Thursday, January 21, 2010

A is for Annabelle

Is for Annabelle

I'm joining my friend Jenny Matlock in her new 26 week alphabet course. Though I've a good many alphabet books on my bookshelves and at first thought that I might use them for my post today, I decided instead to share the exciting news of the birth of my precious grand niece, Annabelle Fay, who arrived January 17, 2010. This bundle of joy, surprised us a month early.

At 5 pounds 4 ounces, Annabelle is tiny but healthy. Here she is in her mommy's arms, just two hours old.

The miracle of life is an Amazing sight to behold.

You'll find more Alphabe-Thursday participants here.

Calligraphy letter A by Kay Johnson


  1. Awww isn't she just a tiny little precious doll! Too cute!

    A for Anne!

  2. She's adorable! What a beautiful little girl. And I love the name, so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend. Kathy

  3. How sweet she is. There is a beautiful book, A is For Annabelle, by the late author/artist Tasha Tudor whom I had the pleasure of knowing.

  4. Oh how precious and adorable Annabelle is, Sarah! Pretty name too!...Christine

  5. How sweet and beautiful. Congratulations on your new grand niece, Annabelle Fay. Love the name. So glad that despite being premature, she and her mother are healthy and doing well.

    ~ Tracy

  6. Precious baby!
    I'm stopping by from Alphabe-Thursday. See you next week!

  7. Oh my. I need to babysit. Now. A baby. Any baby. Our youngest granddaughter is 3 1/2. Would it be tacky to send this link to my daughters and step-daughters and say "WEEEEELLLLLL????"

    A+ and thanks for playing!

  8. She's beautiful. I had a preemie and he caught up pretty quick weight wise. Enjoy your new grand niece. How fun.

  9. Though a month early, Annabelle was a good birth weight and she is just beautiful! What a lucky great aunt you are and I am sure she is most blessed to have you, as well. May her life be filled with the utmost happiness.

  10. What a treasure - congratulations to all

  11. She is beautiful, and Annabelle is a marvelous name for a pretty girl..

  12. Oh, Sarah! She is just beautiful! What an adorable baby! I know you all must be delighted. And I'm so glad all was well with her birth. Congratulations to you, Aunt Sarah, and to the happy parents and grandparents, and other family!


    Sheila :-)

  13. She is beautiful. Thank you for sharing her lovely face. And what a beautiful name!

  14. What a beautiful little bundle of joy! Hope you have a FUN weekend!


  15. I love the older old fashion names. Annabelle is perfect! What a sweetheart!

  16. How sweet and such a lovely name. Glad she made it in time for Alphabe-thur!

  17. what a beautiful baby girl.....I dont think there is anything better in this world...I am in the Alphabe' too...stop by if you get a chance.....melinda

  18. What a glorious bundle of joy!

    Hope you purchase her first set of china.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. what a sweet darling! I like the A alphabet art

    -thanks for your visit

  20. She is gorgeous and perfect. I am glad she is healthy and well,being born a bit soon. I am expecting my first grand child this summer. Our son and his wife are having a baby. So all thoughts are of babies around here. We find out the sex this week. I can't believe how excited I am about this new little family member coming. Babies are such a wonderful gift.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.