Friday, November 5, 2010

Fresh Flowers Are Always Favorites



As you might imagine from the name of my blog, fresh cut flowers have always been a favorite in our home. So when I saw mention of a "new to me" meme last night while visiting my friend Cherry Chick, I knew what I would post for My Favorite Things this week. Liz @ Rose Vignettes celebrates Fresh-Cut Fridays on the first Friday of the month. With not much time on hand, I decided to share a few mosaics of fresh cut flowers from previous posts.

The flowers can be from one's garden like these zinnias from my summer garden.

Or they can be flowers purchased at the grocery store like these mini green hydrangeas and Yoko Ono mums.

The flowers can come from a garden of a freind like these white snapdragons from my friend Ann.

What ever the source, fresh cut flowers are sure to put a smile on your face, fill your heart with joy, and bring sunshine into your life.

Thanks to the following ladies for hosting these mems. Be sure to click the links below to join them for more beautiful Fresh-Cut Flowers, Pretty Pinks, and Favorite Things.


  1. Beautiful! I love fresh cut flowers. It is especially rewarding to be able tu cut from your own garden. So this fall and winter I will miss being able to do that as my garden goes to sleep.

  2. I am partial to the sunflowers. My hubby is good about bringing home a handfull of flowers on occasion.

    Another friday's favorite for sure!

  3. Sarah, there is nothing, in my opinion, to lift the spirits like fresh flowers. I sometimes just have to indulge when at the grocery, if I don't have something blooming.

  4. Your mosaics are beautiful as are all of your flowers, Sarah. Zinnias are one of my favorites. My grandfather grew them around the border of his whole yard and he loved to give us little guided tours each time we visited. I have such great memories of this.

    I hope you have a lovely and fun filled weekend!


  5. I'll second that, Sarah, your mosaics of your flowers are fabulous. Don't you just Love flowers?
    P.S....typo alert.."sue=sure" ;-)

  6. I buy flowers every week or so. we deserve them!
    Your pictures are just gorgeous!

  7. Love the flowers in the cow creamer! So cute!

  8. Very pretty mosaics Sarah! Lovin' the cow:@)

  9. Oh, these are GORGEOUS, Sarah! You did some lovely arrangements here, and cut flowers are wonderful. I saw this meme on someone else's blog, and I want to play with you all some time! Thanks for the lovely bouquets. Hope you have a super weekend, my friend.


    Sheila :-)

  10. These are so wonderful to see! I love cut fresh flowers although I don't get them often. Don't really have any that can be cut and brought inside from my garden.
    Such lovely vignettes!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Oh lovely! :) Your mosaics are perfection! Thank you so much for joining in! I will put your name in the hat for the drawing! :)


  12. Love fresh flowers in my home. Thanks for sharing yours.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Fresh flowers are a gift:) I have that same little's never looked so cute:)

  14. Your flower arrangements are so bright and pretty, Sarah!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. I love fresh flowers. We won't be having any here for a long time!
    Yours are beautiful ,and so it your mosaic.
    The next thing I will cut here are greens for Christmas arrangements. Sooner than you think!

  16. I don't often do fresh flowers unless they come from my Rose bushes, so I sure enjoyed the variety of yours. Lovely mosaics and arrangements of fresh flowers. Happy Pink Saturday, my Texas Friend.

  17. Just lovely Sarah. and that's the one thing I already miss on my mountain top are all the flowers of spring and summer...But I just got another 150 daff bulbs today to plant that will make 1550 now in 3 years I have planted...what a beautiful show of color in April they give me...with 11 acres I have alot of planting to always do...Hope you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  18. I love fresh flowers, too. Guess we all do.
    Oprah (NOT one of my favorite people) once said "there is no excuse to have faux should have fresh flowers in your home every single day."
    Uh...hello...unless we grow them, it can get very expensive to have them EVERY day. :))
    I love your pretty mosaics..

  19. Dearest, dearest Sarah! What a refreshing much as I love November, pumpkins and dried leaves, I still cannot get away from the loveliness of summer time. Your flowers here are so tender and beautiful, and what a great way to start the weekend....I can almost smell their perfume....thank you for coming by, it is always a pleasure to see you!

    Mille bisous, Anita

  20. So pretty, Sarah! I love fresh cut flowers too. They smell so fragrant.....Christine

  21. Sarah..your cut flowers are simply gorgeous! I am a big fan of having cut flowers in my home.


  22. Happy Pink Saturday! Sarah! Those arrangements are wonderful! Just love fresh flowers in the home!
    Hope you have a marvelous day,

  23. Love this! I'm off to visit the others you mentioned. xx's

  24. Sarah,
    Beautiful flowers! I love to buy them. It is so wonderful to have them in the middle of winter!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  25. Zinnias are my fav. What lovely pinks!
    Happy PS!
    Licks & Wags, NIki

  26. I don't think I ever met a flower I didn't take to!

  27. Love your zinnias! They are so colorful and enjoyable at this time of year when the color is slipping out of the landscape. Thanks for sharing and brightening up my day.

  28. How fresh and lovely a post! Fresh flowers in a home always put a extra skip in my walk! Have a great weekend!

  29. I became a fresh flower fanatic when we lived near the Dutch market town of Heerlen. When we came back to Canada I indulged regularly - I'm so glad that fresh flowers are now so much more accessible than way back when.
    I had to smile when I saw the lilies in your post. Yesterday I hosted a luncheon and one of the guests brought a beautiful bouquet of Stargazer lilies and white berries - bliss!

  30. These photos are lovely. I too am a flresh flower fanatic! Every year my hubby sends me a lovely, huge fresh flower arrangment to me on my birthday...and I love it! Thanks for always commenting on my blog, I have not been the best blogger lately, I plan to do better.

  31. Gorgeous flowers, each and every one of your mosiacs is a delight.

  32. Sarah, what lovely photos! I love having flowers all around me too, whether from the garden or Trader Joe's. I had no idea those mums were called Yoko Ono mums!

  33. Beautiful flowers and mosaics! You have such a nice touch with floral arrangements and vignettes!


  34. Sarah, this post is beautiful. Not only are the flowers gorgeous, but the mosaic combinations are breath taking. Thank you for linking all of this beauty to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  35. Happy Pink Saturday. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pink flowers.

  36. Gorgeous flowers, Sarah! Your mosaics made my heart sing & put a smile on my face :-)

  37. I agree Sarah! Fresh cut flowers really do put a smile on your face, so I pick up a small bouquet once a week and have them on my dining room table, in an old milk glass vase. Instant sunshine!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  38. I agree with you on fresh flowers. No matter how small, a vase of fresh flowers just brightens the soul. I think my favorites are your zinnias. They are beautiful.

  39. Lovely! Fresh cut flowers just lift the spirits, I think. Enjoyed all your mosaics, but I have a soft spot in my heart for zinnias ... remind me of my Granny.

  40. "How Pitty!" to quote the youngest grandchild. Just lovely bouquets all over the place.
    I have some fresh cut flowers on my kitchen table right now as well as some blooms on my blog.
    Thanks for telling us about that new meme, Sarah!

  41. All your flowers shown are beautiful. They really do soothe the soul, don't they?

  42. Oh Sarah, how beautiful! There is nothing quite as nice as fresh flowers! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)


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