Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'd Rather Be In Paris

A cousin and her family are planning a trip to Paris

this summer and wanted a little help with their plans.

In honor of their visit for the day,

I pulled together a few Parisian details.

I gathered up a group of Eiffel Tower

and fleur de lys souvenirs from previous trips.

I wanted to set a festive mood while

we enjoyed brunch and discussed Paris.

A bouquet of fresh flowers . . .

In a Parisienne pitcher . . .

Gave a bit of color to the buffet . . .

Of white serving pieces.

More colorful flowers . . .

Filled a crystal bowl encircled by a trio

of French poupées for the table centerpiece.

The whimsical dolls are

original Parisian creations by Cerri' Art.

Each Mademoiselle features a unique head

decorated with an extravagant head-dress.

The flexible bodies easily adopt various poses.

These exotic creatures are full of whimsical details.

Though their millet filled bodies are flexible,

the arms and legs are Limoges china.

Each unique, the whimsical mademoiselles offer a

touch of fantasy and make one want to exclaim, "Oh, la la."

To keep the table simple, rattan chargers

held dinner plates that feature bold, colorful fruits.

Vintage French flatware offered a touch of elegance.

While cobalt stems held the

cheerful yellow linen napkins.

The colorful fruit plates are

by Rainbow Gate in Santa Fe, NM.

Each is hand made and hand painted.

We discovered Rainbow Gate Pottery in 1995

and purchased four of their colorful plates.

With subsequent visits to Santa Fe through the years,

we've added more plates, each featuring a different fruit.

Our brunch started with sweet Beignets and coffee.

Fresh fruit salad of grapes, melons, and berries

Oeufs brouillés or French scrambled eggs with a side of bacon

And of course, croissants

To which one might add a bit of sweet cream butter

And orange with fig or strawberry jams

I'm here for the summer, but would rather be in Paris.

What about you?

What vacation plans do you have in the works?

Linking to the following:


  1. A lovely French setting!! I would rather be in Paris too - lol.

  2. Ooh la,la! Wonderful post. I love all your adorable Parisian mementos. What a fun brunch.

  3. Mmm, French food! My youngest son is in France right now at a Math conference. He has sent me photos of the Eiffel Tower and other sights he has seen. Lucky ducky! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Drool, drool.....I'd rather be in Paris, too. Linda : )

  5. What a beautiful brunch! Love all your French accessories, too. xo,

  6. A beautiful setting for a fun brunch Sarah! Love your mother of pearl butter knife:@)

  7. What a cool and cleaver way to share you French items! Your friends who are going to France are so lucky to have you to share your knowledge.
    I'm going to Paris in October with a group of ladies from Dallas who take groups to flea markets, antique fairs, etc. It will be my first time there and I'm really excited. I'm adding myself as your newest follower. Hope you drop by and see me sometime.

  8. What a great send off celebration! Wishing I could go back to Paris too. Love the suitcase on the head doll and oh yes...Beignets!
    xo Cathy

  9. Your table setting was really lovely, Sarah! You really had the "Summer In Paris" theme down well! Your friend must have been thrilled. I love the menu!

    We have never been overseas. I hope to one day. This summer it will just be the lake and a few road trips.


  10. Wow! Will you plan a trip for me....say to Italy? Love it. the food looks so yummmmm!

  11. Thanks for your lovely words and visit to my newish blog. I'm having a blast posting ! Now to Paris ! sigh.. me too.. rather be in Paris, or in Nice on the shore, maybe having a baguette some cheese and grapes.. sigh... an afternoon trip to Grasse to sniff the most current perfume blend.. Dinner in a small cafe with people who think we're to loud ! yes.. sigh.. miss it.. perfect setting to make me think of it all again !!! smiling .. Jules ~

  12. C'est vraiment tres joli! Love those plates. I have some of that studio's myself. So wonderful for sure. Which reminds me to get a couple more on this next trip. Your table is adorable. Especially les mademoiselles! Great table!

  13. How fun! Wouldn't it be fun to be planning a trip to Paris! I'm in love with those wonderful dolls!

  14. Oh, how wonderful, Sarah. What a great hostess you are.
    Everything looks fabulous and those little ladies tickle me to death.
    The Santa Fe plates are perfect..
    Funny...I made the little french donuts just last night:)))

    Did you pick up your "I WAS FEATURED"
    from Savvy ??? I got mine and boy, I am so proud of it. :))

  15. Your post serves as a reminder that even when you aren't planning a trip there are still terrific ways to celebrate special destinations.

  16. Love those dolls, very whimsical! Beautiful table Sarah, and breakfast looks good too!
    I have never wanted to go to Paris. I would like to go to Ireland though! We don't travel though, dh can't. That makes it sound like he's on the Wanted list, lol!
    We will be here in Southampton for the summer. No complaints about that! It is the winter that makes you yearn for the South!

  17. Sarah, you are so sweet to share your knowledge of Paris in such a special way. Your brunch looks magnificent. Thanks so muh for your visit and kind words.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. The whole idea of a French themed brunch to help plan the trip is wonderful to me. The table looks just great and so fun. My favorite part far and away is the whimsical doll set. I love detail like that.

  19. I'd love to be in Paris. Great collection. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  20. This is just adorable, so unique! Great job!

    We are visiting family in several states this summer for our vacation.


  21. I'm sure your guests thought they were in Paris! The table is wonderful.
    No plans for the summer, but then we don't like to leave the Island at the best time of year. Holidays will come in fall and winter and the plans are all up in the air - fun to pull them down and consider them!

  22. Oh what a fun way to celebrate - j'adore!!!!!

    I'm not going to see Paris this year - or next with so many other places to visit. But, come 2013, I'll be there, and hopefully in Normandy and Brittany too!

    My next trip is back to N. California end of July for a couple of blissful weeks at that beautiful lake again. Then, come October, a huge trip - details will be coming to my blog soon, by way of a fun guessing game!!!!!

    Hugs - Mary

  23. its always so fun theme playing, the hunting and gathering is the best part!

  24. I would love to see Paris someday. What a whimsical display Sarah. Hope they takes lots of pictures and you can share them with us.

  25. never have been to Pris even though I am French Canadian by way of my moms parents. I have been to England but I love the Upper Penn of Michigan the best for a vacation

  26. Oh, every detail is so lovely--from the adorable dolls to the fruit plates to the fresh flowers to the vintage flatware from France--I'd rather be in Paris, too!

    I'm so hoping Tom and I will be able to go for a weekend in Sept. for our anniversary! I've never been to France!


  27. Hi Sarah,
    All I can say is like Wow!!!!
    Really pretty, whimsical and OOOH those plates and the dolls, what a treat for your friends!
    You are an amazing hostess!

  28. What a fun, fun table. Love those dolls...they give great expression to the table. What a wonderful hostess you are. Would I rather be in Paris? You bet!!!!!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  29. What a fun brunch...Hope you had a great trip to Paris for the afternoon! Thanks for sharing...Blessings My Frend,

  30. Love your whimsical dolls and Eiffel Tower replicas. Yes, I LOVE PARIS! Your header is beautiful. Hyacinths delight me. Your party was a success I know.

  31. Oh Sarah, Your cousin and her family are very lucky to have your help in planning their trip to Paris. The only thing better would have you to go with them. Your Parisian theme brunch looks both festive, and delicious. What a perfect way to enjoy and use your collection of French Poupees. I love their whimsy and fun playful look and the headpieces are priceless! Next time I get to Paris, I'm going to look for these. Your fruit plates work so well with these dolls. Your table and dining sideboard looks perfect for a fun brunch. I'm sure you enjoyed helping plan this trip............

    The French Hutch

  32. Your collection of whimsical dolls is so fun and makes me want a closer look~ love their fancy chapeaux :-) How nice of you to share your knowledge & offer brunch~ it looks delicious! Love your pitcher!

  33. No vacation plans here. You set one gorgeous and creative table there!

  34. I would rather be at your jet lag! I adore those lovely ladies, I have never seen them before. I have some of those fruit plates, my hubby was on a business trip several years ago and got me four. They are so special to me. Lovely post, thank you for sharing your " pretties".

  35. OMG!!! GORGEOUS! I love those dolls! Superb job, great table! It's been forever since I've posted on TT, but I just finished up a tablescape for the Lewiston Tour of Kitchens tonight and I just had to share it with you and your readers!!! Hope you can make it by to see the finished product! :) Would love to know what you think, you're a master of these tablescapes, afterall! :) xo,A

  36. Beautiful Eiffel tower colelction, Sarah! I love your table, so whimsical with those figures...Christine

  37. How very French ... and ... sweet and thoughtful of you!! Very nice!! Love the little whimsy touches.

    Thanks for sharing at Viola!


  38. Love your little taste of Paris! I'm not going anywhere this summer either. Too many irons in the fire. This is the first time we've not taken a vacation so I'm sad about it but hope to make up for it next year. Paris is a dream and I hope to go there some day!

  39. This is beautiful Sarah! I especially love the fruit plates!
    And thanks for your sweet comment on my Paris pillow. I loves seeing all of your Paris beauties!

  40. Enjoyable post. I'd like tobe in Paris too!

  41. Ooh la la is right!!! It is so nice to be able to comment again! I couldn't open Blogger comments in Italy and was so cut off. I missed my dear blogger friends. What a fun table and those little poseable dolls are just magnificent. I love your collection of Eiffel towers. Be sure to tell her to be at the Eiffel tower at dark to see the tower sparkle. I didn't see that last time and it was just magical. We also looked over the city from the top of the tower at sunset and that was incredible too.

    But, I have to say, it is nice to be home.

  42. Sarah, I loved visiting Paris with you today and no jet lag either. You created a beautiful and yummy brunch. We are off to Italy and Greece in August for our second honeymoon. Thanks for joining my party.

  43. Oh Sarah what a lovely Parisian brunch!! I can think of very little that I'd love more than planning a trip to Paris over such delicious food and with such wonderful ambience! *winks* Those poupees are just fabulous!!Love them! Vanna

  44. Oh yes, Paris would be nice! Love all the Frenchy type things you pulled together! I haven't been there since I was 19 years old! My daughter leaves next week for Austria. Great plates, I enjoyed this post!! Thanks for your visit and kind comments.

  45. Sarah, you have the most adorable little ladies lounging on your table!

  46. Hi lovely lady.
    This is a lovely French Setting for your Brunch !!!
    I love the food looks YUMMMMM.
    I also hope you have a Great Weekend. Thanks so much for your comments on my Tablescapes.

  47. I am planning a trip to France next year. I will let you know the exact day later. And you can do a brunch for us too! ;) Lovely Sarah

  48. Lovely settings! I'm particularly taken with your butter knife :)

  49. SARAH! Oh let me tell you, Paris is of course the place to be ANYTIME! I love the plates with the fruit, the vintage flatware (I have some!) and the FOOD...yes, yes, OUI!!! Thank you dearest for visiting me. I am so touched that you like my words...I often worry that my thoughts will not come out the way I want them to, but I am very pleased that you would even share my ideas with your colleagues. What a bittersweet moment when the kids say goodbye with TEARS and whaling!!!! It was quite a day yesterday; I am bushed today!!!

    Have a lovely weekend, Anita

  50. Beautiful job! all that work...they should take you with them!!

  51. Sarah!

    What a table, just so pretty and whimsical with those wonderful dolls!! How wonderful to be able to spend time together around this table and plan a trip to Paris!

    Miss Bloomers

  52. Wow- they knew the perfet person to ask for advice and help! You go all out.

    The dolls are wonderful (as is everything else.)

  53. Hi Sarah,
    Your table is very fun. Love the little dolls. The food looks wonderful too. We just got back from St. Augustine. I will probably never go to Europe but, it is fun to visit through blogs. Thanks for linking this up to HSH!]

  54. Sarah, I'd love to be in Paris, too. And I just adore the way you make everything feel so French and welcoming. Those little dolls are the BEST!


  55. Sarah, such a delightful table! The fruit plates are wonderful. Those dolls (I can't remember what you called them) are so unique, and I love the way you posed them. You have some great Eiffel Towers. I bet your cousin was even more excited about the trip after dining at this table! I'd definitely rather be in Paris, and even more so after seeing your tablescape. laurie

  56. What a fun and whimsical tablescape you created! Thanks so much for sharing it at Inspiration Friday!

  57. Oh my goodness, such a lovely Parisian post, Sarah. Loved it! Those whimsical dolls are soooo charming and unique! Loved the black and white Parisian pillow and your jam servers look so pretty with those awesome looking spoons... you have the most wonderful Parisian collection! Those hand painted fruit plates are soooo vibrant and goes perfectly with your tablescape. Thanks for sharing this lovely post with us!~Poppy

  58. Thanks for being apart of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  59. Sarah, What a fun setting for your Parisian brunch. Everything looks delicious and the French poupées are so cute for the centerpiece. The plates are wonderful and so unusual.
    I'll bet your guests were thrilled at your attention to detail. I LOVE your flatware.

  60. Oh boy did you do it up right! Your cousin asked the right person!Such interesting art you have. The dolls are charming and the fruit plates are tres chic!

  61. Dear Sarah,
    what a fabulous post. You really tempt one to wish the same: Being in Paris. But why you want that. You have Paris just at home. Your inspiring decorations make a real Bistro feeling. And the little ladies are so beautiful made. Real parisienne mademoiselles.
    Meilleurs souvenirs ! Johanna

  62. Next time I plan a trip I'm going to let you know in the hope of having such a special sendoff. Very thoughtful of you to have Paris on the table.

  63. This is such a fun pretty table Sarah~ I love all your treasures that you have added! Thanks for sharing at FNF this week! :)

  64. You really did it up right! How gorgeous all your French inspired decorating is! You've got the spirit for sure.
    I hope that some day soon you get to go to Paris yourself.

  65. Hi Sarah,

    This is such a marvellous French brunch post!! You are so creative. I was so excited to notice your small silver tray with the mother of pearl butter knife -- I have a tray exactly like that! You can see it in my Mother's Day tablescape; I talked about finding it recently at a local antique mall. I really love your vintage French flatware, and your dolls are precious and so unique. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment.


    Denise at Forest Manor

    P.S. Loved your Flag Day post as well.

  66. Thanks for the info on these dolls!
    I have one a gift from my mom and i knew nothing about them. I love finding out about things i have!!

  67. Sarah those French dolls are hysterical, They are so unique!!! Kathysue

  68. "Oh La La"! What a beautiful Parisian Post! LOVE IT, and I really love those Mademoiselles. Each one is so unique and charming!!! I REALLY,REALLY LOVED the Eiffel tower Limoges box! AH, you know I love those boxes!
    Thank you so much for "Taking us away"! I'm on my way back to look around a bit more and savor some of your goodies!
    Big Hugs to you,

  69. Oh la la Sarah,
    When you do something you do it big! I was actually smiling when I was viewing your displays!! This is so beautiful...makes me want to join you in Paris!!
    Happy Weekend

  70. I love the rainbow gate plates. I got one on my wedding day 18 years ago. I came home after a summer trip to find the dogs had knocked it down and broken it to pieces. I am heart broken. Don't suppose you know where to buy older ones from the mid1990s?


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.