Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time to Spring Forward

~Silver Tray of Vintage Pocket Watches ~
Round Top Antique Market, 2010

Just a little reminder that

Sunday, March 13, 2011

is the date to "Spring Forward"

to set clocks ahead one hour.

It's also Silver Sunday @ Gypsy Fish Journal.


  1. I "sprang" already - - - last this afternoon I went around resetting clocks in an attempt to get sleepy by the clock and go to bed early.

    This spring one just about kills me - - - -

    I'm a BIG advocate - - - having lived in a state where we didn't do this clock nonsense - - - of just CHOOSING one of the times and sticking with it.

  2. Hi Sarah...

    I guess it is that time of the year again! While I always have a difficult time adjusting to the difference of will be nice to have more daylight hours! What a beautiful photo, my friend! All of those lovely old time pieces displayed on the silver tray looks so beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us for Silver Sunday!

    Have a super Sunday, Sarah!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. Hi Sarah: LOve that tray of goodies....just looking around at all the posts and bloggies getting ready to head to TX....oh how I wish I could make it back. Maybe in the fall.

  4. I remembered, and I am tired. Have a good day!~

  5. Thanks for the reminder, Sarah! I am all ready for church. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!...christine

  6. What a sweet reminder, I did remember, but still over slept.
    Love the tray of pocket watches, it just makes you want to grab a hand full, how pretty they look on that silver tray.
    Stopped over from Gypsy Fish Journal, Have a Fabulous Silver Sunday.


  7. Great photograph from Roundtop, one day, one day!
    We don't change our clocks until the 27th, so now you're one hour closer to me!

  8. Our spring break started, and we were visiting with neighbors and forgot all about it. We overslept this morning, too!!!

  9. You are so sweet to post the reminder. I always hate losing an hour of sleep!
    I love that tray of watch faces!! A perfect picture for your post.
    Happy Sunday.

  10. Hello Sarah,
    this photo with the clocks looks so amazing for me. Like the Allegory Of Time.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. Just looking at that photo makes me wish I had all that "extra time" on my hands. ;-) Thanks for sharing the photo.
    Happy Sunday, my friend.

  12. Love the tray full of watches! My sister is coming down from Ill. at the end of the month for Round Top! Can't hardly wait!

  13. Sarah,
    Common objects elegantly displayed! I adore these types of displays whenever I frequent Antique Malls or Flea Markets! Caught my eye with your sweet reminder to Spring ahead!

  14. Very TIME ly reminder! And I am so happy stays light, still cold, but at least not dark and cold! :)

  15. What a great all the pocket watches...someday I want to got to Roundtop!!

    Miss Bloomers

  16. What a beautiful reminder to spring forward, Sarah!

  17. I am looking fiorward to seeing the daylight last longer into the evening, Sarah. Spring is in the air!

  18. Love your spring forward clever! I would love to visit Round Top!

  19. I love the way you have Ann Estelle making repeat appearances in your blog. Such a cute idea! I have always LOVED paperdolls!! All the dolls from my ME Home Companion magazines were given to my daughter to play with as she was growing up. Now she's in college, but the dolls are carefully tucked away in a box in her closet.
    (Still can't believe that they had to stop producing that magazine! Craziest decision ever made by a publisher!)

  20. What a stunning photograph that is ;-)

    I am obsessed with clocks and clock faces!

    Houdini ;-)

  21. Hi Sarah....Super-Wow..what a powerful and cool this!!


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