Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pet Parade @ The Polohouse

Miss Mabel

Today is Favorites on the 1st

@ The Polohouse

Featuring Pets Around Blogville

Meet Mabel, one of our favorite weekend house guests. At times Mabel stays with us for a few days while her "humans" getaway for a long weekend together. Mabel is a Black and Tan Cocker Spaniel. Her sweet disposition makes her a favorite with all our family. Spaniels are hunting dogs by nature, and Mabel likes to sit at the window and watch the squirrels. If she sees one when we are out walking she is likely to dart off in the squirrel's direction, so Mabel walks on a lease when she is in our care.

Click here to check out Alison's Pet Parade

Favorites on the First


  1. Mabel is a cutie pie. She looks like a sweet houseguest.

    Stopping by via The Polohouse link party.

    Lynette - Sweet Posy Dreams

  2. What a sweet dog! Spaniels are one of my favorite dogs!

    Thank you for coming over to my blog. It was nice to have you visit! Come back any time!

  3. Oh that face. I can see why Mabel is a favorite. laurie

  4. Awww - Mabel has is one of prettiest cocker's that I've ever seen! Such a sweet face.

  5. How cute is Miss Mabel!
    She is so lucky to get to have sleepovers with you, Sarah!
    What a sweet face!
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at the linky party today!

  6. She looks like such a sweetie. Lucky her to have such a wonderful place to go on holiday.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. So sweet that you welcome pooch visitors. Thanks for stopping by to see my Collies. Debbie at Scratch Where It Itches.

  8. Sarah,

    Mabel is such a cutie. What an adorable theme for a blog adventure.


  9. I can tell that Mabel is one of nature's ladies. That face......

  10. I really don't know that much about Cocker Spaniels but thought they were so cute when Oprah would parade her dogs on camera every once in awhile. Miss Mabel is definitely a cutie and seems so poised in that picture. Love those eyebrows. Makes her look very wise.

  11. We are a dog/cat free home. Little gson is severely allergic!

  12. J'adore Mabel! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  13. Mabel is adorable. That is what my sis wanted me to name Lucy! In fact, my sis still calls Lucy Mabel and the funny thing is Lucy comes a runnin!

  14. How sweet is Miss Mabel - I bet you enjoy taking her 'walkies' Sarah. We have never been a dog family, only had two kitties over the years - now because we travel so much there are no pets around here! Some day I would enjoy a new kitty when we stay home more's getting Bob to agree!!!!

    Hope your weekend is fun.
    Hugs - Mary

  15. Hi Sarah! I have missed getting around blog land and am playing catch up. Mabel looks like a sweetie!
    Thank you for the email you sent. I plan to respond soon. I'm going to catch up on some of your later posts now though.


  16. Hi Sarah,
    What a sweet house guest you have! Mabel is precious!
    Our furr-babies love to chase squirrels too!
    Miss Bloomers


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.