Thursday, January 30, 2014

Year of the Horse ~ 2014

~ 2014 ~

Year of the Horse

It was snowy here in central Texas last Friday.

Despite the weather, I joined two friends 

to brave the cold and venture over to Round Top for the

Winter Antique Show @ The Big Red Barn.

Few shoppers and lots of friendly antique dealers

made for a fun day for our trio.

Dedicated shoppers, it's no surprise

we each returned home with treasures.

My favorite buy of the day was this 

charming needlepoint piece that my friend spied.  

She has a keen eye and knew immediately

 that it would be perfect for her home.

~ Turkey Red Wool ~

~ Beautiful Stitches ~

~ Wonderful Vintage Condition ~

Attached to the hand carved

wooden frame to form a pouch.

Perfect container

for kindling!

Early Iron Match Strike

Another great find at the show!

Together they look perfectly

situated in my friends beautiful home. 

Gung Hei Fat Choi!

January 31st marks the beginning of

Chinese New Year 

~ Year of the Horse ~



  1. I am way behind in reading my favorite blogs because we were skiing in Utah. I am just getting caught up.

    I love your finds. When I saw the title - The Year of the Horse, I thought you were buying a horse.

  2. Dearest Sarah,
    Indeed, talking about finding some treasures; those are really LOVELY!
    Perfect for this Chinese New Year's posting as the year of the horse.
    Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  3. Sarah,
    Round Top in January! What a perfect way to chase away January blues.... Your friend's finds are indeed perfect in her home around the fireplace.

    Stay warm. No snow here since the first week of December, but lots of cold, cold weather....17 degrees a couple of nights ago, but predicted 70s tomorrow. Up and down, up and down. We are so lucky to have those 'up' days.


  4. Loved the treasures you found, so cool, loved them both, the little holder for the matches is the sweetest ever...loved the post..

  5. What great treasures you and your friends found.
    I really like your friends finds, they look good by her fireplace.
    Happy Chinese New Year to you.

  6. Great finds Sarah! I love the match holder:@)

  7. Sarah, One day I'm going to make it Round Top with a UHaul in tow :) Love the find of the day, how clever of your friend to use the pouch to hold kindling. Hope you're staying warm & cozy, Happy Chinese New Year!

  8. Those items are beautiful and I love them with the copper! Happy New Year to you. My nail shop celebrates in a big way - it's the New Year in Vietnam too.

  9. A georgeous needlepoint piece and I love the match strike. It must have been a fun trip!
    I was delighted to have your new post in my mailbox for the first time in a while!

  10. I love the needlepoint horse that you found. Really pretty. Years ago someone told us that my son and I were born in the year of the horse and my hubby and daughter was born in the year of the snake. Thats all I know about it.

  11. Those are fabulous finds! Your friends home looks lovely. I also love the copper piece.

  12. Your friend really does have a keen eye. LOVE LOVE the needlepoint piece with the hand carved frame. It's gorgeous and looks amazing on her fireplace with the match striker. I love the whitewashed (?) brick wall in your friend's house, too..makes me want to do mine like that.
    Hope it's warmed up a bit in TX by now.

  13. Stunning!
    Perfect for the year of the horse too!

  14. I'd love to have tagged around after you and your friend at Round Top! Those two finds are exceptional. Did you find anything for yourself?

  15. That is very lovely - very Texas and traditional.

  16. Such a beautiful piece, in fact both of them are lovely where they are displayed.

  17. Round Top has been on my bucket list for a long time. I love both of these pieces your friend found. That needlepoint piece is gorgeous, and I would never have thought of it being for that use. If I'd be with you, I might have had to fight her for it. laurie

  18. What a unique kindling holder. Looks great in it's new home.

  19. It's likely that I will never get to Round Top in my lifetime, but it sure is fun to see the stuff you guys find when shopping their events! Such unusual items!!! I love the kindling thing AND the iron match strike! They DO look great in your friend's home. Great score!!!

  20. GORGEOUS treasures dear Sarah! Everything is fabulous, you did great!!!

  21. Wow Sarah I've never seen your fireplace before. It's so lovely, and what an interesting piece you've added!

  22. Wow Sarah I've never seen your fireplace before. It's so lovely, and what an interesting piece you've added!

  23. Your friend got some wonderful treasures! That needlepoint pouch is a real find!

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Happy Chinese New Year! Very pretty match and kindling holders, Sarah. Your friend has a beautiful fireplace.

    It is the Year of the Horse---GO BRONCOS!!

  25. Happy New Year Sarah. Your fireplace is wonderful and surely that horse find will be good Feng Shui. Your home always looks beautiful and these treasures are a perfect addition.


  26. Hi Sarah-

    I've never been to the sale in January.
    You found beautiful things.

    Happy New Year (of all kinds!)dear Sarah-

    White Spray Paint

  27. I've always wanted to go to Round Top, Sarah. Looks like your friend got some great finds. Nothing for you??
    Happy weekend to you. xo

  28. Someday I want to go to Round Top! I have heard and seen so much about it. Love the piece your friend found and her mantel is so pretty with the blue and white porcelain. Really beautiful!
    Miss Bloomers

  29. perfect find for the year of the horse! I love the needlepoint. I hope to make it to Round Top one day! Thanks for sharing with SYC

  30. Just delightful Sarah - know you all enjoyed that treasure hunting trip!
    Thanks for your recent kind comments on my pics in the snow - now the sun is out, snow has just about disappeared. A really warm Sunday expected so I plan to walk this afternoon with perhaps a little treasure hunting of my own at SuzAnna's - Jasmin will be working there too which always makes me happy!

    Hugs - Mary

  31. Where have I been.....I didn't even know there was a winter show at the Big Red Barn. Dang! You did good with your finds.

  32. I've always wanted to go to Round Top and keep wishing I will get to make a trip there sometime.

    Your friend found beautiful things perfect for her home. Glad the two of you enjoyed your trip.

  33. Sarah, I am jealous that you can just hop over to Round Top anytime you want! We have our Oct trip all planned and I getting excited. We will be there for an entire week. Your friends finds are beautiful. Dianne

  34. Hi Sarah
    One of these years I am going to get to Round Top. I like what your friend picked up there. That needlepoint is beautiful,

  35. Hi Sarah
    One of these years I am going to get to Round Top. I like what your friend picked up there. That needlepoint is beautiful,

  36. Glad you braved the weather and had a nice time because these two pieces look great of your fireplace!! Perfect finds!!

  37. I just learned about this Chinese New year. Never had heard of it before. My son is dating an Asian girl and she told me all about it. Happy New year again Sara!

  38. Great finds, so unique and beautiful!...Christine

  39. Oh, I love that needlepoint on the piece, Sarah! Just wonderful!

    I have not been feeling well Nd have been MIA. Am catching up on your posts now. I hate to miss yours because I always enjoy them so!



  40. Sarah,

    I've never seen a piece like this before! The colors are beautiful!

    Happy day to you friend!

  41. Sarah,

    I've never seen a piece like this before! The colors are beautiful!

    Happy day to you friend!


  42. Sarah hi!
    Love your needlepoint find.... It is a beautiful piece.

  43. I have read about this antique show and heard what good stuff they have. Your friends finds look great next to her fireplace...the needlepoint kindling holder is very cool..

  44. I have read about this antique show and heard what good stuff they have. Your friends finds look great next to her fireplace...the needlepoint kindling holder is very cool..

  45. Hi, I'm visiting from Home and Garden Thursday. Your Victorian needlepoint wall pocket is fabulous! Those date back to the 1800's. I have always wanted one. They were originally used to hold newspapers, magazines, slippers, etc. Do be careful with that kindling, you wouldn't want it to eventually wear a hole in the needlepoint. :)
    Great find and thanks for sharing.

  46. Oh, I would have liked to have gone there. Sounds like my kind of day! So glad you could get out in the snowy weather!

  47. Those are great finds! I am in Las Vegas for the National Kitchen and Bath show and Year of the Horse is everywhere. I don't think they have anything as pretty as this though.


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