Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creepy, Crawly, Spooky Table

Hello, my lovelies.  

Welcome, I've been waiting for you.

The crows are gathering,

 a sure sign that the sun is setting

 and the darkness of night draws near.

What's that lurking up above?

Even the crows seem on alert.   .   .

Calling the alarm!

It's the red eyed black viper!

And other creepy, crawly things.


Dozens of spiders dangle and crawl about.

Creeping, crawling everywhere.

Spinning webs of fine black silk.   .   .

Waiting to capture their prey.

Old friends are here to greet you.

Pull up a chair and take a seat.

You can dine with Rex.   .   .

Or perhaps you'd 

rather feast with Leo.

Be cautious about what you say.

Phantoms are up above listening.

Eager to report your 

comings and goings.

To those who want to know.

Especially the Black Widow Lady!

Credit for this incredibly creative table

goes to my sweet friend, Rebecca.

Last week while visiting friends in San Antonio, 

Rebecca graciously allowed me to photograph 

her spooky tablescape to share here on HFTS.

Thank you, Rebecca!

Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable

A tip from Rebecca ~

 Set a special table just for the 

fun of it, and let it be part of your holiday decor.

Let's Dish @ Cuisine Kathleen
Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Open House Party @ No Minimalist Here
Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable
Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound


  1. ewwwwwwww......this is so scary..:)
    and just adorable. I love every single bit of it....Thanks so much for sharing your friend's awesome Halloween table.
    hugs, bj

  2. Love it all, especially that first photo! I have GOT to ask, though: Where does your friend store all that stuff after Halloween!? She must have the largest attic this side of the Atlantic Ocean! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Sarah, I love your Halloween post and the snake, crows, and masks, but I keep scrolling back to look at your chandelier. So pretty and unique.

  4. One of the coolest posts about Halloween I've seen so far this year. That snake in the chandy snuck up on me, I didn't see him until the close up and had to go back and and look again. Love it!

  5. I love the crows and all the great masks. Your friend sure had fun with this table!

  6. Tell Rebeccas thanks for such a creepy, fun table. That snake coming down is really creepy! Love the masks and the skulls. It would be fun to set the table and keep it up during the season. Joni

  7. This is really creative! The masks are beautiful and what an interesting chandelier with that red eyed black viper slithering from it's "branches". Fun!
    Thanks Rebecca and Sarah,

  8. Rebecca's table is creeptastic! Thanks for sharing it with us, Sarah.


  9. What great decorating! I've got a friend who would love the crows!

  10. wonderful.. what a great imagination! And the ghoulish affects are just superbe. I love the head and the snake and the spiders.. So glad you shared with us! xo marlis

  11. What a GREAT tablescape!
    That light fixture is perfect for the scene too.
    Love all the layers and details!


  12. What a great table that your friend created, Sarah! She is very talented and I thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

  13. She set a very scary table! The spiders gave me the creeps!!

    hugs, Linda

  14. A table set fit for a Queen of Halloween! Love it!

  15. Such a fun table! I love the masks:@)

  16. Sarah~ It's always fun to see how others enjoy Halloween! I love your friend's spooktacular table! The masks on the branches are such a fun touch :)

  17. Yikes, that viper and the spiders give me the creeps, lol. Great creative table, Sarah! Happy Halloween!...Christine

  18. Ohhh this is a good one Sarah. You know I love it:)

  19. Fabulously Frightful! Love all the detail and the glass vase holding the black branches is a terrific idea. The creepy crawlers with the contrast of the beautful masks is awesome! Total package of great idea.

    Thanks, Pam

  20. Spooky table...the spiders and snake give me the shivers! Amazing collection of cool demi masks.

  21. Sarah,
    SPOOKtacular, darling!!!
    On a real note...we found a snake in the garden last night. He won't be returning...I, yes I, cut him up with the shovel! Beware of "little ol ladies with shovel in hand"! ha!

  22. Oh my dear Saraaahhh...what an amazing tablescape, wow!!! I love the dishes with the skull, the welcoming wtch and all the elements, makes this a FABULOUS setting..the best! Thank you for your sweet visit.Big hugs,

  23. Her table is so festive! Love the slithering snake!!

  24. Oh my gosh how fun! Love the black tree she made and those dangling spiders!! I see her chandelier has been taken over too! Awesome!! Love the skulls on the plates! Great masks too! Thanks for sharing!!

  25. oh, this is really fun, what an imagination your friend has! thanks for sharing it with us, I LOVE that wonderful chandy!

  26. Sarah, you are welcome at my house any time. Halloween is my favorite!! Thank you everyone for your fabulous comments.

  27. How creepily adorable! Your palm chandelier grabbed my attention because I have one too and they're not very common. Yours is beautiful! Vanna

  28. Oh it's your friends house! Well tell her I love it all! *winks* Vanna

  29. Please tell Rebecca that I love her table and her tip. I also set a special table just for the fun of it, and let it be part of my holiday decor!

  30. Oh Sarah, that snake in the chandelier is soooo creepy! What a fun, scary table! I enjoyed seeing this. Thanks Sarah and Rebecca! laurie

  31. fabulous!! I was looking at the chandelier thinking "I've never seen that at Sarah's home". Once I got to the bottom of your post it all became clear. Great post....thanks for sharing. :-)

  32. Rebecca set such a spooky, creative table and I love her tip on allowing it to be part of the holiday decor! Thanks for sharing Sarah! ~Delores

  33. Hi Sarah!

    I must say that those hanging spiders kind of gave me the creeps! The chandelier is SO unusual, especially with that red eyed viper!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  34. WOW! My favorite is the tree full of crows. I adore Halloween and am looking forward to the spooky, smiling faces.

  35. Oh, Sarah! I'm so skeert! Look at all of your spookies, elegant though. Now your chandy has caught my tiny eyes. How gorgeous it is, even with the slithering snake! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  36. ewww creepy crawly and spooktacular! I'm hopping over from Cowgirl up. Happily enjoying my visit to your sweet blog and I already follow along. Hugs

  37. oh my gosh, my friend just told me of your blog and I am so glad, what beautiful decorations , love that snake hanging down and the crows, I have joined as a follower so I wont miss any of your adventures, I love how you came to name your blog, that is a beautiful story,

  38. This is wonderful Sarah! I love that chandelier! Gorgeous!

  39. Totally unreal and I love all the sparkle. You did a fabulous "spooky" table. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  40. Thanks for sharing this with us, Sarah. And Rebecca, you did a splendid job. If you see this, would you mind sharing source info about the sweet witch at the beginning of the post?


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