Friday, November 13, 2009

The Power of Pink

Super Molly Girl

Meet Super Molly Girl. She recently arrived in this lovely pink wrapping, actually just stopping over before she headed off to Delaware, her final destination. Notice her pink shorts and the shiny pink ribbons on her outfit.

Back in September for a Metamorphosis Monday, Debbie @ Confessions of a Plate Addict shared a wonderful story about a special project with her grandson, Andrew. You can read about it here. As Debbie said, "At the tender age of six...almost seven... my grandson decided he would like to design a "line of toys" (his words!), superheroes and villains that would appeal to children his age!"

I was very impressed with Andrew's entrepreneurial spirit and wanted to support his fledgling business. I left a comment on that post with a request that Andrew might produce a special order for me.

Super Molly Girl

One of our nephew's youngest daughter, Molly, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia Tcell in May of 2008 when she was 5 years old. Molly is a super hero fan, and we all consider her a super hero in her battle against cancer. The photo above, taken before her diagnosis, is of Molly in her Super Girl outfit.

Super Molly Girl Plan

Debbie immediately replied saying that Andrew would be delighted to design a super hero doll just for Molly, a Super Molly Girl! And he wanted this to be a special gift from him to Molly.
The drawing above is Andrew's original drawing for the design of Super Molly Girl. I think Andrew definitely has a bright future ahead of him!

Super Molly Equipped With Her Own Dual Jet Pack

Super Molly Girl is equipped with her own dual jet pack. She fired up those rockets and propelled herself across country to meet up with the real Molly, who in my mind is definitely a SUPER HERO. Molly is one brave little girl, a fierce fighter who is going to beat this cancer!

Thanks for visiting today. Please leave a comment below so I know you stopped by.

Ana of A Petite Cottage celebrated her sister's last radiation treatment with a stunningly beautiful Pink Saturday post last week. If you missed it, click here to read this heartwarming piece.

Then join Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound for a list of more Pink Saturday posts.


  1. I have tears in my eyes as I read this. I know Deb and I know Andrew through Debbie, he is a very special and talented young man, he gets it from his Grammy. What a wonderful Super Hero Girl. I will be putting Molly on my prayer list.Thank you for sharing this, it truly touched my heart, Kathysue

  2. Oh, Sarah... this is so neat! I loved those super heroes that Andrew designed, and how great that you not only supported his artistic efforts, but that you did this for your little niece. I hope and pray that Super Molly beats the beast! I'm pulling for her with all my might.

    Sending love to her and to you, sweet lady...


    Sheila :-)

  3. I am so sorry to hear about Molly's leukemia, Sarah. I am praying for her right now. So nice of Debbie's grandson to oblige. The super Molly doll looks so pretty just like her...Christine

  4. Hi Sarah! I am so glad that Super Molly Girl made it through the first leg of her flight! Andrew will be so excited to see that SMG is now on her way to meet Molly in person. She is the real super hero in this well as her parents. Please know that special thoughts and prayers are also winging their way to Molly and her family. Enjoy your weekend...hugs...Debbie and Andrew

  5. I think this is the sweetest thing I've ever read. I remember Debbie's post about Andrew's line of dolls. This one is really spectacular! Bless his heart for making this, and bless yours for thinking of it. Will keep sweet Molly in my prayers. And I just know that Super Molly Girl will win the day! Kathy

  6. what a wonderful and touching story!
    The real Super Molly Girl will be so excited to have this SMG to hold on to and to represent her through her battle with this awful beast. I am praying for her now...that she will win! Andrew sounds like a very special little boy...

    Jane (artfully graced)

  7. Happy Pink Saturday,
    Andrew is certainly creative and sounds like a special boy indeed. I've added Molly to my prayer list and will check out Ana's post today.
    Hugs and blessings,

  8. How talented Andrew is, and how proud of him you must be. I do hope the doll cheered Molly and that she is doing better. I hope you have a good day, Sarah.

  9. A bittersweet story but I just know your Super Molly Girl will be strong and beat her cancer. Meanwhile, she will be in our thoughts and prayers (DH and I are both cancer survivors) because we understand the road can be long and the treatment hard.

    Love and hugs to you Sarah and your family. Enjoy PS and the weekend.

  10. Sarah,
    How moving is this story.
    Thank you for your comments. Happy PS and my best wishes to Molly.

  11. Sarah, what a lovely thing to do, all around. My prayers will be for this little Molly and I feel sure Super Molly will mean so much to her.

  12. Hello Sarah, thanks for stopping by my Kentucky outpost. The wedding dress I purchased has some imperfections and the lady said had been there for awhile, so I don't feel too bad cutting it up. I will also pray for Holly. I am one of the Prayer warriors.

  13. This is a wonderful story. What a terrific young man. I hope you are having a great Pink Saturday.

  14. This is the sweetest and best Pink Saturday post. I love it! Blessings on your day!

  15. This is the bestest pink post ever. What an amazing young man and what a bright future he has. I love the hero he designed and I know Molly will love it as well. My prayers go out for her..Have a wonderful weekend..fill with sweet pink things.

  16. Wow! That's very impressive for a young child to have such big plans for the future. I think most children are clueless at that age. He must be a genious - what a cute doll. I know Molly will get a big kick out of it. I will pray for her health.

    Have a great weekend,

  17. Oh Andrew is indeed the neatest little boy in the world and such a great artist. What a thrill to have one of his dolls. The Super Molly doll is just fantastic. Debbie is one of my dearest friends, and she and Andrew are the greatest pair. Thanks so much for showing us this doll. Hugs, Marty

  18. Happy Pink Saturday, Sarah! What a wonderful and bitter sweet story! The Super Molly doll is so precious! Andrew is a very talented little fellow!

    Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story with us!

    Have a lovely weekend!


  19. What two precious little souls they are. This warms my heart.

    I will pray for your little Molly. And, God must be smiling along with us at sweet Andrew.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Sarah.

  20. I have no doubt that super Molly will win the fight. What a heartwarming story. Little ones always have a heartfelt place for others. I love that, Happy Pink Saturday to all the super heros, Char

  21. How wonderful! She's so cute and what a special gift. I pray your little niece will have her clean bill of health very soon.

    Warm blessings,

  22. Three cheers for Super Molly, and Three cheers for Designer Andrew!
    What great young people, and I think it was brilliant of you to order that Molly doll for her. I am sure she will LOVE it! Blessings on that dear Molly!

  23. Hi Sarah,
    I was so moved when I read about your Molly and SMG,you are a Super Auntie to arrange this for her.
    You are the bestest.

  24. What a heartwarming post! I loved it. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story.

  25. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO - it's SuperMollyGirl! Priceless!

    A very Happy Pink Saturday and glad my silly post cheered you up a little.

  26. I just love the super hero and the story. What wonderful children, both!

    I'm still visiting around Pink Saturday posts. And, I had a bonus Blue Monday read, too.

    Have a wonderful week! Please stop by if you have not already to sign up for my $25 gift certificate giveaway.

  27. Oh, I loved the original story about those dolls and had shared it with my daughter ....Now you have added to it! Wow. So who actually made the doll--so adorable. I hope all goes well and that the little girl enjoys her new doll!

  28. Oh Sarah, what a beautiful post. Molly is such a beautiful little girl, and Andrew has such a beautiful heart! What a creative little boy he is. Amazing what happens in Blogville! I'm adding Molly to my prayer list. laurie

  29. What a beautiful story! It is so remarkable sometimes, the ideas of children. That doll is sooooo cute. I am sure your little niece will love it. Thanks for sharing.



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