Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shake It Out With Silver

I recently celebrated another birthday, and as they say, "That's a good thing!" Birthdays have always been important to me, but now having celebrated over six decades of birthdays, I've noticed that the older I get, the more fun birthdays are. Celebrating with various friends often stretches on for days. How special it all is!

This set of individual silver salt and pepper shakers was one of my birthday gifts from my husband. He thought I might enjoy working these into future tablescapes.

He knows I love silver accents on the table.

Silver shakers add such an elegant touch!

The pair of sterling salt and pepper shakers, a wedding gift from an aunt and uncle, have been a part of dinners in our home for over 30 years.

Though the "chef" here at HFTS prefers grinders. He has a small assortment that he uses, but only this one in silver.

I set these out on a small silver salver for a dinner. I think it will be fun to mix in the individual shakers at each place setting.

I like the contrast of the sleek curves of the shakers with the ornate edges of the salver.

We also have an assortment of pewter salt and peppers that are in use daily. My "chef" likes to use a variety of types of salts and peppers.

The large ones are both grinders and the smaller set are shakers.

These grinders are filled through a small scoop that opens.

These are close at hand on the kitchen counter atop this oblong pewter tray.

I'm linking this post to both Silver Sunday and Three or More Tuesday. Hope you'll stop by each on their respective days to visit all the others participating in these weekly memes. Thanks for stopping by today. I'd be thrilled if you left me a note.


  1. Great S and Ps. I have never seen a silver pepper grinder...but I like it! We too like to use different salts and peppers...but you have such pretty containers! Happy SS!

  2. Oh, but I do fancy your sentimental silver collection! Especially the salver, such ornate detail. Adore the chef reference, you lucky gal, and his gift of silver shakers is fabulous! Thanks for visiting me today! ~ Angela

  3. My birthday and my husbands birthdays are both this month. January is a great month to celebrate something so special. I hope you had a great one, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  4. Your silver pieces are elegantly beautiful!
    Happy SS and happy belated bday.

  5. Happy belated birthday! What a thoughtful husband to give you those cute little salt and pepper shakers. I love the sterling pieces you received as a wedding gift...they are beautiful.

  6. those silverwares are simply beautiful! how lucky you have a 'chef'. I can imagine the amount of care and polishing those silvers need. and how beautiful your home is!

  7. oh and happy birthday too! 6 decades of celebration is really something!

  8. These are all beautiful and it seems you are blessed with a husband that likes collecting beautiful things too!
    Have a wonderful Silver Sunday!

  9. Your Silver pieces are absolutely divine.. I love those tiny shakers that your husband just gave you.. what a sweetheart [and Happy Birthday]... also the wedding gift shakers which I love so much...

    Gorgeous pieces... have a great day... Julie

  10. Oh Sarah, how pretty these all are, gathered together like little friends on the playground! :D
    Wonderful gift idea from your sweet chef, too. He's a keeper, for sure.

    I've been polishing my silver, trying to get it ready to join in this meme. Our OH skies have been so cloudy that photos indoors look terrible. I'm waiting for a sunny day to play with the camera. I want a new one in the worst way but can't decide on which one to buy.

    Your photos are lovely & I adore that salver!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

  11. Good Morning and Happy Sunday!

    I have never seen such an assortment of silver shakers--they are very nice! You have such a sweet husband. He gives you such thoughtful gifts! I know you will enjoy using them on your tablescapes. They will certainly make a great addition to your silver collection.

    Hope your birthday celebration with friends was a good one! Have a great week!

  12. I hope your birthday party was smashing!!!! Thanks for coming...see you next Sunday!
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  13. Oh Sarah! Your silver pieces are so lovely! I love your tray! I love shakers, but have never seen such pretty ones.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Sarah,
    Love all of your lovely shakers. The little ones with the pull out drawers are my favorite! Your 'chef' is really thoughtful!!
    Happy SS and Belated Birthday!!
    xOxO Nerina

  15. Oh I love all of your wonderful shakers. Theya re just gorgeous and you do have such a beautiful assortment. I love them displayed on the various trays. Just stunning. Hugs, Marty

  16. You have some really wonderful things and I love the gift from your husband. Birthdays are better with age. Happy Birthday...julie

  17. Hi Sarah! I love your collection of s&p pretty! And....Happy Birthday! I hope it was wonderful! And what an extra nice gift to have little Miss Annabelle appear! I loved seeing the pics of her...what a cutie! I know your family must be so happy! And how fun to get a peek at her cute pink girly! You know all we are seeing over this way is baby blue! lol I hope you are having a great weekend....hugs...Debbie

  18. Beautiful silver pieces! The shakers are very pretty and I love this silver grinder! I haven't seen one before. It looks so elegant!
    Have a wonderful Silver Sunday!

  19. Sarah, you have such an exquisite collection of silver. It's wonderful that you use it regularly. Too often, beautiful things remain on a shelf, waiting for a "special occasion". Every day is a special occasion and is worthy of celebration. Thanks for sharing and happy birthday! -Terri

  20. Sarah,
    Thanks so much for stopping by. I know I am always tickled with each comment. I think too that toe older we get the more fun birthdays are! I am glad yours was a happy one. Your silver is beautiful. My daughter has all our family pieces. She is now the entertainer.
    smiles, alice

  21. Hi, Sarah... those are so pretty. I love silver salts and peppers!

    Happy Belated Birthday to you. Hope it was a fun one!


    Sheila :-)

  22. Very easy to add a comment, because everything is so beautiful. So sweet of your husband to give such a nice gift to you.

  23. Fabulous collection of salt and the silver pepper grinder...I have to have my freshly ground pepper, too...even carry a small one in my purse. Hope your birthday was a happy one! Thanks for sharing.

  24. Hello Sarah; Love you sets of Silver salt and pepper shakers... the grinders are just gorgeous... have a great week... and Happy Birthday


  25. Beautiful, beautiful post! I love all your pieces! Your tablescapes are going to be impressive with these accents! Wonderful post..I enjoyed your photographs.

    Miss Bloomers

  26. Oh, I just Love your Shaker Collection.... What a Beautiful Table You must set~

  27. Sarah, you have acquired such a wonderful collection of all sorts of treasures. Your husband is so thoughtful too. Your posts are always something to look forward to.

  28. what a wonderful gift! i love s&p shakers too, you have some beautiful ones.
    happy belated bday!!!

  29. Sarah,
    Oh my, what gorgeous pieces you have collected! The salver is just breathtaking...a true showpiece! The salt and pepper shakers are so do you ever choose which ones to use? Thanks so much for sharing, your post was quite inspirational!

  30. Love your collection of shakers... all your silver is so shiny. Thanks for stopping by and your kind comments. TFS and Happy Silver Sunday!

  31. What a beautiful collection of shakers. I don't have very much in silver at all however I think I will have to keep an eye out; now that I have seen how pretty yours is!!

  32. thank you so much for stopping by my blog and enjoying the fudge pie and sweet little silver heart.

    your blog is so very interesting as i have read back a few pages.

    happy belated bday and many blessings towards babye annabelle. what a lovely month for you and yours.

    hope you don't mind if i follow along.


  33. A lot of shaking and grinding going on at this blog today! They are all so pretty. How elegant it wil be to have a set at each place setting. I love that big silver pepper grinder. Your every day pewter looks so professional on the tray. I'd love for you to come visit me any time, but I will not make you polish my silver, no matter how much you enjoy it! If you were coming to visit, I might even polish some silver to put on the dinner table!! Now, I might ask your husband to do the cooking though. laurie

  34. Hi Sarah! Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. I too love birthdays. Mine is next month. Usually lasts for days, sometimes even weeks. All your silver pieces are so beautiful. And congrats on that precious little Annabelle. Such a sweetie. Have a great week. Blessings, Tammy

  35. How absolutely lovely! I have recently also bought some silver plated wares from India... my first and I am looking forward to showcase them soon... hopefully.

  36. You have some beautiful silver pieces. Can't wait to see the individual S&P's in a future tablescape.

  37. What a lovely post ~ glad I found it. Pewter is a favorite of mine and I really love your pieces. Great photography!!!!

  38. I LOVE your beautiful shakers and the grinder! Sorry my Sunday Silver visit is so late but I do love your silver post!

  39. Hi, Miss Sarah! Thanks for stopping by my little ol' blog :-) I appreciate your kind words! My heart gave a little sigh when I saw the picture of your great-niece, Annabelle Fay. I hope someone in her life has give her a copy of Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle"--I've cherished the one from my grandmother my whole life!
    xo kate

  40. Gorgeous and elegant. Really , realy special. I'd love to come for high tea at your house for sure!

  41. Your silver s & p's are gorgeous so elegant displayed on the salver in that way. I adore the pewter ones and Mr A's silver grinder. We don't have anything half as fancy at NL still want to come??

  42. Hi Sara,
    I came to your site after you left a comment on my blog. I enjoyed exploring your blog. Happy Birthday by the way and love your birthday gift. I also love the post about Van Goghs Table
    st the Aubege Ravoux. That post should be published. It was beautifully written and I love how the pictures developed with the story. You have a new follower.

  43. I really love your collection and I like how you display them!! Very pretty!

  44. Hi Sara, I hope you had a lovely birthday and many happy returns to you. Love your salt and pepper collection, gorgeous!

    Have a great week, Bonnie

  45. Beautiful beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to come by and visit me!! Se you Thursday

  46. Beautiful post with so many things to see!

  47. Oh! How stunning they all are! It's all so beautiful.
    My birthday is next month and my friends laugh because what use to be "Birthday Week" for me has now turned into "Birthday Month". I'm so very fortunate to have many friends who want to celebrate with me. Mostly one on one. I'm a Happy Woman in February ;-)

  48. I really like your pewter salt and pepper grinder!!

  49. they are beautiful......I have a silver tea service that was my grandma's...I love silver pieces......melinda

  50. Sarah, thank you for your sweet comment about my shower! We had such a wonderful time! My mom is making the curtains for Austin's room and then the nursery will be complete. I will definitely post some pictures when we finish! I love all of your silver pieces...especially the salt and pepper grinders, they are beautiful! Take care!


  51. I love silver anything -- and to go with your silver shakers -- you need a silver muffineer! It would be perfect with your other treasures!

  52. Gorgeous,silver for a beautiful birthday lady...

    My husband buys silver for me from time to time...gotta love that.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comments.

    Happy belated Birthday!!!

  53. Beautiful photos Sarah, and belated happy birthday wishes to you. It's lovely to know you enjoy birthdays even more now, often times you hear people saying they'd rather ignore their birthday the older they get! Silly people, I never understood why, I'd rather think like you do, and celebrate for a whole week. ;-)

  54. Clunk!!!! That's the sound of me hitting the floor from a faint! My head is spinning with silver delight! Beautiful and so thoughtful of your husband. Can I borrow him for my birthday?
    Love, love, love it!

  55. Fabulous collection!!! You have some very nice s&p shakers and grinders.

  56. Beautiful collection and a lovely site - and I have to say, the title got me right away! Thank you so much for stopping by!

    And to answer your question, I baked cornbread this past weekend. Not as heavenly as last week's baked goods, but not much is!!

  57. Beautiful silver pieces. And you keep them so nice and polished.

    Second Hand Chicks


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.