Monday, March 12, 2012

Erin Go Bragh

May your home be filled with laughter.

May your pockets be filled with gold.

May you have all the

happiness your heart can hold.

"Céad mile failte"

A hundred thousand welcomes!

It's time for Kathleen's

Annual St. Patrick's Day

Blog Crawl

I fixed a special tray to

help us celebrate.

There are top hats 

and shamrocks a plenty.

Gold Coins 

for Luck

Green Checks and Stripes

in Honor of the Emerald Isle

Even a 

four leaf clover!

All special details to celebrate

St. Patrick's Day.

I hope you'll 

enjoy the treats!

There's Irish coffee made with

Bushmills' Irish Whiskey.

Topped with sweet whipped cream

and a little candy shamrock.

A plate of goodies 

made just for you.

Rich Egg Custard

with Berries and Cream


An Assortment 

of Cookies

May good luck be with you

wherever you go and your blessings

outnumber the shamrocks that grow.

Like the warmth of the sun

and the light of the day,

may the luck of the Irish

shine bright on your way.

Long live the Irish,

Long live our cheer,

Long live our friendship year after year.


  1. O, my....what a wonderful party you put on. This is amazing...the food looks so pretty and delicious..and your photos are wonderful.

  2. I like that you share of Irish sayings. With you, I get a big dose of Irish celebration of St. Patrick. Fun for me as Swedish because we have not the treadition. I wish you a wonderful tea-time! Zinnia

  3. That Irish coffee looks yummy and those candy shamrocks are adorable.

  4. I love your fun poems Sarah! I'd like to make a seasonal chalk board and write that first one on it:@)

  5. Love it!! All your special green details are just fabulous! That Irish coffee looks delicious!! Love the vintage card of St Patrick! Happy St. Patrick's Day Sarah!
    Miss Bloomers

  6. The wearing o the green looks wonderful in your home! Happy St. Paddy's...

  7. So beautiful a tribute...such charm and beauty..gorgeous creative images! Love the coins..too cute! Beautiful!

  8. I'll take the Irish Coffee! LOL! Love that green checked plate! Looks like a celebration to me.

    - The Tablecaper

  9. And voilà, you have done it again-- Putting Martha Stewart to shame, with your beautiful and creative home decor... Can't wait to read your recipes. They might come in handy (I have a lot of Irish friends here in Seattle) Veronique - French Girl in Seattle)

  10. And voilà, you have done it again-- Putting Martha Stewart to shame, with your beautiful and creative home decor... Can't wait to read your recipes. They might come in handy (I have a lot of Irish friends here in Seattle) Veronique - French Girl in Seattle)

  11. This looks like a fun party! Great food and oh that Irish Coffee...yum!
    hugs, Linda

  12. Hi Sarah, Your tray of Irish goodies is beautiful, as always! I especially like the little top hat tree with the green picket fence! Happy St. Patty's Day to you. I must begin planning for National Tartan Day--thanks for the reminder. Linda
    p.s. I posted my little heart with the key a few days ago!

  13. I just KNEW you'd have a delicious collection, Sarah...of both FOOD & PRETTIES!! LOVE that checked plate & the darling custard cup.
    We had the same Irish coffee at our house in front of the fireplace. Today is our FIRST warm day this year & I'm going outside to celebrate!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, Early,

  14. Absolutle great!! I love that top hat!!!

  15. happy st pats to you and sadie, looks like she is pretty darn lucky already~

  16. Love your post. so festive! Happy St. Patrick's Day! early. See you at Kathleen's. Pat

  17. What a wonderful tray of Irish-ness to celebrate the day! I love all the yummy looking treats, and the Irish coffee, with Bushmill's no less, looks so inviting. The custard cup looks really good,too.
    Thanks again for the goodies you sent for my post. You were so sweet to think of me.

  18. Hi Sarah! Oh, what wonderful St. Pat's day things! You have so many things for every holiday. Now I wish I could come over.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  19. You Gotta Be Irish!!! What a fun party! I'll have some Irish coffee and a couple of those Shamrock Cookies! Great photos, Sarah. I'm turning Green!!!!

    Sorry, I haven't been by in awhile. It's been busy at CITexas Gal with writing stories about my Texas Folks and getting ready for the debut of the 1940 US Census.

    Come on over and see what's up with might want to join in the 1940 US Census Community Project. Especially if you are into your Family Genealogy. Hope to see ya soon....Sue

  20. Love all the green, Sarah! Those plates are the shamrock cookie.

  21. Oh Sarah, such beautiful things for St. Patty's, andsuch fun party! You have the best rhings! The plates are gorgeous and the cookies are so adorable, wish I had a cookie cutter like a shamrock! I'm at Kathleens's Irish party, lol. Lots of hugs,

  22. Hi Sarah!

    Those are the cutest little lidded cupcake dishes, and the real goodies are nice too!

    Thanks you for sharing them at my party.

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!

  23. Your little ode to St. Patty's Day is the cutest the spoon design...the cupcake dish is so cute and I am a dessert person...loved the photography...perfect...

  24. Sarah~ Your tray of St. Paddy's treats looks delicious! I'd like an Irish Coffee right now~ is breakfast too early for one? :) I read Jain's comment, do you have a new addition to your family?

  25. I love it all, but you really got me with the Irish coffee. That looks delicious.

  26. Top o' the Morning, Sarah! What a lovely tray of goodies, the custard is calling me! I am a teetotaler so I'll give my Irish Coffee to Alma, who seemed to notice that first! :)
    Thanks so much for joining the crawl , and for the Irish treats! Slainte' !

  27. Now that's a party I'd love to attend! On the top of my list would be that wonderful Irish coffee, and then perhaps some of the custard and berries - what a treat!

  28. Wow, Sarah, what a collection. I must admit, I've never done much of anything for St. Patrick's Day, aside from wearing orange on the 17th. (Just my Anglican way of quietly expressing my self)
    I do enjoy my Irish Breakfast Tea every morning, though. Boy, do they know how to blend lovely tea! ☺

  29. This is a very festive and cheerful St. Patrick's Day display, Sarah!
    I'd love a sip of the Irish coffee and a couple of shamrock cookies, please:)

    The St. Patrick card is gorgeous--love its green and gold.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  30. What a great celebration you have for St. Patrick's Day. A beautiful collection for your vignette and great treats for your guests. I love the pretty green cups of Egg Custard and such pretty cookies. I would love to join your party for your company and one of those Irish Coffees. Happy St. Patricks Day to you Sarah!

    The French Hutch

  31. The custard sounds wonderful! I adore that green and white checked plate. Happy St. Patricks Day Sarah!

  32. What a fine St. Paddy's Day party you've made, Sarah!! I'd love to be a guest!!(

  33. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting.

    This looks like one party I would love to attend! Please tell me how to make the Irish Coffee. I had one at a restaurant recently that said it had Jameson's and Baileys'.

  34. Your post is wonderful! Can't wait for the recipes. Me thinks you havea wee bit o' Irish in ya, Lassie! Lucky you!!
    Thanks for your visit and comments.
    Ladybug Creek

  35. You are not late at all My dear.I was waiting for you to arrive.Your part of our party was delicious and a delight to see."See" you soon I hope.God bless Denise

  36. Your Irish theme tray is perfect for St. Patrick's Day! Is that a little ceramic cupcake jar? So cute! I've never seen one for St. Pat's Day!


  37. What fun! Thanks so much for visiting Buttercup's. Please stop by often and have a very happy St. Patrick's Day!

  38. What a beautiful party this is, Sarah! Your Irish coffee looks so good....Christine

  39. Oh I could so be enjoying those treats on that great checked plate! after seeing your Irish coffee, I'm now convinced that I need to serve it on Sat. Night. Yum...
    No need to apologize about visiting late- I'm very behind, myself. Life and work just seem to get in the way of my blogging fun! LOL

  40. Beautiful table! Glad I stopped by to see it!

  41. What a beautiful tray you've set! I love all the sweet St. Pat's Day details and the goodies look so yummy! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  42. Those are some wonderful looking treats. The whiskey drink looks yummy too. Pretty table. Happy St. Patrick's day to you Sarah! For the record I just went out this morning and bought two more knock out roses. Such great feedback from everyone I thought, what the hay, I can grow these:) We shall see. I love them.

  43. Lovely St Patrick's vignette! I especially like the top hat (!!) and the raspberry in the sea of lime green! Thank you for visiting my fake wallpaper :)

  44. What a lovely post to honour St. Paddy.

    I wish more golden coins to give me luck.

    Hope you have many luck to come and a blessed w/end to come.

    Pls press this link as I messes my new bloggie blog at the moment.

  45. LOVE your blog name.

    That glitter picket fence is so cute! Happy St. P's day to ya!

  46. Sarah - you are so talented !! Love it all oxxox Happy St Pattys!

  47. This looks great!! you have a lovely blog. I hope you'll visit me at My Dream Canvas :-)

  48. A perfect showing of the green today. A very nice post.

  49. Sarah,

    Such a pretty offering! I kept spotting it at the link parties and wanting to drop by to say how much I liked it. The cookies and the drink are perfect for St. Patrick's Day and the plate and napkins are adorable. They all come together so well. Thank you for sharing.

    Frankly, your post made me hungry. LOL!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  50. Great post- I am GREEN with envy!!! lol
    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy SPD!
    Sparkly Hugs,
    Tobi and the Pixies!

  51. Hi Sarah,

    What a great post!! You've prepared a wonderful tray of Irish goodies and pretties for us to enjoy.

    I noticed your Irish Coffe with Bushmill's Whiskey. My husband and I toured the Bushmill's Distillery in Northern Ireland when we were there. I'm definitely going to visit Foodie Fridays to check out your recipes. I never met a custard I didn't like. :)

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my Ireland post, Sarah, and Happy St. Pat's Day to you and yours!


  52. You had me at the Irish Coffee and those fabulous cookies..I love the "beaded" cookie...Everything so beautifully created for a St. Patty' s tribute.

    Thank you for joining the Egg-xellent Spring Party.

  53. Hope you had a great Pink Saturday. Loved seeing all of your Irish items!!!


  54. Cute treats! LOVE your collection!
    Thanks so much for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!!
    Blessings, Doni

  55. Such cute custard dishes, and that checked plate is adorable. You always come up with something unique. laurie

  56. Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  57. I looks great Sarah! I love that Irish coffee! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.