Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dallas Blooms ~ Dallas Arboretum March 2014

~ Dallas Blooms Dallas Arboretum ~

This year's theme is Birds in Paradise,

 and celebrates the 30th year of this amazing event.

Two 13 foot tall peacock 

topiaries strut across the lawn.

Their tails, 65' and planted with over 

23,000 plants, will change with the seasons.

A variety of cherry trees 

burst with fluffy pink blossoms.

The gardens, a kaleidoscope of color,

feature over 500,000 spring bulbs in full bloom.

Preparations began months before when a

 huge truck load of bulbs arrived from Holland.

First chilled for a period of time, 

the bulbs were then hand planted by a 

cast of volunteers and staff in early December.

Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and Dutch Iris 

are planted in mass according to a "recipe" of sorts.

Beds are designed with color in mind 

and planned so that the bulbs will bloom in 

waves for the duration of the festival.

Bulbs are planted first, 

then over layered with thousands of 

viola and pansy plants.

As one wanders the pathways,

the scent of fragrant hyacinths and daffodils fill the air.

Sunny, happy 

faces sway in the breeze.

The 66 acres along the 

southeast shores of White Rock Lake

become a rainbow of color. 

~ Dallas Blooms ~

A Gardener's Paradise

Cottage Style Party @ Lavender Garden Cottage


  1. Sarah those peacocks are absolutely breath-taking! What creativity. 66 acres of beautiful gardens? I'd be in heaven, thanks so much for sharing these photos. I only wish I lived closer.

  2. Sarah,
    I love the Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms! I haven't been this year, but hope to get to go soon. The peacocks are stunning. Your photos are divine.


  3. Oh, Sarah, your gorgeous photos make me want to play hooky from work and drive to Dallas NOW! What incredible flowers! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Gorgeous pics! I love the topiary! So beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I went last Friday, Sarah, and was amazed at the gorgeous peacock! It's simply stunning, isn't it? I always enjoy my time at the Arboretum. xo

  6. All the flowers are beautiful, but those peacocks are magnificent! It will be interesting to see them 3 months from now.

  7. I want that peacock in my backyard!
    Oh what a feast for my bloom starved soul.

  8. The peacock is fabulous it would be so fresh to see it in person

    Also it's so nice to know spring flowers are on our way here in Missouri

  9. Sarah, I don't know whether my last comment posted, but I wanted to say that the peacock was so amazing! That your post on a cold and dreary day in Utah really uplifted me. What a sight all those colors and scents must have been! Joni

  10. Very pretty Sarah! Thanks for taking us on a sunny stroll with you (it snowed here yesterday again), lovin' those ruffled daffs:@)

  11. Oh, I love the pictures Sarah, the peacock is really a beauty! Love all of the pretty tulips and daffs…thank you for sharing!

  12. I knew from the photos you sent me Sarah this would be a fabulous post. This reminds me of Keukenhof Gardens near Amsterdam. Breathtaking! I love the peacock. Great photography.

  13. Oh my! Those are the most beautiful pictures I have seen in a while. The peacocks are outstanding! Breathtaking! I cannot believe how beautiful it all is. I wish I lived closer. xo

  14. That peacock is outstanding! This is a real treat for me. We might have blooms in April!

  15. Hi Sarah! I'm still enjoying these beautiful pictures! Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,

  16. Oh, WOW!!!!!!!! We have an arboretum here in the Kansas City area that I have never visited, but now I MUST go!!! This is fabulous, Sarah! Absolutely fabulous!!! Who on earth ever thought up those peacocks? That is just too wild!!! It would be cool to go back at the change of seasons to see what new flowers grow in. I can't think of anything cooler than this to display all varieties!

    Don't you wish you could have the people who planned this come out and just take over your yard? I would welcome them with open arms!!! I love flowers, and to be able to walk outside my front or back door and see something akin to this (on a much smaller scale, of course!) would be the highlight of each and every day for me!!!

    Thank you for sharing this! This is really cool! I'm going to pass the link to this post on!

  17. Beautiful! Those peacocks are just amazing and so is everything else. Great photos and post- xo Diana

  18. Dearest Sarah,
    This looks like Dallas is competing with the Dutch Keukenhof's biggest flower show on earth:
    Only 14 acres short of it...
    What a sight in Dallas, that will be lovely for strolling there with some comfortable shoes.
    Lovely photos and thanks for sharing.
    Love the Laura Bush tulip!

  19. Sarah, the photos are beautiful. I love the mass plantings all of one color. Everything shouts spring and gives me hope that there is life and beauty even when all we're seeing up here is snow. I would love to be there at this season!

  20. Thanks for the tour! Thanks for helping me forget for a few minutes how COLD it is here!!! Happy SYC Thursday

  21. Oh my Sarah. You make me want Spring even more. It's been an awful winter.

    Love it all, especially the tulips and peacock.

  22. Oh Sarah, I wish I were the one behind your camera lens! I'd love to see all of those gorgeous flowers! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Have a wonderful day~

  23. Just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these amazing photos with us.

  24. Just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these amazing photos with us.

  25. What a wonderful field trip, Sarah. Thanks for sharing your photos with us! I love the peacock. How clover is that?!?!? And the daffodils are so unique. I don't think I've ever seen that variety.

    So nice seeing you enjoying spring in your beautiful state! I need to visit our public gardens soon.


  26. Oh Sarah, what an absolutely gorgeous garden. Love the peacock. Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing.


  27. Sarah! This is just glorious! I can't get over the peacocks!
    All of the flowers are beautiful. I can't imagine what it looks like in person! So glad you shared.



  28. So, so pretty. So nice to see such pretty colors and blooms. Everything here is still brown and dead. Thanks for sharing your spring with us here up North.

  29. Sarah,
    I love the color combinations throughout the Gardens!!!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Truly inspiring!!!

  30. Such stunning spring flower arrangements! The topiary peacocks are a sight to behold!

  31. Wow! The peacock with all it's colored flowers look amazing!...Christine

  32. Sarah, This is truly a gardener's paradise~ bulb heaven! I can imagine the fragrance. What a treat to see in person and the peacock is fantastic!

  33. Oh, wow, I really enjoyed this! I loved seeing all the blooms, and that peacock is just incredible. I wonder if the neighbors would mind if I put one in my front yard?!

  34. The flowers are stunning! I am in love with the first and second peacock photos - natural beauty at it's best! All of the spring bulbs and flowers are such a welcome sight to these old winter weary eyes. We will have snow again this week, I am so tired of it.

  35. Soooo beautiful! The peacocks are just amazing, but all of the spring flowers are gorgeous. When I see something like this, it makes me wish I had enough of a green thumb to, at least, plant flowers to bloom in waves throughout the growing season. I enjoyed this garden tour. Thanks, Sarah. Have a great weekend. laurie

  36. How absolutely beautiful! Thanks for showing us the pictures.

  37. OH MY GOODNESS! That peacock got my attention because I totally love those guys! How totally gorgeous that is, I wish I could see it in person. All the flowers just took my breath away, such beauty!
    Visiting from the Home Sweet Home party.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  38. I love the Laura Bush is just as graceful as she is!
    Can you IMAGINE the cost of all this?
    I was so proud of myself last season when I planted 1,000 bulbs. This makes me look like a slacker! LOL!
    How I needed to see these flowers. I hope mine survived the brutal Winter!



  39. Oh my goodness, all these flowers blooming makes my heart sing.
    JM Illinois

  40. This is so impressive! It must be a wonderful sight to see up close. I'm definitely in the mood for touring beautiful gardens. That peacock display is a wonderful idea! You must be having a lovely spring. We're still variable, but not complaining!

  41. This is beautiful and to see it in person had to be spectacular. I am excited to know about the arboretum because my son's family will be moving to the Dallas area soon. I will look forward to visiting there.

  42. Everything is so beautiful! I love all of the violas and pansies they planted over the bulbs. It's so cheerful!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  43. Seeing all this beauty makes me regret we never took out time, because in our student time we lived in Waxahachie - only 20 miles from Dallas.
    I feel at home seeing all these tulips, because I'm a Dutchman(woman) - they're beautiful!

  44. So beautiful, thank you for sharing these lovely photos! I have been so busy with our booth at the Knitting Mill that I have not blogged as much as I did. Now that we have a good supply of "smalls" for the booth, I can get back to taking photos and posting. I hope you had a great winter and I know that you are happy that spring is right around the corner.

  45. so gorgeous Sarah, the peacocks are stunning! Of course, all the blooms you have captured are too~Happy Spring!

  46. What a joy to see such glory first hand. Love the peacock!!!

    So happy to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescape

  47. Oh dear Sarah, this whole post is breathtaking! Gorgeous peackock, my Word! How cheerful all these flowers are, they made me smile big time! Thank you so much for sharing.
    Have a lovely week ahead.

  48. Hi Sarah! I'm still enjoying this lovely place. Now I would love to see your wall pockets and of course yours are French! :) Hope you've had a nice Sunday.
    Be a sweetie,

  49. Stunning photos, Sarah. My husband would love the peacocks!

  50. How absolutely gorgeous. Isn't this time of year just the best in Texas? Believe it or not the prettiest collection of blooms I've seen here recently was at Costco.

  51. You have a beautiful blog...the flowers are extremely beautiful.

    Have a good week!

  52. Your photos of this garden are simply stunning!!! This is some place I'd like to visit one day. Thanks for sharing them and thanks for your visit!

  53. Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  54. Breathtaking Sarah. I always love the cherry blossom blooms. Touring gardens on vacation is one of my favorite things to do! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  55. Oh, what a gorgeous garden scene.

    I don't think I have eery seen anything like this in person.

    Thank you for sharing such beauty.

  56. SARAH!!!!!!! YOWSA what a feast for the eyes here! I'm excited because we have not yet experienced the slightest bud opening, because we are barely getting warmer weather and a melting of a lot of snow. But we'll catch up with you all! That peacock is brilliantly made! Oh I can't wait to walk in the gardens.

    Thank you so much for coming over to visit! I am well. My poem is for a blogger friend who I adore, and I just wanted to dedicate my words to her. I may need to put an explanation at the end of my post but I often do not want to clutter my posts with more words than I intend. Blessings for you! Anita

  57. Awesome!!! i am so happy i visited; have a nice Monday

    much love...

  58. Morning Sarah,

    I have 2 words:
    1. gore

    2. jus

    Just gorgeous! I would love to visit this display of blooms. How I love tulips, and that peacock is STUNNING!

    Sorry you had trouble linking in. Sometimes when more than one blogger at a time is trying to link in, it jams. Thanks for being persistent.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  59. Awww, what a beautiful peacock! I love Dallas Arboretum! We decided we are not making a trip to Dallas this spring, thinking we may go there later in the year...but looking at your photos makes me want to go there right now!!! Thank you for showing your photos!

  60. What an incredible sight! The peacocks are just fabulous and all the flowers are so beautiful. I imagine the scent would be quite heady to walk through those gardens. Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us and thank you for your visit. Have a lovely day, Sarah.


  61. Wow, so beautiful and such vibrant colors. Love it! Would love to visit one day. Happy Blue Monday!

  62. What a visual treat to see all those gorgeous flowers, and those peacocks!!!! We are a ways from that but you have reminded me how wonderful and colorful Spring is.

  63. How beautiful! All that colour and scent is good for the soul, I'm sure. Dallas seems to be in the same stage of spring as Victoria - the loveliest time of year!

  64. Love the tulips and those daffodils. But that peacock -- wow!!

  65. What an amazing garden, Sarah - it looks like you went on a very beautiful day! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  66. Oh my, Sarah. Absolutely breathtaking. This has made my day.

    Happy Pink Saturday, my friend.♥

  67. How gorgeous! I yearn for flowers! This was good for the Soul, Hyacinth!

  68. Wow!! What a fantastic display of beauty!! Thanks so much for taking and sharing so many gorgeous photos of a spectacular flower garden.

  69. The camellias are amazing, Sarah! Gorgeous!

  70. G'day from Oz! Many thanks for linking up to the Say G'Day Saturday link up and sharing this great post. That peacock topiary is truly awesome!

    Hope you can pop by and say g'day again this weekend.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  71. so beautiful! my poor internet is so slow I had to try and try and then just leave the room for 30' to get the pics to finally show... but it was worth it! I love love love displays like this, we went to Holland to see kuekenhoff, who knew we could have just gone to texas! what a stunning garden, so nice to get to visit with you!

    ps, came looking for beatix table~


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.