Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sunday Favorites ~ Anniversary Celebration Giveback

Welcome to Sunday Favorites, hosted by Chari @ Happy to Design. The clock is ticking, and August 31 will soon be here. I'm sharing my original Celebration Giveback post today for Sunday Favorites. If you've not yet joined in, there is still time to be included in the drawing. Just be certain to leave comments on the original post.

Calligraphy by Kay Johnson, 1985

In the spring of last year, my good friend Maggie @ Normandy Life and also the blog mistress for Quimper Club International recruited me to be guest blogger on the QCI blog for the month of September. At the time, I honestly didn't know what a blog was, so I went about cruising blogs to see what Blogville was all about. It wasn't long before I discovered Between Naps on the Porch and Susan's weekly Tablescape Thursday. That in turn led to Confessions of a Plate Addict. With Susan's irresistible porch settings and Debbie's Quimper tablescapes (and other French inspired posts), I was totally hooked. I had spent months visiting what was becoming a long list of favorites. So with the encouragement and guidance of Maggie, Susan, and Debbie, Hyacinths for the Soul became a reality, and I took the leap and jumped in with my very first post on August 2, 2009.

~Twelve Months ~

~More than 120 Posts ~

~Almost 300 Followers~

It's been an amazing year. I had no idea how much pleasure this thing called blogging would offer. HFTS has provided a creative outlet that has led to hours of fun and a whole new circle of friendships, not to mention that I've become much more tech savvy along the way. I follow and read your blogs with great admiration. The amazing number of individuals who generously and graciously share their talents and creativity continually amazes me. I learn from each of you every day. So thank you to all who visit, comment, encourage, correspond, and share your individual talents and creative spirits. You, to me, are unique in all the world.

Detail of Original, Signed By Ange, 2010

Recently, a very special blogging friend sent me a piece of her original art. Earlier in the year Ange of Signed by Ange had invited her readers to leave a comment with their favorite quote. I was the incredibly lucky individual whose name was drawn for a special gift.
Ange took my favorite quote, worked her calligraphic magic, and created a uniquely charming piece of art . . .

Which traveled across the Atlantic from Ange's home in Toulouse, France . . .

And now has a place of prominence in my little office, where I can see it as I work on creating posts for HFTS. (Please excuse the odd color variations in the above photos. Not sure why the same wall looks two different colors.)

Of course, Ange, being the dear that she is also sent along a delightful assortment of bits and pieces for me to use in my own art projects ~ all little jewels of French ephemera from the countryside in Toulouse, France.

Included in the package was this delightful little card.

And this very thoughtful note.

Meet Ange ~ wife, mom, long-distance runner (across glaciers, deserts, & oceans), educator, calligrapher, artist, blogger, wordsmith, friend ~ I hope you'll stop by to visit Signed by Ange. Her blog posts this summer are few as she is taking a bit of a holiday, but look for her to be back soon. I think you will be charmed by her talent, her sense of humor, her joie de vivre.

Ange, I treasure this unique piece of your work with its cool shades of blue, beautiful calligraphy, and the special 1996 French stamp with Madame de Sévigne and her quill pen.

I've been the recipient of several wonderful gifts from friends in Blogville, so in celebration of the first anniversary of HFTS and in appreciation of each of you who give me inspiration and encouragement daily there will be a drawing for a give-back gift at the end of the August.

~Just follow the usual routine ~
To be entered leave a comment on this post.
For a second chance, leave a separate
comment telling me you are a follower .
If you post the celebration button
on your sidebar or share it in a post,
leave another comment for a third opportunity.

~The gift ~

a package containing

something old,

something new,

something French,

and most certainly, something blue.

Click here to leave comments on the original post to be included in the drawing.

Winner will be announced September 1, 2010.

Thank you to Chari @ Happy to Design for hosting Sunday Favorites which offers me the opportunity to share this post again. Click here to see others that are sharing today.


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for the extra mention of my blog & the QCI blog too.
    I'm back at my PC again after being MIA for several days due to a very bad allergic reaction to a wasp sting on my finger.
    That'll teach me to be more careful when picking damsons!
    Bon dimanche.

  2. Sarah..such a super fantastic much beuaty and joy..and so much to Celebrate yay!! Congrats on everything again and I am happy you have had such a wonderful journey and all the gifts along the way that have come your way..yay!

    I so appreciate meeting someone like you in blogland..and that's what makes things so special and magical blogging! Thanks for your wonderful blog and all you do to create and inspire!
    Many Hugs

  3. Dear Sarah, yes indeed, blogging is a world full of delightful surprises. I truly believ it reflects the best side of us and who we really are.
    Your blog friend Ange is very talented.

  4. Sarah
    What a great post! I so enjoyed my visit over here and yes this world of blogging is like no other and I too am glad I was introduced to it by my granddaughter. lol
    Looking forward to catching up on your site while I am here

  5. Sarah
    What a great post! I so enjoyed my visit over here and yes this world of blogging is like no other and I too am glad I was introduced to it by my granddaughter. lol
    Looking forward to catching up on your site while I am here

  6. Sarah
    What a great post! I so enjoyed my visit over here and yes this world of blogging is like no other and I too am glad I was introduced to it by my granddaughter. lol
    Looking forward to catching up on your site while I am here

  7. My blog friends have enriched my life too, though I'm only 5 months into it. What a nice giveaway! love the blue artwork with the red stamp. I'm a new follower!

  8. Hello Sarah...

    My friend, Congratulations on your one year anniversary of HFTS!!! What a fabulous milestone! Well my dear lady, I for one...have sooo enjoyed your delightful blog! I'm sooo glad that you jumped into Blogland with both feet! Hehe! HFTS has certainly inspired, educated, as well as entertained all of us so beautifully! Thank you, Sarah!!!
    I'm sending you my very best wishes for another successful year and much blogging bliss! Ohhh yes, who would have the beginning of this blogging journey, the joy we would have experienced! I have met sooo many dear and talented people, my friend...are one!!!

    Thank you so much for joining in with Sunday Favorites this was such a treat having you!

    Chari @Happy To Design I'm going over to sign up for your fabulous giveaway! What fun!!!

  9. have met Ange! Isn't she wonderful!!
    I purchased a lovely cross from her that she has featured on her sidebar. She gave it that special Ange touch and I just love it. I have filled it with my favourite sea glass. She also sent little bits and pieces which I have saved and just love. We share the same little wooden woman in white!

    What lucky ladies we are!

    Jeanne :)


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.