Friday, January 8, 2010

Lina's Coco Couture

Want to know what's in this pretty pink box?

It's this incredible life size stiletto made of imported Belgium chocolate and filled with the most delicious gourmet chocolates handcrafted by Lina of Lina's Coco Couture.

Lina is a registered architect in the state of Texas and a partner in the firm Studio H+L. She started her business as a chocolatier after studying at the French Pastry School in Chicago in 2005. Her architectural design skills have easily transfered to creating her contemporary chocolates which are filled with a variety of interesting ingredients from spicy mango with basil to a blend of blue cheese and dark chocolate. Lina recently sampled her chocolate confections at Gallery Shoal Creek.

Here is Lina with one of her custom chocolate necklaces.

Lina has a line of custom creations from shoes to necklaces, to boxes. Each edible and filled with her individual bonbons.

This is one of her small stilettos which is solid chocolate.

In addition to the custom pieces, Lina's Coco Couture offers individual 2 piece to 12 piece boxes filled with your choice of bonbons.

If you click on the above photo it will enlarge so you can read what varieties are in this box of 12.

Look at this! Lucky me found one of Lina's Coco Couture's pink boxes sitting in my desk chair on Christmas morning. That Santa Claus is a special guy!

Want to see what came in my pink box?

It was a beautiful chocolate box with this snowflake medallion and . . .

filled with four special bonbons inside. The blue is coffee amertto, the red is raspberry framboise, the leaf is candied orange and almond grand marnier, and the yellow is spicy mango with basil.

Lina's Coco Couture is a unique spot for fine chocolates. Be sure to visit her site here. You just might find the perfect gift for your Valentine!

Thanks for joining me today for Pink Saturday hosted by our ever faithful Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound where you will find a list of others participating in today's Pink Saturday. One such site will be Mary @ Across the Pond. Click here to see her post from last week spotlighting delightful pinks found in NYC. You won't be disappointed. But before you head off, I'd be ever so grateful if you left me a comment today.


  1. Divine post!
    I know I will visit her decandent site!

  2. Oh, Sarah! These chocolates are truly works of art. I can't get over how beautiful they are, and I would have a tough time eating them... you'd want to put them around and just admire their beauty! That is a mighty sweet Santa who dropped those off for you on Christmas. You, though, are always a very good girl! :-)


    Sheila (see you when I get back!)

  3. Sarah, these look almost too pretty to eat, with the emphasis on "almost", because they also look delicious. Edible art. Thanks for sharing her website. I'll go check it out, but I'm afraid I'll order some calories for myself for a V'tine gift! Hope you are feeling better. laurie

  4. Sarah,
    He spoils you,terribly!!
    How luxurious and mouthwateringlu gorgeous these confections are, I'm off to see more on Lina's own site.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Sorry, would have left a comment earlier but I got lost perusing her web site! She's in Austin? How fabulous. These are so beautiful, and they sound delicious. I'm going to have to try the spicy mango/basil, or perhaps the blackcurrant, or maybe... well you get the idea! Thanks for sharing this Sarah. Kathy

  6. What beautiful creations! If I had to buy a gift for anyone, wouldn't you be thanked for buying something from this store?

  7. Good Morning Sarah,

    I musta been a bad girl last year because Santa didn't leave me anything like that! WOW...I lead a sheltered life, I didn't know things like that even existed...LOL

    I agree with are being spoiled!!!!

    Have a great weekend

  8. wow.. its great to be spoiled in such a great way! You must be very diserving :)

    If you get a moment I would love you to stop by-- say hi and maybe join us next week at Fridays- Finding Beauty!

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

  9. Hmmmm - - - reminds me a bit of our beloved DeBrand. Wonder how the two would compare when tasted side by side!

  10. Oh my word, those chocolate creations are just the most gorgeous things I have ever seen. I would almost be afraid to eat them. What a wonderful gift. Hugs, Marty

  11. Beautiful and I am sure just as delicious. Wouldn't everyone like to have a husband like that? I feel sure it's reciprocated though.

    Have a good week end.

  12. Delightfully mouth-watering post! How good of you to bring Lins'a Coco Couture to our attention. Happy Pink Saturday ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  13. Oh Sarah, What a lucky girl...I do Love Chocolate... and those chocolate creations are the most gorgeous things I have ever seen.... Thank you for stopping by and your kind thoughts...I am doing better...I hope to be back to blogging, I do miss you all,
    Hope you had a wonderful Holiday Time

  14. When you said chocolate I just couldn't get here fast enough. WOW! almost too pretty to eat...I said ALMOST ;-)
    One talented lady.
    HAPPY PS~~~

  15. WoW Sarah ! what a beautiful post and beautiful boxes.
    All looks delicious.
    Have a nice weekend
    ALl the best to you for 2010

  16. I don't think I could eat them, even with my huge love of all things chocolate. They are just to pretty for that.

  17. I am so drooling over all this yummy chocolaty goodness! What a art form. That woman has some talent.
    Pink Blessings!

  18. What amazing work this gifted woman does! I am in awe. And the boxes have to be the prettiest I've seen in a long time!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  19. MMMMmmm - I'll go for the coffee amertto - just wonderful ! You bring us such wonderful interesting things...

  20. Sooooo inviting. Love chocolate!! Chocolate as an art form is a gift.

    As I sit here eating a fried egg sandwich, I'm drooling over the fabulous pictures and wanting chocolate!

  21. YUM!!! It's almost a shame to eat such a beautiful sculpture. She could run a chocolate shop on the Champs Elysees without batting an eyelid. Everyone would think she was French! Wonderful post!!

  22. So pretty I don't know if I'd want to eat them!

  23. You've done it again, Sarah...posted something toooo pretty to eat! I mean, I could not even take a nibble off the heel of one of those shoes! And the box you received from Santa...well, I'd have to eat the wrapping paper and go buy a snickers. So amazing and artful! Thanks for the link to Lina's website. I'll just go and LOOK! Happy Pink Saturday...would you like a bite of my Snickers?

  24. Oh yummmm.....I'm sure the chocolates are just delish, but for the girlies it's all about the packaging, isn't it? I can't believe those shoes. They are fabulous. Thanks for sharing. I had never heard of this chocolate company.

    Warm blessings,

  25. Oh. My. God. Those are exquisite!! I clicked to read the flavors. Blackcurrant, five spice and port! And bleu cheese! Thank you for the great idea and the link.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  26. Sarah, Lucky you!! Those are some of the most incredible candies I've ever seen.

    Thank you for sharing the information about Lina's Coco Couture. What an artist!

  27. If Lina's chocolates are this beautiful I can imagine what her architectural designs must be like, awesome!! I do love a good, really good chocolate. I usually pick Belgian but perhaps Texan even surpasses them. Looks like Santa knows a good thing.

    Thanks so much for mentioning me and my li'l ole blog Sarah - very kind of you. I do have a post today but had to rely on the photographic skills of my granddaughter - I was all out of pink after the NYC blast!

    Happy weekend.

  28. wow too pretty to eat!
    Happy Warm Pink Saturday!

  29. When I saw the photos on Food With Style, I thought the necklaces were real necklaces. And they're edible!! Everything is amazing, but that shoe--oh, be still my fluttery heart!

  30. Lovely post and yummy chocolates. Perfect way to spend a Saturday! Happy Weekend.

  31. wow, they are indeed lovely!
    I think I would just admire them all day.
    hope you are having a great day.

  32. your work is amazing. chocolate...heavenly.

  33. Yum! I now need some chocolate - not just any chocolate, this chocolate! Thanks for sharing! Happy Pink Saturday.

  34. Hello Sarah; OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!
    She is so amazing!,, that shoe is to die for,,,,,,, love it,, love them all... oh how lucky you are have some of her chocolate,, they are so gorgeous I would have a hard time eating them,,,,, OK maybe not that hard of Happy Pink Saturday..


  35. These chocolates are works of art! Some people are so gifted in whatever they choose to do. From being an architect to chocolatier! What a wonderful surprise to have that beautiful pink box sitting on your desk chair! Hope your weekend is going great! Sherri : )

  36. I'm a day late and a dollar short with my Pink Saturday visits. The sun was shining too bright yesterday and just like a little kid I couldn't stop marveling at how lovely it was as it beamed through my lace curtains and puddled on the floor. My cats were in heaven.

    So, here I am today, a little late but thinking that I got a bonus because I avoided all the traffic!

    Lovely blog and the sweetest pinks that you shared. Thank you so much for making this such a lovely Sunday for me.

  37. Good morning Sarah, that is just so over the top gorgeous, all of it, too perfect to eat. What a fabulous treat for anyone, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  38. Hi Sarah:
    Thanks to the link for the chocolates. In a world of Godiva, it's nice to see someone like Lina! I may just have to place an order!

  39. I'm sure every mouth is watering just looking at these chocolates. But wouldn't you be a little afraid to eat these pieces of art? They really are amazing. Oh and lucky you. The chocolate box is a beauty!


  40. Sarah,

    Wonderful blog! Thank you so much for starting my year sooo sweetly!
    Thanks for all who left such wonderful comments! I do hope you will visit my website....
    For those who live in and around Austin, I do chocolate tasting events at different locations. At the tasting, there are many flavors to try.... :)



Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.