Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hallelujah! We've Had Rain

Not quite sure if Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch will think this is a legitimate Met Monday post, but just had to share this wonderful sight. Of course I don't take credit for this metamorphosis, unless the rain dance I've performed each day for the past year counts. I'm also linking this to Outdoor Wednesday with our hostess Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer.

This is the creek that runs behind our home. With drought conditions approaching two years and a summer of record breaking triple digit temperatures, the creek had basically become "rock dry".

Then the rains came starting Thursday, and by Saturday the creek bed filled with rushing water.

I took a little walk along the trail after the heavy rain had subsided. Some reported that after the heaviest downpour there were "white water" conditions along this creek. The creek didn't fill its banks with this storm, but this part of Texas is sometimes referred to as "flood ally" because creeks and rivers can go from drought to flood in a matter of hours.

Hallelujah! It's wonderful to hear some rushing water once again. No doubt, it will soon be back to a gentle little stream. But for now, I'm rejoicing with the sound of flowing water.

Thanks for stopping by. Please share a comment below before you paddle on over to Susan's @ Between Naps on the Porch for a list of those with their own metamorphosis to share.

Will link this to Outdoor Wednesday as well, so on Wednesday head over to Susan's @ Southern Daydreamer to visit the other outdoor posts.


  1. Glad y'all had some rain. We had a couple of bad years in the southeast. It's was nice to get things wet and growing again.

  2. Glad to hear that you got some rain, I know the drought conditions have been bad in Texas. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.
    Thanks too for stopping by my blog.

  3. how wonderful to see the creek is filled and alive with the moving water again!

  4. Oh wow! You really did get some rain, didn't you? Looks like it's almost going to overflow...Christine

  5. I am glad you got rain...and lots of it!

  6. WOW.. that is a BIG difference! I would welcome some rain!

  7. Good morning Sarah,
    Wonderful pix, a true metamorphosis indeed.
    Don't get your feet wet.
    a bientot

  8. For some reason, I didn't realize you were in Texas. We got a substantial amount of rain also in Central Texas, to the point where we were under flash flood warnings. It was amazing to watch the grass go from straw yellow to green in 2 days! Enjoy the rain (and the cooler temps!) Kathy

  9. Thanks for your sweet comments about my pumpkins. I hope you will come by often.

    I would definitely call this a Met. Monday post.


  10. Now this is a true Metamorphosis! Congrats on a rain dance well done!


  11. WOW! What a difference that rain made. The rushing water is beautiful.

  12. Isn't it amazing the difference a little rain can make. I live in Florida and can totally relate. Glad you got some rain.

  13. Hi Sarah, WOW, I can almost hear the sound of rushing water! I am so glad y'all finally got rain. That is one thing that there has been no lack of in this part of East TN this year.

    Have a great week. Loved the pictures!

  14. Beautiful pictures! Hopefully, you will have a little more the right amounts. Have a wonderful week.

  15. So happy for you Sarah, that life giving rain. I enjoyed the walk with you along the creek.

  16. An empty creek is just as unhappy as a swollen one. Contentment lies in the middle :-)

    Sweet day,

  17. Hi Sarah...

    So happy for you and Texas, my friend! I'm not sure where you are in Texas but all of my family is in south Texas...all 3 of my daughters and their families, my folks, brother and sister! I know that they have been suffering with severe drought conditions for some time now...but found out that they were getting some good rain down there! This is fantastic news!!! Enjoy, my friend!!!

    Thanks you so much for coming by today and taking a peek at my autumn wreath...I have really enjoyed your visits!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  18. How wonderful to get your lovely creek back. How lucky to live near such a lovely thing.

    Thanks for the good wishes on my blog. I'm feeling much better now. jan

  19. Hi Sarah! It's clouding up again, maybe we'll see more throughout the week. Wouldn't afternoon showers be great for awhile...just enough to get us out of drought but not so much to swell the creek.

  20. Hi Wonderful Sarah!

    I am so glad for your rain!!!

    Thanks for your comments and visit....o kind!

    love, kelee

  21. How wonderful rain can be!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  22. Sarah, I would definitely call this a metamorphosis! Beautiful photos. laurie

  23. Hi, how good to have WATER running in that creek again. Hope the sound leads you to joy.
    María Cecilia

  24. Hello Sarah,
    Thanks so much for visiting me recently! Very happy to hear from you!

    Your post reminds me of my son and daughter-in-law's front "yard" in Upper Michigan where the Escanaba River is similar to yours. Depends so much on the time of year as to rushing water or barely there days in hot summer. But always wonderful!

  25. wow, those pics are awesome. Praise God for the rain.

  26. Amazing your part of the country is wishing for rain. We have had such a wet spring and summer. Didn't even feel like summer this year. Glad your stream is flowing again.

  27. Glad you receive your much needed rain and your stream is gorgeous again! How lovely!!

    Best to you for a wonderful week!

    Debbykay @ Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

  28. We have had a lot of rain also we sure did need it

  29. I bet you were so happy to get all that rain, I've been hearing about the awful drought conditions in Texas. Cindy

  30. Wow! Your stream is rocking and rolling there. We have had so much rain that it is hard to believe everyone hasn't been as wet.

    Have an awesome day!

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  31. Sarah.. thanks for stopping French Lique... your rain photos remind me so much of a place near Hondo TX that a friend of mine use to own.. a ranch where you didn't want to caught in a downpour or you'd not get home until the water went down!

    glad to meet you! now I'm off to read more of your posts!

  32. I think that is definitely a metamorphosis! So glad you got much needed rain.

  33. What a pretty creek . . . and so glad that you got some rain!

  34. Howdy! Glad you are experiencing cooler temps and that the creek has flowing water in it now.
    Joyce M

  35. What beautiful pictures. You must love hearing the water rushing by! We had a tiny little bit of rain on Monday, just enough to dirty the dirt on my

    I love rain and the sound of rushing water in creeks or rivers.

    Thanks for sharing and please stop by and say hello.

  36. The stream look so much more alive. We have had a good amount of rain here and it is nice to see all the streams and lakes full again after being so low the last few years!

  37. Bring on the rain! Although we had the most pleasant summer - we are now experiencing a bit of a drought. We haven't had rain for the past 20 days. So I say, bring it on! What a lovely area . ~ Robyn

  38. Cute pics! I love them!

    have a nice day!


  39. I know what you are talking about in your post. We have just about dried up here, but last week it started to rain and now we are being washed away. Still, I am thankful for the rain. We just cannot control mother nature.

  40. I'm so glad you've had some rain. Your photos of the creek before and after it are wonderful. I could almost hear the movement of the water over the rocks. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  41. If the Red River ran south, instead of North, we might have figured out a way to send you some water! I feel bad for you down there, sweltering in the heat with no relief. But, Hallelujah, we have not had rain for 12 days now, the longest stretch of no rain days this summer! Like I said, too bad we couldn't figure out a way to SHARE our abundance with you! Hugs, Cindy S.

  42. Hasn't the rain been wonderful? I want more :-)
    The creek looks so much better for it too.

  43. Hi Sarah
    I'm glad you got some rain. We aren't in drought conditions here but we need rain badly right now.

  44. Oh how lovely the stream! I would love to have a flow of water (like a stream) right behind my house! :)

    Lovely pics. Thanks for sharing!

    Donna Marie

  45. Hi Sarah,
    Thank you for the visit and thoughtful comments. I hope you and I will both back to share tablescapes next week. I guess this was just ... one of those weeks!

    Loved seeing the before and after rain pictures. Great photos and interesting story! Thank you for sharing it.

    Bye for now,

  46. Hi Sarah,

    I can't get your email address to work for some reason. I have your Pay it Forward gifts ready to mail. Will you please email me with your mailing address?


  47. Hi Sarah,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for posting my give away button. It is always so nice to meet new friends.
    I have been enjoying my stay at your blog. I love all your photos.
    I hope you are still enjoying the rushing sounds of the water in the the creek, it can sound so beautiful!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.