Sunday, November 28, 2010

Don't Waste It

Andrews and McMeel of Kansas City published a series of Mary Engelbreit mini books. As they say, "it's an irresistible combination ~ our Little Books and Mary Engelbreit's enchanting illustrations." Only 3" x 4", they are the perfect little gift to pop into a special someone's stocking.

DON'T WASTE THE MIRACLE, is one that celebrates "the wonder, joy and miracle of Christmas" through a collection of Mary's illustrations.

My copy was a Christmas gift to me from Kate, a first grader in my class in 1994. Sixteen years later, I still enjoy the message of this little jewel. The simple, heartfelt words that accompany each illustration remind me to slow down and appreciate the simple things around me during the holiday season. "There's a miracle in Christmas, and the miracle is love."


  1. They are so cute Sarah!
    And what an important message indeed!
    Have a great week too!

  2. Dear Sarah,
    yes, indeed! We are all in the danger, to waste the miracle over all the stress we make with Christmas time. Nice reminder! Thank you so much.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. How sweet! The handwriting is just too cute:@)

  4. What sweet little volumes to pop in a stocking, and to treasure for a lifetime.

  5. I love ME..I really like how you saved so many things..You care about the sentiment behind the gift:)

  6. How I love the little handwriting! Maybe Kate reads your blog and will see this.
    Happy Monday.

  7. Adorable. I have an Engelbreit book I put out each fall. It looks so cute sitting amoung the pumpkins and turkey. I signed up to follow you--I'm going to enjoy this blog!

  8. I agree, Sarah, slowing down and appreciating everything is the key.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us on ME Monday. ;-)

  9. Very sweet books, Sarah and perfect stocking stuffers!


  10. Sarah thank you for stopping by and visiting. Your little books are real keepers..especially with that little signature!! I will have to keep my eyes open for them. Thanks again for visiting.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  11. How sweet that you've kept that little memento for so long & it still has an impact on your life. Those are the BEST gifts!!

  12. That's the sort of lovely thing to take out at this time of year. Make a cup of tea and sit with the books on your lap and remember how lucky you (we) all are!

  13. What a treasure from sweet little Kate. This must pull at your heartstrings.

    Thank you for sharing your love, Sarah.

  14. Not only do I agree that they are precious all on their own, I agree that the gift of a student is one that you cherish for years to come, especially if they sign their name to it.

    I love it.

  15. These are so cute! Love the note from your first grader

  16. What great little books. Love your note from your student. I'm going to look for these books. I love any M.E. illustrations, and these sound like they have good messages in them too. laurie

  17. They are sweet!. I love remembering the little ones who gave me the ornaments I put on my tree each year. Even if they don't make it to the tree, I can't bear to throw them away!

  18. Oh, Sarah! How sweet that you still have something from one of your former students! I'll bet she would be touched to know that! I loved your autumn post, too...beautiful acorns! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. What adorable books, made more special due to the gift & message! I hope you have plans for one for FFT~ I have some sweet cookie cutters I'd be happy to loan you :-)

  20. Oh Sarah,
    Those are SO Extra Special! I have always loved Mary's style, BUT those little books GIFTED to you from a special little girl is "PRICELESS"!!! She would be so Tickled Pink to know you still treasure them...
    Hugs, Donna

  21. Hi Sarah~ Mary E.s illustrations are so sweet; what a lovely gift for you! Wishing you a wonderful week~

  22. I just had to scroll down and see these little books and hear about them as well! I love ME's books, etc. My daughter collects several ME things (mostly from me!)

    I have the ME Spring, and Winter small books.


  23. Thought I would comment and say neat theme, did you make it for yourself? It’s really awesome!.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.