Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Special Birthday

Today is a special day.

It's the day to observe the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.

It's also been 365 days since this joy came into our lives.

This little cutie is one year old today.

Happy Birthday, Annabelle!

Page above is from my new 2011 Mary Engelbreit day to day desk calendar. I still enjoy using my M. E. engagement calendar for making notes, but love the convenience and daily dose of M. E. art offered in the new format of the daily sheets of the desk calendar. Both are published by Andrews McMeel Publishing and are available here at Mary Engelbreit's site.

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  1. Hi Sarah,

    What a precious baby!! Good to be back..missed blogging and all my friends in the blogworld! Hope your holidays were wonderful..looking forward to this year!! Good to hear from you!

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  2. Sarah, that calendar is SO cute, but that baby is precious beyond words. Look at Annabelle! Love her outfit, and I'd like to wish her a Happy Birthday! What a cutie pie she is.


    Sheila :-)

  3. Dear Sarah,
    this cute M.E. calendar sheet is just as made especially for your cute Annabelle`s birthday. Happy birthday for the little lady. She is really looking ladylike in with her lovely hat.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Wee Annabelle is a beauty! Her little hat and sweater are perfect. Happy Birthday to her!

  5. I'm headed out to lead volunteer projects in celebration of Dr. King's birthday. Enjoy your family celebrations...Happy birthday Annabelle!!!

  6. Happy birthday to a precious little girl!!

  7. Happy Birthday to Annabelle, she is so chic in her pretty hat.
    I can't believe she's one year old already!

  8. Awww, look at that little cutie! Lovin' her outfit-enjoy:@)

  9. Sarah,
    Celebrations are abounding with every post I open. So glad you're celebrating Annabelle's first birthday! Enjoy!

  10. She is a little doll! Love the hat, so adorable. Happy Birthday to Annabelle! Kat

  11. Sarah,,she is adorable!
    When I saw your calendar on my blogroll I was excited to come and see..for years I had ME desktop calendar..and loved every page.. sometimes the page was just right for the day..sometimes it just turned out just right..last year I didn't have one.. My daughter emailed me and found one on it's in transit for me..I can't wait.the year's not the same w/out it..And addicting little feel good thing.
    I've prepared a little post for you..for February.. sometime..I dedicated it to you:)For your love of Mary and all the visual delights of her you bring our way.
    Thank you..Happy Birthday to the little one.

  12. Sarah,
    Your Annabelle is just precious! May I ask how she is related in your life?
    Thank you for sharing with us on ME Monday. I find it very funny that both you and Genie posted ME calendar pages today.
    Happy Birthday to your Annabelle.

  13. Annabelle is just precious! Happy Bday to her!
    Sunny and cold here today, nothing much melting, but I am happier when the sun is out! :)

  14. Oh Sarah she is gorgeous!! Love the hat....

  15. Happy brthday to adorable Annabelle! What a beautiful baby!

    It was really cold today and we may get another dose of snow tomorrow. This has been a harsh winter so far!

  16. Oh my goodness! What a BEAUTIFUL little girl! Just lovely. We just celebrated my grandson's 5th birthday and I posted about it tonight. Aren't they just too wonderful for words??

  17. Annabelle can steal any heart with those eyes. Happy Birthday to her.

  18. sarah, good day.

    happy birthday to the most beautiful baby girl, annabelle!!! yay!

    i too adore Mary Engelbreit's art. it's so cheery and homey.

  19. How adorable Annabelle is outfited in that sweater & flower adorned hat!

    I'm so thrilled you'll be joining us! I've had Red Hook Road on my ipod queued up to listen to since fall and somehow other books keep pushing their way in front of it! I look forward to your post :-)

  20. Sarah, Thank you for your kind words at Three Pixie Lane! They mean so much! I love the picture of this sweet baby! Happy Birthday to her!! How precious is she!! I scrolled down and love your Nantucket baskets, too!! Have a wonderful day! Christie

  21. Oh!!! Happy birthday little sweetheart! She is beautiful!

  22. Hi Sarah...

    Ahhh...your little Annabelle is just precious, my friend! Sending birthday wishes and blessings her way! Isn't that M.E. daily calendar pretty! Thank you for sharing it with us...I really do enjoy her things! They are always so fun and cheery!

    My friend, thank you so much for coming by for a visit! I appreciate your kind words!!!

    Warmest winter wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  23. Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday dear Annabelle,
    Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu!


    Happy Birthday to you, Sarah, as well! Another year of life to celebrate - wonderful!!!!!!


  24. Hi Sarah, She's beautiful! My birthday was Monday too. YAY

  25. Annabelle is so lovely and so adorable, Sarah. Those beautiful eyes can melt anything....Christine

  26. Oh what a pretty little girl! She looks like a model for children's clothing. Love your M.E. calender. laurie

  27. Oh, Annabelle...happiest birthday. And, I adore your sweet name.

    Sarah, I think you would enjoy a subscription to Country Living. It is my favorite of all decorating mags.
    hugs, bj

  28. What a cute baby -- and I love that outfit!

  29. What a cutie! Happy Birthday to Annabelle!
    I always have one of the ME desk calenders too and as I rip the days off, I can't bear to throw them away so I use the back side for note paper. Have a great weekend, Nan

  30. Happy First Birthday to Annabelle!!! Oh my gosh--she is so beautiful!! And her outfit is perfect for Rednesday...What a precious blessing she is!!!

  31. P.S. I'm your newest follower and I love how you wrote that quote about hyacinths for the soul!

  32. I would love a daily dose of ME, and I bet that thing is chock full of cute illustrations! But nothing as cute as that sweet little girl. Happy Birthday Annabelle!

  33. Hope your recent trip was a fun time - and that the weather didn't cause travel problems! This Winter has been hard on travelers world wide!

    Oh how adorable that pretty Birthday baby is - and such a lovely outfit!

    Hugs - Mary

  34. Happy Birthday Annabelle! She is so adorable. Amazing how fast a year goes by when you watch your children grow.

  35. Annabelle is absolutely gorgeous. I'll bet her eyes just make you melt.

  36. A very Happy First Birthday to your precious Annabelle!

    Happy Rednesday,

  37. That is a face to love. She is exquisite.♥

  38. Oh my goodness...what a precious child! She is just adorabe in her little red outfit;)!

    I have been peeking around your blog again and you have the most wonderful collections...I have had the best time! Thanks for sharing;)!

  39. Happy belated birthday to such a pretty little girl! She looks good in red..

  40. Annabelle is the most gorgeous little cherry I have ever seen, those eyes just melt me! Bet you won't be able to say no to her!

  41. What a sweet one year old face! And what could be more cheery than a M.E. calendar?

  42. ME would brighten my day too and so would a daily dose of Annabelle -- she is adorable! Joni

  43. Sending "Happy Birthday" wishes right back at you, Sarah! Did you see we're no longer Capricorns??? Waaaaaa! I always felt those attributes were perfect for me.

  44. Such a cutey. Hope you had a grand celebration.

    - The Tablescaper

  45. A very special birthday indeed. Did I hear that you also had a birthday?

    Happy special time of year to you both!

  46. A belated happy birthday to sweet Miss Annabelle...and to you as well, dear Sarah! I hope both of you enjoyed a wonderful day! I hope you are having a great week!....hugs...Debbie


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