Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year ~ 2011

Hope your celebration was full of fun

and a bit of bubbly.


to wish each of you . . .


Looking forward to the new year.


  1. Happy New Year to you too my blogging friend. I hope its filled with exceptional blessings.

  2. Happy new year to you, Sarah! Looks like you celebrated well. It's been fun but hope 2011 will bring us more fun and peace!...Christine

  3. Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. Happy New Year.

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Happy New Year to you Sarah! I look forward to another year as well.

  5. Happy New Year to you too Sarah! I hope you have all the Blessings that life has to offer this year and Every Year!!! Hugs to you my Sweet Friend, Donna

  6. Happy New Year Sarah! The decorations are down, time to relax and watch some football:@)

  7. A joyous new year to you and yours as well.
    We did forgo the bubbly in favor of a bit of nip - catnip.

    With plummeting temps we now cuddle indoors to recover and renew.

  8. Hope your New Year is one of health, happiness and abundance!


  9. Nice collages Sarah. Wishing you again a wonderful New Year.

  10. Nice collages Sarah. Wishing you again a wonderful New Year.

  11. i'd like to take a vehicle insurance firm to small claims court? The insurer agency declined my claim, (I would go ahead and take responsible driver to small claims nevertheless , I've got no address to serve them or send a requirement letter). The opposite driver was at fault but their insurance provider states there can be a difference in your statements to make sure they have to use the word of their insured vs. my word. I believe they acted in poor trust and did not perform a proper investigation would this be a valid claim in small claims court? I want to get the the culprit drivers insurance carrier (not my own) to small claims for the damages to my car.

  12. LOVE all the New Year photos for this post. Hope you have a great one! Charlene

  13. Happy New Year, Sarah. Let's have lunch soon!! M

  14. Dear Sarah,

    what a start: 1-1-11! That must be a nice year.
    Greetings, Johanna

  15. Hi Sarah, Happy happy New Year and lots of fun in 2011. I never got to drink my tiny little bottle of champagne. Fell asleep before the bewitching hour of mid-nite. Saving it for my January birthday now. :) LOL Isn't his view amazing? It's a tiny tiny apartment but the whole end is a huge window with that view. He will be getting married this year and will give up the apartment for something bigger....pity. :) xoxo

  16. Sweet decorations. Happy 1/4/11. Time sure does fly.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.