Monday, July 5, 2010

Y is for Yoga

Y is for Yoga

I took yoga some years ago. It's a relaxing process that brings mind, body, and spirit together. A consistent yoga regimen yields youthful energy and leaves one looking and feeling younger. I think I need to resume yoga.

The lotus flower is a symbol of peace and enlightenment. One that many yogis assume before meditation, the Lotus Pose is classic and considered an advanced pose. I never mastered this one. The best I could do was a modified version much like the golden frog. LOL

Click here to join Mrs. Matlock. She's waiting with a class full of students eager to share their thoughts on the letter Y.


  1. I saw the title of your post and for a minute thought I had lost a day or two ;)! It is Tuesday, right???

    I used to do yoga ... well, I should say I "attempted" to do yoga (at home where no one could see my sad attempts at some of those poses).

    Now I'm wondering what that lady's name was that I used to watch and attempt to follow along with ... Lilias or something like that I think ... my that was a few years ago, though.


  2. Oh, what a silly little frog! But he does look relaxed! I've never done yoga but my daughter has and just loves it.
    Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. He's cute. Is he in your garden, Sarah?

    It hurts me to even THINK about getting into that position. It hurts me to think of getting on the floor! So much for yoga! ;-)


    Sheila :-)

  4. What a fun frog! I have a friend who collects frogs. She would love that one! He reminds me of myself-doing it wrong, but feeling great about it anyway! laurie

  5. I used to practice yoga- it has been a while now.
    That little frog is too cute for words.

    big hugs,

  6. Clever choice!
    I used to do yoga too, long ago, and I think I should take it up again.
    I love that little frog!

  7. First off....I LOVE the frog! Really!! LOVE IT!

    I want to start yoga...I need that peace...but also I need to be more limber and be able to stretch. I am so stiff anymore!

  8. Oh it's been many years since I practiced yoga. Love the frog!

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Good Morning Sarah,

    Your little gold yoga frog has it going on!! You know, I watch that Namaste Yoga on FIT TV..something about it makes me wish I could do it! It does have and heir of relaxation about it, just watching it. My bones wouldn't ever let me get into some of those positions..LOL

    Thanks for stopping by this morning! I've been really busy the past few months but try to catch up on my blogging whenever I can.

    Have a great week!

  10. Dear Sarah,
    I have never practised yoga but I love your golden yoga frog - what a sweet humor you have.
    Greetings, Johanna

  11. Have enjoyed perusing your blog. You mentioned that you had been to Homestead.... what a delight! Enjoyed perusing your blog. Need to get back to yoga!

  12. I love your frog. I haven't done yoga since I had my son. I really need to get back to it.

  13. I could use some peace in my life and should try yoga. The frog is very cute!

  14. I often think about yoga and how good it would be for me but never seem to follow through! I love that frog.

  15. Your golden frog made me laugh out loud~ his yoga pose is WAY more accomplished than mine :-)

  16. I've just never mustered the courage to attempt this. Some of the positions remind me of pretzels, and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to "untwist"! Love the kermit yogi - how adorable. Kat

  17. I would love to be able to do yoga, but I don't think I would ever be able to get into those pretzel poses.

  18. I enjoy yoga, but have trouble balancing.....I love the golden kermit...I did not know he did yoga....great post...bkm

  19. what a cute golden frog! and a wonderful Y post!

  20. I never got into yoga. I had no idea the lotus position was an advanced pose. That's how I sit when I'm on the floor. Maybe I'm a natural and should give yoga a try!

  21. I wondered if someone would do "yoga" this week. I love the golden kermit.

  22. Terrific ‘Y’ post – love the relaxed looking frog.Must try Yoga again soon!


    PS Mine this week is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  23. I love yoga, too. I should start it again. I love the golden froggie!

  24. Cute frog! Thanks for the great Yoga post. Debbie

  25. Yoga seems to be a wonderful way to improve your body. I really want to try yoga because I am not very flexible but since I have a new knee, I can't put weight on it and am afaid that i would not be able to "do" the positions. I plan to try it out in a modified way.

  26. I could benefit from Yoga too. Love the adorable frog.

  27. I did not know that frogs do Yoga ;-) Great choice for your "Y"...Namaste

  28. I do Yogurt, but not Yoga. Do you say hmmmmmmm as you meditate?
    I say Yummmmmmm as I masticate! LOL
    What a great little frog!
    I am sorry I have been MIA, the family left today so I can catch up a bit!
    All is well, just busy! But summer goes very quickly, and then I don't see them as much!

  29. you had me at the picture of the frog! This post was cute and funny! I don't do yoga but I might be inspired if I had a golden frog near by!

  30. Love the frog he is gorgeous.
    I've tried yoga at home but somehow it's not for me, perhaps a class would be better?

  31. Ouch! Ooooh! Creak! Grind! Click! No, it's no good. I can't even get comfortable in the modified frog version :(

  32. love the put a great big smile on my face!

  33. oh for the days of being able to do that again!

  34. One of my friends and I were just discussing attempting yoga. They have these classes where they make the room really hot but we're going to pass on those. I suspect they might not be great for menopausal ladies. ha!

    This was a great stop through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Y".

    I always enjoy visiting here! It makes me say Yipee!


  35. For years I've wanted to take a yoga class but I haven't. I'm really going to have to make the effort to try it. It seems like some a peaceful thing.

  36. Oh, Sarah! This is so cute! I have never tried yoga. I think I'm too old now! lol My legs will not get into those positions and I can't let another human being see me attempt to get up off the floor...not a pretty picture! I hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  37. You & I both tried yoga for a time...sure wish I'd stuck with it!

    ♥ your funny froggy statue!

    I can't imagine WHAT you're going to come up with for the letter "Z"...zippers?? zebras??? in a completely blank post??? LOL
    Good Luck with the last letter in this fun meme! I've enjoyed watching over your shoulder & learning along the way.


  38. Yoga is not my thing but I heart frogs and that picture of the yoga doing frog is great!

  39. I'm home again after a very hot vacation......and of course returned to stifling heat here along with a fried garden! Everything looks so sad other than the tomatoes which, thankfully, were watered for us while gone.

    I should be doing yoga too.....all this vacation eating is getting to me.....altho' I have to admit healthy, fresh African food took off a few pounds so I must head back over there again, ha! ha!

    Hope all is well dear - Mary.

  40. Thank you so much for your prayers, Sarah. The golden frog doing the yoga is so cute!...Christine

  41. Sarah...that frog is the cutest thing!! I love it!

  42. Where did you get that frog? I had one like it but it got stolen and REALLY want a new one. Please let me know!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.