Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Regal Hue ~ Violet

Do you see it?

It's there at the base of these glorious poppies . . . Violet.

Violet is the base and lavender is a tint of this royal hue.

These beautiful lavender jewels were grown

by a very kind and thoughtful lady.

Meet Bella of Bella's Rose Cottage.

Not only is this beautiful woman an amazing gardener, she is also a very generous gardener. She frequently shares exquisite photos of the beauty of her Washington state garden, but by August, Bella's stand of lavender poppies had withered.

The whimsical green seed pods that once looked like this, had begun to dry up.

Bella harvested thousands of tiny specks of rich black seeds that popped out of these pods.

Then she carefully packaged them and this thoughtful lady offered a packet of these seeds to her readers who like to garden.

Mid August an envelope, the color of delicate lavender, arrived at my home. This little package had traveled from the North West bearing a beautiful stamp of violets and containing this sweet little package of poppy seeds.

Yes, Bella, here at Hyacinths for the Soul we live by the motto:

" Flowers Feed the Soul "

Thank you, sweet garden friend. In the next week or so I'll be spreading these tiny seeds in some Texas garden soil. Come next spring I hope to have lavender poppies gracefully dancing in the breeze. My heart will be full of joy!

Click here to visit Bella's Rose Cottage where you will find delightful treats await you. Bella is not only an accomplished gardener, she is also an inspiration in the kitchen as well as in her beautiful Victorian home. She had an article published in Old Fashioned Living and has been featured on numerous blogs. Drop in to visit Bella and tell her Hyacinths sent you.

I'm joining Mrs. Matlock in the last class of Rainbow Summer School for the color Violet. Click here to see a list of other participating this week.


  1. Lovely post and receiving flower seeds a beautiful thought...bkm

  2. Hi Sarah,
    Well aren't you the sweetest!! Thanks so much for that very lovely shout out:-)
    I am sure your seeds will grow like crazy!! I hope to see lavender poppies all over blogland next year!!
    Have a great evening!

  3. "Oh My Goodness" I have NEVER seen lavender poppies... I WOULD LOVE,LOVE,LOVE those!!! Has Bella had good luck with them reseeding? OH I WANT SOME and NOW I'm on a search!!!
    This is a beautiful post...
    Hugs, Donna

  4. This is such a wonderful gift to get in the mail. I am so glad you shared them.

  5. This is such a wonderful gift to get in the mail. I am so glad you shared them.

  6. What a lovely gift. Every thing about it is so *lavender*, and to me that is such a soothing color. I am another one who has never seen violet poppies. They are just beautiful, and you are blessed.

  7. I'm sure you'll enjoy your lavender poppies next spring...what delightful packaging & I agree~ flowers feed the soul!

    I just read some of your comments posted, I hope you weren't flooded with Hermine...that was a horrific amount of water dumped on Texas. We on the other hand, could use some rain, it seems to be feast or famine. Hope you are drying out & safe!

  8. I didn't even know there are lavender poppies. I am sure they will be beautiful.

  9. it is a beautiful color with soothing effects. Loved your photos.

  10. Such beautiful flowers. How wonderful of Bella to send these out to her blogland friends.
    I want to see pictures of these next spring in your garden!

  11. The whole idea of these blooming all over the land because Bella was so generous makes me smile.

  12. Those poppies are beautiful--I hope they do well for you. Hmm...I wonder if they would grow in New England?? Linda

  13. How sweet! Now, I am going to go out and gather seeds from my dried sunflowers and zinneas to save for next year.

  14. I've never seen lavender poppies before, they are truly gorgeous.
    And how sweet is Bella to be spreading the joy this way? What a delight.

  15. I've never seen lavender & violet poppies before -- they're beautiful!! And how generous of Bella to share her poppy seeds with her readers. Wish I'd known about her blog sooner, I'd love to have these gorgeous poppies to my flower garden!!


  16. Hi, Sarah -- simply beautiful photos -- those seed pods and ceramic bird I found especially lovely!

    Thanks so much for your visit and very kind comments! I'm enjoying your site, too!

  17. what a lovely posting thanks for sharing

  18. omg, those violet poppies are just stunning! How lovely she is to share with her readers.

  19. Oh, I love how seeds spread from region to region! My grandmother's name was Violet.

  20. So beautiful Sarah! I love purple!...Christine

  21. We see those poppies up here too - they're lovely. Thank you for pointing me to Bella's blog - I'll go for a look now, as your post was very touching.

  22. Beautiful shades of violet. Love the poppies.

  23. What a lovely thing for Bella (her name suits her well!) to do! I've never seen violet colored poppies before. I hope thye grow well for you Sarah. Sorry I was so late in seeing this post!

  24. I have giant red poppies. It always amazes me how many tiny seeds can come from one poppy head! How lovely of Bella to share. I hope you have loads of violet poppies to enjoy.

  25. I've never seen lavender poppies and those are beautiful.

    But more beautiful still is the story you shared with us on our little journey through Rainbow Summer School.

    This post was a complete rainbow for me...start to finish.

    I'm smiling and sighing and loving that you posted this.

    Thank you.



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