer, poke holes throughout the cake.  Coat the cake with a sugar and rum glaze of your choice.  Enjoy!


What's It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephant


  1. Sarah, beautiful tribute to your mother. Gorgeous flowers and baskets, and HLC china. I follow Laura's blog (and also guest posted on Good Friday with my favorite five gardening items), so I look forward to reading yours. Congratulations to Mary!
    Rita C at Panoply

  2. What a beautiful post dear Sarah as a tribute to your dear mother, the gardener. The baskets with flowers are stunning. Beautiful HCL dishes heirloom from your mother too. You were lucky to have had her for a long time and the memories are forever!
    Thanks for sharing this post and the cake récipe.
    Have a nice weekend ahead.

  3. You gave me goosebumps.
    My mom's name was Jeannette..she passed away 40 years ago..this past Dec.. at the age of 55.
    I love how you showcased her beautiful things.
    I can see you having a long lovely life too.

  4. Dearest Sarah,
    Love this poetic ode to your dear Mom. What a most delicate wedding china she had and also those pretty etched glass baskets that you so lovingly filled with your spring's blossoms.
    Are those memories not precious of a Mom that tended to her garden and lived with flowers and friends for whom she baked...

  5. Congrats. to another Mary, just know she'll find something special at Anthro!!! I just found out ours opened this week - guess where I'll be going tomorrow, and it's just a 2 min. drive, yippee!

    Love the beautiful things in this post Sarah, your mother's china is so pretty and your floral arrangements are stunning.

    Thanks for sharing your May Day here.
    Hugs - Mary

  6. What a wonderful tribute to your mom!! Sarah those crystal baskets look beautiful filled with all those pretty flowers!

  7. Hi Sarah,
    What a beautiful tribute to your mother...
    and what a gorgeous way to start a gorgeous month (I love May)!!
    Happy May Day!

  8. My goodness, Sarah. This is just such a beautiful post. The flowers are GORGEOUS and so are those pressed glass baskets. I had a small one that belonged to hubby's grandmother and passed it along to my daughter.

    You were married the same year as me and MyHero! Can you believe we are THIS OLD to have been married this long? lol

    This is a wonderful post/tribute to your Mom. She lived a long life and did well! xo Diana

  9. This is a lovey, lovely post, Sarah. I enjoyed not only seeing your flowers and your pretty table, but seeing how you have used and loved your pieces passed down from your brings a tear to my eye. I lost my mother when she was just 72. How I would have loved to have seen her live have asked so many more questions and have had the time above and beyond my own mothering to spend with her. This is a beautiful tribute.

    I will be sure to have a pop into Laura's to see your post. I'm sure it's wonderful!!


  10. An excellent post,full of spring mood and well being! Thank you!

  11. Aw, that's a very nice tribute Sarah. Your flowers are beautiful and the cake sounds great! Wishing you a lovely May:@)

  12. Sarah, what a beautiful tribute to your mom. I especially love how you showcased your spring blooms in the glass basket vases from your childhood. Cute story - my mom gave me a glass basket vase that was my grandmothers, and when she saw it in use in my home, she said it looked so beautiful she wished she kept it and used it. She was just kidding!

  13. What a beautiful tribute post, Sarah! The china is perfect as well as the beautiful flowers. Have a great Friday!

  14. Sarah, What a heartfelt and loving tribute to your mother for May Day. Your trayscape is beautiful with your May Baskets of garden flowers and your mom's Virginia Rose! The delicate spray of pink flowers are perfect for a spring or garden lunch. I'd love a slice of your mom's rum cake, especially if it's served with a side of flowers :)

    What a wonderful surprise to see that I won your generous giveaway this morning! Dish gardening as you know is one of my favorite pastimes :) I've been busy planting by the potting shed for over a week and then inside for the last two days cowering with storms and rain that passed through. We had howling winds yesterday, I'll be happy to find any blooms left on the shrubs and plants! Thanks so much for your thoughtful giveaway and your friendship ♥

  15. such a lovely post, congratulations Mary, this is such an inspirational read.

  16. What a loving tribute to you Mom, Sarah. Im sure she's smiling at you from heaven and is delighted that you shared those etched May Day baskets. I'd love to share some ice cream and a slice of rum cake in your pretty outdoor setting. xo
    p.s. Congratulations to Mary!! We love a winner and she'll use it to inspire us.

  17. what a delightful tribute to your mom, such pretty settings and sharings... congrats to mary too, what a joyful post for all!

  18. Dear Sarah, What a lovely tribute to your mom. The glass baskets from your mom are so beautiful with the flowers. Your tray is very special with the HL china that was your mom’s wedding china and your lovely napkins. A lovely tray in your beautiful gardens, I would love to join you there for cake and ice cream. The cake is a regular around here too, a favorite recipe with my family. Congratulations to Mary!

  19. Hi Sarah, what a beautiful May Day post and tribute to your wonderful mother. The vintage pieces you use to celebrate the day as so special and your flowers are so pretty against the crystal pieces and china of your mothers. She sounds like an incredible lady and lived a wonderful long life!!
    The cake and ice cream look just divine!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. beautiful post! thank you for sharing over here at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! xoxo

  21. I enjoyed reading your beautiful post Sarah. Your mother would be very proud of you. Your lovely garden setting pays tribute to your mothers love of flowers. Her china looks right at home in this beautiful setting. The etched glass basket vases are so charming filled with spring blooms.

  22. A beautiful post and a wonderful array of memmories for you. Thank you for sharing. HPS Michelle

  23. Sarah,
    What a wonderful tribute to your words, in using her glass flower baskets, and in baking her rum cake recipe. I would love to visit with you in your lovely garden and have rum cake with chocolate ice cream. One day we need to do this.


  24. OH! My garden dishes are HOMER LAUGHLIN! I must pull them out soon for at least a photo shoot until I actually do have a garden party!

    Sarah, you dear, dear mum lived to be 99? WHAT A BLESSING! God is so good...He gives us all what we need, whether it's a long life filled to the brim, or a short one, overflowing. My goodness, what a gorgeous table setting today and that CAKE! Enjoy your Mother's Day my friend, and thank you for visiting! Anita

  25. I love the baskets. Just simply beautiful.

    I also love Homer Laughlin. I don't have any, but I've always liked it, whether decorated or plain.

  26. I began to read this yesterday but couldn't get all the photos to load on my little notebook at the hotel, so waited until being at home this morning to visit again.
    Such a pretty post, Sarah, and a lovely tribute too. It's clear, even without ever having met you or your mother, that you have surely inherited her elegance and her love of beautiful surroundings.
    Congratulations to Mary!

  27. Happy Pink Saturday, Sarah. I love this May Day post all about your mother. She had to be a very special lady to have such a very special daughter as you.

    I love the glass baskets. I have several, too. And, my mother chose Homer Laughlin's Jean.

    And, you must know I definitely want some rum cake and ice cream. Everything looks delicious and pretty, too.

  28. Oh dear Sarah, what a lovely tribute to your mother! I could feel the love you have for her in your beautigful words. She sounds like the perfect lady so full of life. I enjoyed every minute with you at your sweet Tea in her honor. Her china and glass vases she gave you are just so elegant, love them! Sweet and special post, Sarah.

  29. Hello Sarah

    I just know your dear Mother will be smiling down on you - and would have been there with you in spirit.

    I love those pretty cut glass baskets - what treasures and they are perfect for Spring flowers. The statice colors are lovely.

    The linen napkins are so sweet too - we were married in 1970 so we're not far apart!

    I'm visiting from Fresh Cut Friday.

    A lovely post Sarah and such a special tribute to your precious mother!

  30. Beautiful tablescape and such a wonderful tribute to your sweet Mom. and yes I would love a scoop of ice cream!

  31. Congrats to Mary on her win.
    I just copied you ur recipe to make the cake rum. Hmmm...
    Beautiful post.

  32. What a lovely post. I just want to step inside and join you for a scoop of ice cream and hear all about your mom. What a pretty place you have set for us! Visiting from SYC. Have a blessed week.

  33. Sarah,
    What a lovely tribute to your Mother, dear friend!
    You have inherited her gracious manner and gardening skills!!!
    Thank you for sharing the family recipe for the Rum Cake!

  34. What a blessing to have had such a wonderful mother...I think she was related to mine, who loved gardening & cooking & pretty dishes, too!

    I adore your collection of little glass baskets. I remember you mentioned them when I blogged about the large sized one my brother sent back to me from TX.
    I must put some fresh flowers in it for Mothers Day!!

    I bought a long arm quilting machine & have been up to my ears in cleaning the sewing room prior to installation, then driving up to MI for classes on how to use it! My head is spinning!!!

    Enjoy your beautiful spring weather...we finally have some, too.


    p.s. Thanks for the recipe..YUMMO!

  35. A truly lovely tribute and beautiful bouquet.

    Thank you ever so much for your wonderful guest post. Have a beautiful weekend!

  36. What a lovely way to honor the memory of your mother, Sarah. The flowers and glassware are beautiful and the china is very special. I would love to be in your garden and have a treat of rum cake and enjoy the fragrance of your flowers!

  37. Your May Day baskets are so lovely. I wanted to put some together this year, but I didn't have the time!

    This post is also a touching tribute to your mother.

    You are an amazing lady, Sarah!


  38. I would love to join you in your garden to eat off of those beautiful dishes. The cake looks wonderful.

    I am off to Decor To Adore now.

  39. Oh Sarah! You have such beautiful things. And I'm sure that your mom would be so happy that you have found such a great way to share them with the world.

    Thank you for sharing your post for Fresh-Cut Friday!
    I'm so glad you did! :)
    P.S. in answer to your question where did the little scissors and grass come from.... ironically. both came from Hobby Lobby. :)

  40. Beautiful post, Sarah. I love your vintage crystal baskets arranged so beautifully with spring flowers.That cake looks incredible and your mothers china is lovely.

    Thanks for the recipe.

    Congratulations to Mary. Great giveaway.

  41. So beautiful! I love all of your antique table items - they go together so well, and create a beautiful tablescape.

  42. Sarah,this poat is just beautiful!! The flowers are gorgeous, your words are special, and the intention is sweet. You have obviously been blessed with your mom's green thumb!! Very pretty!

  43. what absolutely gorgeous flowers, and gorgeous photos of the flowers! it feels too early to plant things here in PA, i still have tulips and daffodils in bloom. loving your thoughtful post about your mom.

  44. Fabulous tablesetting and your may day baskets of flowers are stunning.
    Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  45. Gorgeous tribute to your lovely mother Sarah...just a stunning table. You take beautiful photos also! if you have time I am having a Table It link party and I'd love it if you could share a few posts of your favorite tables with us...

  46. Very beautiful tribute to your mom!
    Lovely pictures, very tempting food shots. :)

  47. So I'm not the only one who remembers that May Day is something really special to be celebrated? Hooray! I thought I was the only romantic nerd! ;-)

    This is a really sweet and touching tribute to your Mom's memory, Sarah. I am so impressed that she was able to stay in her home until the age of 90. That's really saying something. And to live to be 99...that's wonderful! You had her in your life for most of yours. That's truly a God-given gift!!!

    I'm mad at you for these rum cake and ice cream photos. I've been doing really well today, but now I'm craving a sweet snack. I actually ate a Nutri-Grain bar earlier and felt satisfied. Now, there's no turning back. Thanks a lot! ;-)

    In case I don't get to say it later, I wish you a happy and healthy Mother's Day filled with flowers and love!

  48. Sarah, this is such a lovely tribute to your mother! My mother loved to garden and it is from her that I developed my love for it also. Your table is gorgeous and I adore those baskets filled with flowers! Happy Mothers Day and thanks for sharing with SYC.

  49. Such a lovely I'll be off to visit the link where you are featured :)

  50. Hi Sarah
    I haven't been very active on my blog lately, bit decided this morning to visit a few of my favorite people. what a lovely tribute to your mother and such beautiful photos. I was missing my mother today, even though she died over 10 years ago.
    ((hugs)) Rhondi

  51. Hello Sarah! Absolutely gorgeous - a wonderful tribute to your Mother! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  52. The petunias and the chocolate look so good together! Happy Mother's Day!

  53. The flowers/baskets are gorgeous. What a nice post to honor your mom! Happy Mother's Day!


  54. What a great post.Touching.The table looks so pretty with those beautiful blooms.Lovely wonderful share Sarah...Sujatha..:):)

  55. This is truly a beautiful post. So heartfelt and a lovely tribute to your mother. Your flowers are gorgeous. But the vintage Homer Laughlin china and delicate napkin are a work of art. So glad I stopped by. You truly brighten my day.



  56. Your description of your beloved mother reminds me of my grandmother. I think that they would have enjoyed gardening together. Thanks for the rum cake recipe and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  57. A beautiful tribute to your mom. Thank you for sharing her influence and legacy with us. Visiting from Home is where the boat is. Linda @ bushel and a pickle

  58. Sarah,Beautiful tribute to your mother and beautiful place settings and May baskets.The cake and ice cream are calling me. Thanks for sharing your Rum cake recipe. Now, if I can find my Bundt pan. :)

  59. Your garden is gorgeous! Perfect back drop for a tribute to your mom.
    Love your vintage and heirloom pieces, especially the baskets!

  60. I know that I have already commented on this post, but I wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you. I know tomorrow will be a difficult day, the first without your mother. My thoughts are with you to have a wonderful Sunday.

  61. A wonderful tribute to your Mother, Sarah. Her crystal May baskets are beautiful teasures, as is her china

    I have been traveling a bit lately sans computer, so I am catching up.
    Can you believe we had some snow today? Crazy Colorado weather!

  62. Such a lovely post, Sarah! Thank you for sharing! I love all of the beautiful photos!

  63. what sweet memories, lovely flowers and your photos are gorgeous!

  64. This is such a beautiful tribute to your Mother, both in words and photos, Sarah. Everything looks beautiful and the rum cake sounds delicious. I will have to copy your recipe and try this as I've wanted a good rum cake recipe for a long time.

    Hugs to you,


  65. This is such a beautiful tribute to your Mother, both in words and photos, Sarah. Everything looks beautiful and the rum cake sounds delicious. I will have to copy your recipe and try this as I've wanted a good rum cake recipe for a long time.

    Hugs to you,


  66. What a beautiful table...and that cake looks delicious!

  67. I am so behind with blog reading but I am so glad not to miss this post. I love the tribute to your Mom, your recipe, your table. All make me happy.

  68. Featured your beautiful tribute at Ivy and Elephants this week! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button.

  69. I am happy that you put on the subscription button -- now I won't miss anything.

    This dessert setting in the garden is too beautiful for words. I am saving your cake recipe, too. I was just thinking the other day, 'I really need to make a cake!'

    I actually do pop in, sorry I don't always comment. I will try to do better.

  70. Hello Dear Sarah!
    Happy Merry May to you. Such a wonderful post and tribute to your Mom, I can see where your talent for the beautiful comes from.
    THANK YOU so much for visiting my neglected blog, you are a true blogger friend. Hope to see more of you this coming summer.
    Hugs, Kelley


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.