Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friendship Is Golden

Understand that friends come and go,
but with a precious few you should hold on.
The older you get, the more you need
the people who knew you when you were young.
Mary Schmich

One of the pages in my Mary Engelbreit's Hold On Tight 2011 Engagement Calendar features a group of happy ladies with the above quote by Mary Schmich.

M. E. Monday Contribution

Mary's illustrations and collection of quotes always start my days off with a smile. I have both her desk calendar and her engagement calendar. I wouldn't be without them! Wanted to share this page from the engagement calendar today because I spent Friday and Saturday with a group of girls that I've known since elementary school. It's been 40+ years since many of us have been together. Only eight of us could make it for this reunion, but we are already planning future get togethers. What fun to be with friends who share a history of one's youth.

It's not too late to purchase your own copy of Mary Engelbreit's Hold On Tight 2011 Engagement Calendar here at the Mary Engelbreit online store. It's even on sale!

Click the links below to join these weekly parties.


  1. Wow! That's really nice! I'd love to meet up with old friends from childhood!

  2. "What a Sweet Reunion that must have been"! I can feel the love!!!
    Have a wonderful week,

  3. This is such a timely post for me. I recently got back in touch with several people who I grew up with! We have not planned a reunion yet, but it was so nice to talk to them after all these years.

  4. ME is one of my favorites also. Always good to see old friends. They are like a comfy pair of shoes! Thanks for stopping by Queen Bee Cottage.


  5. How much fun you must have had!
    Love when I have get togethers that have "been way too long...."
    Enjoy your week!

  6. Hi Sarah...what a sweet post. I can just imagine the conversations you had with so many dear old friends. My oldest friends are my favorite. We've been through so much together over the years. It's the familiarity that makes those friendships so special to me.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us for ME Monday.

  7. Oh what fun to get together with friends from school, Sarah. I am sure you had a great time....Christine

  8. Friends like that are special. I love those blues!

    Happy Blue Monday, Sarah.

  9. Hello Sarah,
    what a nice idea to have such a calendar.
    Greetings, Johanna

  10. I'm sure you all had a great time Sarah, sounds like fun:@)

  11. How nice! I saw that page on ME calendar:)Of course~

  12. How wonderful! Sweet reunion! (Love ME)

  13. Sarah - this is terrific - what a keepsake - just love the combination of ME artwork and your photos!
    Hope you have a great week,

  14. Hold on tight -- great advice!
    xo Cathy

  15. Oh my Sarah, what a grand time! Love the calendar and what a special way to remember!


  16. That is an awesome thing to get together with old friends like that. I've been wanting to do the same with my neighborhood childhood friends. Love that quote at the top!!

  17. Hi Sarah, I LOVE Mary E. and all her works and there is nothing like meeting up with old friends. :) I scrolled down and saw your gorgeous eggs and containers. Beautiful!

  18. Wonderful post, and one with which I can not only agree but relate. I spend Saturday with five other old friends who have formed a luncheon club. We eat for an hour and then chat for five more. Our husbands can't figure out what in the world we have to talk about for six hours.

    Bet you can!! Just chatting from topic to topic like old friends do.

  19. Very pretty!

    Would you mind peeking at my blues? Thanks!

  20. I love Mary Engelbreit! Have a great week ;)

  21. Love the calendar. Great post. Have a great Holy Week.
    Thanks for visiting Savannah's Roses. Hugs, Ginger

  22. How lovely to still be in touch with childhood friends, Sarah.
    The calendars are quite something, I'm off to check them out right now.

  23. I get together with two of my high school friends once a month and it is a precious time for all of us. You are so blessed to have had your large group and to have such dear friends. I love all things by Mary Engelbreit and I appreciate you sharing this calendar.
    God bless,

  24. Sarah, your quote by Mary Schmich is absolutely true. I'm sure you had a great time with your special friends from elementary school making new memories to add to a lifetime.
    Like you, I really love all things Mary Engelbreit, another thing we have in common. Glad you and your friends had such a wonderful time, I know it was special for you....
    LOL Sarah,


  25. Sarah, you are so lucky to be able to reconnect with the friends from your past! I've never even been to ONE high school or college reunion! I think marrying twice & moving several times has made it difficult to find me, IF they even had one. Plus, I don't *do* Facebook. I suppose that might help.

    Regarding your question about the planters, I can't get anything but shade loving plants to survive in the Gazebo. The dense screening (per my request to keep out no-see-ems) cuts down on the sunlight inside. Ivy thrives out there! LOL

    I wish you "could hop on over Easter Sunday"...there is always room at our table!


  26. Sarah, what a wonderful way to enjoy the memories of your little reunion. So glad you had such a wonderful time. laurie


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.