Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's Beginning to Look LIke Christmas

The tree is up and decorated.

The wreath is hung .   .   .

But there is so much more to do!

I'm busy decking the halls,

but wanted to join 

Click the links above and get inspired!


  1. Boy, that all looks SO cute! Great job decking the halls and the walls, Sarah!



  2. The tree looks great Sarah! Lovin' that fun rooster ornament! Have fun decorating:@)

  3. Your tree is stunning. I love the ornaments splashed around and your wreath is lovely. I look forward to seeing more! Happy Holidays!

  4. Sarah is at it again! :-) Something tells me this post is only the beginning of your Christmas decorating and we are going to enjoy many more beautiful photos over the next few days... Have fun, Sarah! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. I love the glimpse of your tree, I think I see some very special ornaments on it! The Santa is beautiful! Enjoy the process!


  6. Sarah you've been very busy! I'm working on my Christmas decorations today so I best get off the computer and get back to it! Love your tree...more please! Hugs,Linda

  7. Sarah, I was thrilled to see that your tree is up and posted! You know how much I love your McK-C ornaments;o)

  8. I always observe Advent, so my Christmas decorations will stay packed for a while longer. I am putting out my Advent candle wreath today, to be lit tonight.
    Just as I clicked on your blog, Pandora started playing "it's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" hehehe. Christmas elves are controlling Pandora!!

  9. Sarah, your tree is so cute and I love the Santa. It looks like you're off to a good start with your decorating.

  10. Oh you are a head of me..My only regret about having come home last night..I love our tree to be up by Dec 1rst..Ever since we bought our artificial one..that looks quite nice now to yours does indeed..w/ all the cute decorations..I even love the picture in the frame..
    Love the look Sarah..of everything..
    I am in love w/ reindeers this year..hope I still have my knife rests from yrs and yrs and yrs and yrs ago..Those are the only ones I have..
    I saw an amazing Head at Target..would be great for you to pick up..My husband would have assured me there is no more room in the car..
    True....our car is very Clampettish when we return..
    Oh lala..
    J'aime tout!!! Tout..tout tout..

  11. Your Christmas decorating looks wonderful! I don't think we are having a tree this year, with the move and rooms needing painting and boxes everywhere....maybe a small tabletop one in a week or so.

  12. I'm pretty much schlepping along with Christmas, too. Just took a break. The tree....well, Sweet Mister does that; sometimes it amazing, and sometimes it not...either way, I always say it's wonderful just because he takes the time and effort to do it. Simpich Dolls will make their appearance here in just a little bit. Happy Holly Days! Cherry Kay

  13. You have the kind of home that I could really relax in. All the colors and the decor is so soothing! I cannot wait to see what else ou are up to!



  14. Looks like you've got bells on and much merriment!

  15. Hi Sarah! I'm still decorating too. What you've done looks so beautiful! I love your MC Christmas balls on your tree! I wanna see more! Your vignettes and wreath are just stunning.
    Be a sweetie,

  16. Our tree is up -- but that's all! We did manage to get it inside without any trouble, thanks to our wonderful son-in-law, but it's sitting in the living room, awaiting lights, then ornaments. Maybe tomorrow night! Enjoy your decorating!

  17. Love your tree!!! We went to put up ours this afternoon and half of the lights are not working!! So now I have to go buy some lights for a pre lit tree!

  18. How eye catching are those black and white checked ornaments? I should have known you would have some!

  19. It certainly is looking like Christmas - adore your tree!

  20. Your black and white ornaments are so pretty--all coordinated with the tray, it all looks so special.

  21. I love your tree. It looks like a MacKenzie Child's tree. I'm your newst follower. Please come and follow me at Pinehurst Cottage. We just purchased a new vacation home and I'd love your input on the renovation of it. I hope to see you. ~Amy

  22. Sarah,
    What an adorable MacKenzie Child's themed Christmas Tree!!!
    Looks as if you've begun to "Deck The Halls" In Style, dear friend!

  23. Oh Sarah...your black and white tree is so gorgeous! I love each ornament! I finally finished my black and white inspired table. Wish I had some courtly check...I think I will have to start collecting! Beautiful post as always!
    Miss Bloomers

  24. Sarah, I love what I see already. Looking forward to more.

  25. I too have a MacKenzie Childs tree. I love their Courtly Check! Come by and see my blog...I will be posting my tree soon. I am a new follower just because you love MC too!

  26. I always love seeing all of your wonderful checks and that Santa is beautiful too. laurie

  27. Could I love it any more??
    Your tree is wonderful! Love all the MC touches and that wicker tray with the checked bottom caught my eye immediately!

    Love what I see too!

    Wish I could share all that is going on here, but with the photo shoot on Monday, I am sworn to secrecy!

    So hard... finally creating things to blog about --- but can't.

    Enjoy the next few weeks, sweet friend!

  28. Hi Sarah, sorry I'm soooo late with my visit. Your tree is beautiful and I love your collection of MC ornaments. The Santa vignette is so sweet, love the black and white check wicker tray, perfect with your tree. I can't wait to see more! So busy here we've gotten behind with finishing touches.


  29. Your tree is gorgeous, as well as the tray vignette! I adore those little pops of black and white checks on the tray and on some your ornaments -- adds such a WOW factor!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.