Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Furry Backyard Visitor

It's a sunny cold day here, and it appears that this backyard visitor has found a nice spot in which to relax for a bit . . . a playscape in a neighbor's backyard.

This is a gray fox, a small mammal considered to be in the wild dog family. Both coyotes and foxes are very common in Texas, and it's not uncommon to see these creatures in urban areas near greenbelts. One can assume from the coloring why this is called a gray fox. Their coats are mostly gray with a little cinnamon colored fur along the sides, neck, and legs. Their belly's are white.

According to Wikipedia, canidae is the family of wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and dogs. These mammals eat both small animals and fruits and berries. This gray fox may be napping here, but these agile creatures are known to be good climbers and can climb up and down trees. The gray fox is the only one in the canidae family with the ability to climb trees.

A young fox is called a cub, kit, or pup. The female is called a vixen and the male a reynard, todd, or dog. I've no idea if this is a vixen or a reynard, but I do think this critter has sensed being watched. So let's leave it alone and go on over to Susan's @ A Southern Daydreamer to see what others are sharing today for Outdoor Wednesday.

Hope you'll take time to leave me a comment below. It will make my day!

The photos were taken by a neighbor in his yard. Thank you, Michael, for allowing me to share these amazing photos.
I found the facts on the gray fox on The Web Site of Everything.com. Click here if you want to read more about the gray fox.


  1. What a surprise in your back yard, he is so pretty and so sweet looking. But looks can be deceiving.

  2. Sarah...I really enjoyed your info on the 'Gray Fox'. We see and hear lots Coyote out here in West Texas especially at night and early in the morning. Nice photos and post....Sue

  3. What a kewl visitor hanging out in your yard. Love the photos you managed to capture. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. Great pictures, but I would definatly keep my distance. Thanks for sharing the information on them.

  5. He looks absolutely adorable, but thankfully you know looks can be deceiving. Great photos.

    - The Tablescaper

  6. What a great post! I always like to see wild life -- whether in our backyard (which consists mostly of birds and a wayward groundhog) or along the highway! A sighting is always excitment!

    The little "guy-gal" looks cold to me!

  7. What great shots! What a beautiful creature. We saw one on our way back from South Texas last week - he was so big we thought he was a coyote at first. Great post, I really enjoyed this. Kathy

  8. Wow! Wow! Wow! Sarah, he is as neat as can be. I'm used to seeing red foxes, not grey ones, but both are adorable. Just precious! Loved seeing this.

    Thanks and Happy Outdoor Wed!


    Sheila :-)

  9. Sarah, loved seeing the gray fox resting, reminded me of the ones we have here. Two Springs in a row the vixen had kits (5 each time) under my neighbor's shed which backs up to my potting shed. They would come out to feed around noon when mom showed up and then play together like puppies. They didn't appear last Spring, however we still see a lone fox come through the garden now and then. One walked right by me when I was sitting reading in the gazebo last Fall - they are beautiful animals and as long as they appear healthy (they can have rabies) do not pose a threat if left alone. I was told that they usually are only seen in the daytime when they have their young to care for, however this isn't always so as there were no young in the Fall.

    Nature is amazing and it's always interesting to learn about the habits of wildlife in our gardens.

    Happiest of New Years to you and your family Sarah - thank you for being so generous with your lovely comments throughout the year.

    Hugs - Mary

  10. What a cute fox, Sarah. I am glad he found a comfy place to lie down. We have a red tailed fox that crosses our backyard sometimes. Thanks for stopping by. There are still a lot of trees in our backyard and in between our property and the guy across the creek, not to mention lots of trees in the creek also, so I don't think his cutting some trees would take away our private view....Christine

  11. I've seen fox by the river on the bike trail but never near my home. Thanks for all the good facts.

    Kathy b

  12. The fox is quite a ham to stay there while you took the photograph. Nice job!
    Joyce M

  13. That is so cool to have a fox in your backyard!! What a beautiful animal!

  14. Cool fox captured on your photo! He is enjoying the shade and very nice shadows of the trees!

  15. Foxes are a favorite of mine, so I was very please to watch this one in silence....beautiful.


  16. Good Morning Sarah,

    That was a great photo op!! We have oodles of assorted wildlife, including fox and coyotes, out here in the country. They are beautiful but lock up your small dogs and cats!

    Thanks for sharing all that info--am happy to know that coyotes do not climb trees!!

  17. Good Morning Dear Sarah,

    Ahhhh...the fox....where is his friend...the hound? *GRIN*

    Looks like he has no plans to leave his sunny resting place. We don't have them here as we have coyotes but they don't get too close. While DH was at the island over New Year's hunting and fishing...he had packs of coyotes surround the tents....but that is common...they leave without disturbing anyone...just looking for food.

    Have a great day!
    Warm Hugs,

  18. Hi Sarah,
    Your gray fox looks as if he has made himself right at home, and you managed to get so close without spooking him.
    Last year we had a red fox cub come calling but only the one time.
    Happy O.W.

  19. Oh Sarah, this is beautiful! I showed it to my nearly 6 year old and he was quite taken. Wants to come and live in Texas so he can have a fox in his back yard. What is funny is that we often have red foxes around here. But they are too cunning to be seen out here in the country... Lovely day to you!

  20. This is great to see a fox. I've only had the opportunity to see a fox in the wild twice in my life and it was exciting. Thanks for sharing...
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  21. How lucky are you to get to see and photograph a cute animal like that? Great capture and photos....thanks for sharing. Denise

  22. Wow, Sarah, these are amazing pictures. I have never seen a fox in the "wild" before. Thanks for sharing. Happy OW.

  23. What a sweet little baby! And great pics.

    As with most wildlife, it's always important to remember that they're usually more afraid of us than we are of them.

    Looks like he's found a great home! :-)

  24. This was so interesting, and the photos are awesome.

    Thank you for sharing, Sarah.

  25. Now that's what I call a really welcome visitor. How cute he looks sunning himself.

  26. I love foxes.I wish I could have one in my backyard!! One of my new kittens is calles Arctic Fox!
    About the 'l Heure Bleue post of mine. Please feel free to use it.

  27. All the cats in your neighborhood are to be watched carefully. The red fox ate them all on the cul de sac behind my house! I enjoyed your blog!

  28. What a fun post! Yes, thank your neigbour for letting you share these photos.

  29. I didn't know any of this and being in Texas I should have...they climb? God is an amazing creator... makes a person marvel. I live in the woods and I have never seen one...I saw something run by the other night...very fast, never could tell what it was. I enjoyed this post and the tea towel treasures...take care and stay warm... brrrr in Texas!
    Sarah, your comments are very sweet...I enjoy your visits.

  30. what a treat, i love seeing foxes, they are so playful, and proof, its in your sandbox!

  31. How cool is this?

    today when coming to work -- along our rail road tracks and golf course a bushy tailed fox ran out!! Where is my camera when I need it?

    Your capture was great!

    If you get a moment --would love you to stop by -- I'm going to start a new meme --Friday-- Finding Beauty that I would love you to join!

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

  32. Hi Sarah,
    How very cool to spot a fox. I don't think I've ever seen one in out and about anywhere before! Happy OW...

  33. Well, isn't it a cute little thing? Don't know if that's the safest course to take. Or if I'd offer to pet it. But I love animals!

  34. Awesome pictures by your neighbor, Sarah. I enlarged them and thought, what a beautiful animal this is!! That face is SO cute! Although I wouldn't want to find one in my children's play area!

    Thanks for all of the info on the gray fox.


  35. How precious! We have them here in my area too...Edmond, OK. Actually a few weeks ago someone took a picture of a bobcat in their backyard. People are upset about it but I'm so glad they are thriving!

  36. Thank you for sharing a new site. I am always looking things up and had not heard of that one!

  37. Loved your furry visitor. We used to have a fox in the woods here on the ridge but I haven't seen it in a couple of years. Too bad!

  38. Oh he looks so cute and so comfortable on your neighbor's deck! I learned so many interesting things in this post! laurie

  39. Hello Sarah!

    I sure have enjoyed seeing the pictures of this little gray fox enjoying the warmth of the sunshine.

    I have also enjoyed perusing some of your other posts.

    Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving your comment!

    kindly, ldh


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.