Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Many Faces of Santa

Sharing the wonder of the many faces
of that jolly ole' man, Santa.

No Words Needed!


  1. I LOVE all your Santas!!! I didn't take mine out this year(where did all the time go)! Have a wonderful evening Sweet Sarah!
    Hugs to you, Donna

  2. Hi Sarah! What a fabulous collection of Santas you have! It sounds like you had a wonderfully cozy Christmas! Hugs to you on this special day...Debbie

  3. These are fantastic! I loved all the different angles you used to photograph these.

  4. Your collection is wonderful. I love the way you photographed them.

  5. Isn't it amazing no matter how different each one looks, they are all still SANTA!!

    BTW, those were MY deviled eggs with the green olives & red pimentos that you noticed & told Lynn about. LOL I'm glad you were impressed! ;-)

    I'm going shopping about you?

  6. Hello Sarah,
    Your Santas have all lovely faces. I guess that's the reason the got into your collection.
    Have a nice time.
    Greetings, Johanna

  7. I am partial to the third picture down. The white whimsical Santa. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Your blog is just lovely and I am your newest follower. *hugs*

  8. Lovin' your Santas Sarah! Merry Christmas and all the best in 2011 to you and your family:@)

  9. What a wonderous collection!

    It's always great to have you being a part of Seasonal Sundays. As these days turn from the Christmas Season to the Season of Winter, I hope you'll continue to share with us.

    - The Tablescaper

  10. Oooh, i LOVE all these Santa faces! Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. I love him, no matter how he looks like, Sarah. You have a wonderful collection!...Christine

  12. I love your mosaic. I think I will do one for my one enjoyment! Maybe I'll make a print of it.
    Happy New Year!

  13. Love your collection~ what wonderful faces! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas :-)

  14. I did the same thing Sarah, funny how we are drawn to things like this. I guess it is the reason why we purchase them in the first place. I love all your Santa's! Beautiful faces :)

    Best wishes for a wonderful New Year Sarah, may it continue to be filled with beauty xx


  15. I still believe...may the wonder and blessings of the season follow you through the New Year.


  16. What a great idea to focus on their faces. Each face has a special personality, and I loved seeing them. You have some real beauties. laurie

  17. Santa Claus is one of my heros! :) I love your collection, Sarah
    ..wonderful post!


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