Sunday, December 27, 2009

MacKenzie-Childs Christmas 2009

It's the Monday after Christmas, and if you are like me you are now enjoying some leisure time. All the preparations leading up to Christmas are fun but a little exhausting. Most days I had little time left for visiting friends in Blogville or leaving a post myself. I'm new to the world of Blog, so today I took some time reading older posts on some of my favorite blogs and hope to do more of that throughout the week ahead. Thank you to all my new found friends in Blogville. You are an amazing group of talented people. I find myself filled with inspiration after I visit you.

MacKenzie-Childs, West 57th NYC - Christmas 2009

I'm a long time fan of MacKenzie-Childs. When my husband and I had an apartment in NYC for a few years, trips to the MacKenzie-Childs store on West 57th was one of my favorite destinations. It's a magical place full of whimsy, and if you find yourself in NYC I recommend a visit.

One of my close friends took her 3 daughters to NY for a week in November. Her trip happened to coincide with the MacKenzie-Childs NY store's opening party for the Christmas season. She didn't attend the party, but went by to shop and take some photos just for me. Thought I'd share them with you today for Mosaic Monday with Mary @ Little Red House where you can see some amazing photo mosaics.


  1. What a fun store, Sarah! I would love to see this. So glad you were able to get these great captures and to share them with us.

    I'm just beat. I had a great Christmas, but I'm taking a few weeks off to recuperate. What does that say? LOL!


    Sheila :-)

  2. I think it's been about 2 years since I've been there. What a fun store!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Hi Sarah, I'm looking forward to having more time to visit blogs too now that Christmas is over. We've had a lovely time and between now and New Year I get to relax while school is still out. I've enjoyed today just knitting and doing a little laundry in between. I've never heard of McKenzie Childs, but I grew up in England so probably not surprising ;)

  4. Hope to get to visit one of these stores sometime in the future. Hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


  5. Love all the color of MacKenzie-Childs. Would be fun to make it to one of their tea parties. Discovered her first in a cool shop in Naples, Florida...many years ago.
    Hope you're enjoying the peace part of this holiday, Kimberly

  6. Oh Sarah, another thing we have in common, I love Mackenzie Childs too and have the iris plates, aren't they such fun? Thanks so much for sharing these pictures, just stunning. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, we had company and as you said, it's a very busy time. I am trying to catch up.

  7. Hi Srah
    I am a big fan of Mackenzie Childs too! I went to a tea party at the opening of Neiman Marcus in PA and she was the guest speaker. I got to talk to her personally and she was a doll. I don't own any of her pieces but sure wish I did!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  8. Hi Sarah! What a good friend to take photos just for you! I enjoyed your MacKenzie-Childs mosaic! I have been busy and finally had a chance to get caught up on your blog...wonderful! I loved seeing your friend's decor with the steer all decorated! lol My dad had a huge snook (fish) mounted in our den and my mom used to put holly in its mouth! It looks as though you had a wonderful Christmas! I am ready to have my black-eyed peas and collard greens now! Happy week and a very happy New Year to you and your family!...hugs...Debbie

  9. Oh what a dear friend to take photos for you. Stores like that just make you smile and feel better all at once I think. Hope your Christmas was magical and your New Year stellar.

  10. Hi Sarah,

    I enjoyed seeing this mosaic of photos from the MC's store in NYC but I REALLY enjoyed following your label link at the bottom to your party last Aug. with all your Courtly Check items! How cool to have so many great items of MC's! You really know how to have a good time & I love your set-ups & menu choices. Yummo!

    I hope you're having a calm week between the two holidays. Enjoy!


  11. What a neat store Sarah!
    I love this, how fun! Happy New Year to you!

  12. I bet this is a magical place to be--especially for a store opening near Christmas time. I always love the colors! Glad you are getting some "down" time. Enjoy the rest of the holidays and Happy 2010!

  13. I remember them when they started out in Wisconsin and had a store there. Great pictures.

    Happy New Year to you!

  14. I posted the picture of the sugar scuttle. Sorry!
    I didn't realize it wasn't there! Click on it and they will enlarge.

  15. Hello Sarah; I too love MacKenzie-Childs,, he things are so colorful and gorgeous.... Have a great week...

    Happy New Year.


  16. Oh that looks like such a fun store to visit! So much vibrance, I love it!

  17. Oh Wow! Is that just not the coolest store ever?? I love it! How lucky for you to have lived in New York for a bit! I am hoping to get there next year if I try really hard. I want to see it any time between Thanks giving and New Years! I have really enjoyed coming to your sight this year and look forward to more posts from you in the New Year! You're so right! There is a whole world of very talented people out there that I never even knew existed a few months ago! Happy New Year Sarah! Sherri : )

  18. Sarah!!! Love the mosaic! Everytime I see MC, I fall in love with it all over again!! :)

    John thinks I should paint this old piano in the CC...what do you think? It sounds like a lot of work for me! hehehe It would make an interesting convo piece!

    Love your blog as always! Off to others for some inspiration....need to redo the master...and not sure what I want!

    Warm Hugs,

    Oh....and Happy New Year!!!

  19. I adore MacKenzie-Childs...especially the Courtly Check. I will have to remember, if I ever get to NYC to visit there!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.